Supreme Lord

Chapter 1398

“Little drunkard, you are really a dead duck. If you are afraid, be afraid. Really, this Fairy will not laugh at you.”

“Well, I admit that I am afraid, then Please stop playing tricks, can you?”

“It’s almost the same.”

Maybe I have never seen Gu Qingfeng in these years. What is the surprise? There are no waves, especially the casual laziness of Gu Qingfeng. It seems that he has no interest in World’s All Living Things. The indifferent look makes Chidori both helpless and curious. Therefore, this time I deliberately scared Gu. Qingfeng.

Even though Gu Qingfeng said that he was scared, Qiandiao was not a fool. She could see that Gu Qingfeng didn’t have any fear at all. He sat cross-legged like that from beginning to end. While eating fruit, while enjoying the beauty of the great wilderness.

This not only makes Chidori even more curious, she wants to come, whether Gu Qingfeng used to be a cultivation person is still unknown, even if it is the first time a cultivation person wanders in the wilderness, it is impossible to be like him So calm, I couldn’t help asking: “I said, little drunkard, what kind of person did you think you were before?”

“What kind of person do you think I look like?”


Qiaodiao stared at Gu Qingfeng, frowns deeply, thought for a long time, and then said: “Before I thought you were just an ordinary person, you may encounter It became like this after some changes, but now I feel more and more that you are not ordinary at all.”

“Why not ordinary?”

“I can’t tell. It’s just a feeling. It feels like you guys have seen the world, like…like…the kind of expert who is tired of disputes and wants to go into hiding.”

“Oh.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “You can see all of this?”

“This is not what I said, but Ling’er said it.”

“Then you In the future, you will learn much like your sister Ling’er, her vision is really amazing.”

Gu Qingfeng glanced at Qian Ling who was flying in the front, the twenty in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm. Over the years, he has not seen many times with Qian Ling. Since she became the lord of Ronaldinho, this girl is either in cultivation or on the go. The girl has a good aptitude, and she is also very smart. The perception is very good. The important thing is that people are also diligent and more responsible, so they are a rare talent.

And Gu Qingfeng also believes that Ronaldinho Secret Realm will definitely shine in this bipolar universe under her leadership.

“What kind of expert was it that stumped you before?”

“Why? Doesn’t it look like?”

Chidori is very serious from top to top I looked at Gu Qingfeng carefully, and after a while, he shook his head and said: “It’s not like.”

“Which is not like?”

“Nothing looks like from head to toe .”

“Sister! I have to say that your vision is far worse than that of your sister Linger. You must remember when you go out in the future and don’t judge people by their appearance.”

“che, little drunkard, what are you pretending to be a powerful expert in front of this Fairy, telling you, this Fairy has seen a real powerful expert, people just stand there, without saying a word, far away, You can feel a very powerful imposing manner.” Chidori said disgustingly: “Look at you again, all over, there is nothing to do, there is no such thing as an expert imposing manner.”

“Lord, I’m not in trouble and have a cultivation base.”

“Little drunkard, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand. Great ability will always be great ability, and expert will always be expert. Without the cultivation base, the powerful imposing manner of its own will still exist, just like the You Emperor back then. What if the cultivation base is abolished? What if the emperor is seized? And it still can’t conceal the loneliness that You Emperor was born with. Domineering king’s aura.”

“It’s as if it’s true. Have you seen Youdi?”

“Although I haven’t seen this Fairy, I’ve been He grew up listening to the legend of You Emperor. Who doesn’t know how arrogant and arrogant You Emperor his Senior was in Dahuang? When the big day falls, darkness strikes, You Emperor descends, the avenue is dusk, Heaven and Earth end… …You’ve never heard of it!”

“Big sister, I told you so many times that I will not listen to these rumors of vain heads in the future. It is too exaggerated to be true.”

“What is the rumor of the empty head and brain? Is this a good fact? Throughout the great famine, who does not know? I said little drunkard, I found you to be very strange, you never cared or cared about other things, Why do you refute me as long as I mention Youdi, why? Do you have an opinion on this Fairy? Or do you have an opinion on Youdi? Tell you, you can have an opinion on this Fairy, but you can’t have an opinion on Youdi , This Fairy is the most loyal admirer of Emperor You.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, crying without tears.

I really didn’t want to talk too much about this topic, so I asked: “How long will it be before Fengyue Small World?”

“Wait, it’s not far. “

The Great Wilderness not only does not have Heaven and Earth, but also has no sun and moon.

There are only countless “stars”.

To be precise, it is not the stars, but all kinds of Heavenly Paradise, Secret Realm, and large and small world.

Don’t say how many large and small worlds there are, no one knows, even if the universe in the great wilderness is geometric, no one can answer it.

Although Gu Qingfeng has also been in the Great Wilderness before, he knows a few famous horizons in the Great Wilderness, but this bipolar horizon is unheard-of, and he has no impression.

This bipolar universe seems to be very lively.

Flying this way, you can see other immortals everywhere. These immortals are like Ronaldinho Secret Realm, walking in groups, walking in groups, or riding the Immortal Beast mount, perhaps the royal The sword flew, looking at the past, this wave after wave of immortals was like a meteor shower, passing by in this vast and boundless wilderness.

ao wu!

In an instant, an unusually ferocious roar came, and Gu Qingfeng looked over and saw a line of more than a hundred grandiose people galloping in.

These more than a hundred people are all dressed in fairy armor, stepping on fairy soldiers, and flying with swords.

But the more than ten men and women headed by the feet are all ferocious Immortal Beast mounts.

Especially the Immortal Beast at the front, which looks like a liger, is very huge, about ten meters in length, about nine meters in height, covered in golden red hair, rushing towards it, Like a liger burning flames.

On the back of this flaming liger, stood an azure robe man. The man held his arms and had a playful smile on his mouth.

Seeing these people, Chidori was startled at first, and then there was a trace of anger on his face, and said: “They turned out to be disgusting guys!”

“Do you know?”

“Of course I know, even if it turns to ashes, I also know them. They are all from Golden Crow Secret Realm.”

When I heard the name Golden Crow Secret Realm, Gu Qingfeng immediately understood Qian Why does the bird get angry when he sees these people? Over the years, he has heard the name Golden Crow Secret Realm by Qiandiao. I learned from Qiandiao that Golden Crow Secret Realm seems to be a powerful force in this bipolar universe. Secret Realm, relying on the strong support behind it, is very arrogant in the bipolar universe, and often bullies some Small Secret Realm.

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