Supreme Lord

Chapter 1407

Everyone started talking, and Liuli said: “Sister Ling’er, everyone is so happy today, can you play a piece for us.”

“Liu Li, don’t be fooling around, I’m talking about music. I don’t understand too much.”

“Aiya, Ling’er sister, don’t be humble, okay, I heard you play a piece of music last time. Senior Brother Yun is fascinated.”

Liu Li moved towards Xuan Yun and looked at Xuan Yun, Xuan Yun nodded and said: “It is true. If I heard Qian Fairy Ling playing a tune last time, I’m afraid I still don’t know that Fairy Ling’s musical attainments are so high.”

“Xuanyun Young Master said too exaggerated. Regarding musicality, I’m just a junior Scholar. How can I have any accomplishments? The tune I played this time was also played indiscriminately.”

“It’s not that I am too exaggerated, but Fairy Ling. You are too humble. I can tell from the last song alone. , Fairy’s musical attainments are definitely not below me, and may even be above me.” Next to me, Gu Qingfeng has been eating he he listened to the people chatting, and when I heard that Qianling understood When talking about the rhythm, he curiously asked: “Qianling can still play music?”


“I have been in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for so many years, I haven’t seen her play What song have you played?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully. I have been in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for 20 years or so, and I have never heard of Qian Ling playing any song in my memory.

“You guy is either sleeping or basking in the sun all day long. How can I hear Sister Ling’er playing tunes.” Chidori said, “Tell you, Sister Ling’er can not only play tunes, but also She can create her own tune, her talent is much higher than mine…”

I heard Chidori say the word talent. Gu Qingfeng, who was drinking, was almost choked and said: “Come on, you I don’t have any talent, but I think everyone is more talented than you.”

Chidori has been working hard on the rhythm during the four or five years of Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm retreat, and often played for Gu. Qingfeng listened, not to mention how ugly, even the sound of the pig’s sound was better than the music played by Chidori. For this reason, Gu Qingfeng still secretly gave some advice. Unfortunately, Chidori has no talent in the field of music.

“You damn guy!”

The talent of rhythm is a pain that Chidori will never forget in mind. Every time I think about it, Chidori has a kind of doubt in life She is cheerful and lively by nature, and she is also more confident. She can also understand all kinds of Magical Powers methods, but the rhythm alone makes her feel frustrated.

Especially when I saw Gu Qingfeng at this moment, it made the roots of her hateful teeth itch, and I wished to rush up to beat her.

In the past few years of studying rhythm in retreat, she knew that she was not talented, so she also played sorry in front of other people. She only dared to play in front of Gu Qingfeng. Until now, Chidori still knows it. I remember, the first time I plucked up the courage to finish playing a piece of music in front of Gu Qingfeng and asked him how he felt, this guy said a word.

Said that if he is a demon commiting any imaginable misdeed, the song he played is simply a transcendental Buddhist sound, that is how unpleasant and unpleasant to listen to, and that it is so uncomfortable to listeners , It is better than death than life, and it is worse than motherfucker burning evil karma.

At that time, he almost vomited blood.

Until now thinking of it, she couldn’t help but to get really angry!

If it weren’t because there were too many people in the court, Chidori would definitely be tempted to do it. She stared at Gu Qingfeng fiercely and whispered: “You guy’s skin is itchy again, right? Great aunt, wait, when no one is there, I must beat you injured badly with many teeth knocked out, and see if you dare to talk too much!”

“Forget it, you’re not too tired to fight , I think you’re so tired from playing.”

“You! Me!”

I hate the gnashing teeth of thousands of birds, even more helpless!

For Gu Qingfeng, she is really helpless. It is not that she has not done anything to Gu Qingfeng, but has done it many times, especially after she was humiliated by playing a tune in front of Gu Qingfeng for the first time, Chidori Unbearable, vowed to teach Gu Qingfeng fiercely’s lesson.


She tried her best to not shake Gu Qingfeng at all.

It is true that it cannot be shaken at all.

Until Chidori’s immortal spirit ran out, even if she collapsed, she didn’t shake anything, even if she didn’t even have a single hair.

It was also that time that Chidori really realized how rotten Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is and how indestructible it is.

“You guy is really getting less and less of the great aunt in his eyes, thinking that his own fleshy body is weird and great!”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said proudly “I can’t do anything. Who makes our fleshy body hard? You can’t do it if you don’t accept it.”

“You can be proud of it, great aunt will definitely make you regret it!”

Faced with a guy who was exhausted and helpless, Chidori had nothing to do.

In the field.

Xuanyun and Liuli are all looking forward to Qianling playing the tune, you and I kept saying, Qianling couldn’t get rid of it, so he didn’t insist anymore. The palms turned over, when the brilliance flickered, A handful of ancient zither that looked rather shabby appeared unexpectedly.

“A good handful of Ancient Era’s wind returns to the ancient zither!”

Seeing the ancient zither in Qianling’s hands, the Xuanyun who knows the goods at a glance can see that this ancient zither is Ancient Era The wind returned to the ancient zither. This ancient zither is worthless. Even the Gold Jade ancient zither, which belongs to Ancient Era in his hand, is not as good as the ancient zither. This really surprised and amazed Xuan Yun.

“Every time we meet, Qian Fairy Ling can always bring me endless surprises. It’s really an eye-opener.”

“Xuanyun Young Master is overpraised.”

Qianling’s personality is relatively cold, there is no great joy or compassion, and he is not polite.

This Ancient Era’s wind back to the ancient zither was obtained by chance when she was practicing outside in the early years. At the same time, there are many jade slips about recording the musical score. She learned the musical rhythm without outsider teaching. Relying on what I learned from jade slip.

“Sister Ling’er, I have to say, you are definitely the most low-key person I have ever seen.” Liuli looked at Qian Ling, in addition to surprise as well as a trace of admiration in her eyes, she said:” If I own an Ancient Era’s wind back to the ancient zither, I will definitely be tempted to show it off.”

“Listen to you, it seems like Ling’er’s ancient zither looks very expensive. “

Qiaodiao didn’t know what Fenghui ancient zither was. Looking at Xuanyun and Liuli, they were all surprised. She couldn’t help but asked: “Is it valuable?”

Xuan Yun responded: “Priceless!”


A priceless treasure?

Chidori was shocked.

And Liuli next to it also said: “It’s not available on the market. I heard that the last time an Ancient Era’s wind returned to the ancient zither, it seemed that thousands of immortal stones were sold at auction.”

“Heavens! Ten thousand celestial stones~! This…”

Thousand birds were shocked and dizzy.

She always thought that the ancient zither in Qianling’s hands was just an ordinary broken piano, but she never thought that it was actually an ancient zither worth ten million.

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