Supreme Lord

Chapter 1396

Gu Qingfeng, after waking up, never thought about what he would do in the future.

He didn’t want to do anything.

I just want to be as free and unconstrained as it is now, just and honorable to eat and die, and to waste time.

This is his dream, a dream that has never changed since he was a child.

Even if I slept for thousands of years, it still hasn’t changed.

Before he fell asleep, he was cultivation 500 years, the first half of his life lived to survive, and the second half of his life lived for cause and effect.

To survive for a living, very tired.

Live for cause and effect, and be more tired.

Fortunately, before igniting the original sin karma, he almost paid all the debts he owed in his life.

The most important thing is that an original sin karma fire also burns all the previous sins cleanly.

At least.

For the time being, it seems so.

Now Gu Qingfeng is absolutely innocent and light, and finally able to live for his childhood dreams.

To be honest.

The environment of Ronaldinho Secret Realm does not hate him.

But it’s just not annoying.

If you like it, it’s far from talking.

Because Ronaldinho Secret Realm is too plain and too light.

He is a layman and likes meat.

In addition to basking in the sun, he prefers to drink, and he also likes to listen to a song, have fun, and then hook up with a fairy, hug left and right, this is the life he yearns for.

I was thinking of leaving Ronaldinho Secret Realm after some time and looking for a cheesy place where it is best to be full of meat and fish to enjoy.

However, since Chidori struggled to stay, Gu Qingfeng had to stay for a while.

He is not in a hurry.

No hurry at all.

After all, he now has nothing but endless time.

This day.

Gu Qingfeng is lying on his back on a tree trunk, basking in the sun.


An excited shout came.

“Little drunkard!”

Don’t look at it, it must be Chidori.

“Quick get up! This Fairy tells you a great news!”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t move, didn’t even open his eyes, and asked, “What’s the matter? What are you so happy about?”

“Sister Ling’er promised! hahaha!”

“What did you promise?”

“Promise to let this Fairy How about taking you to Fengyue Small World? Happy or not? Excited or not? Excited or not?”

“What’s so exciting about this.”

“You This guy is really…how boring than our Old Ancestor, there is no youngster vigor, so disappointing!”

Chidori is very puzzled. In the twenty years he has known Gu Qingfeng, It seems that I have never seen this guy’s excitement, even once, every time she came over happily and announced a good news, Gu Qingfeng was always so indifferent, listless, as if not interested in anything. , And couldn’t bring up any spirit, which made Chidori feel very disappointed, and it felt like the blood was suddenly extinguished.

“Also youngster?”

Gu Qingfeng finally stood up, stretched his waist, yawned, and said, “Master, I’m old and soon turning to ashes.”


“You’re an old fart, no matter how old you are, can you have our Old Ancestor? Don’t rely on you to forget your own life experience, just pretend to be a senior expert, tell you, don’t think this Fairy doesn’t know, you guy At most ten years older than me!”

Gu Qingfeng astonished, said: “How do you see this?”

“Nonsense, your fleshy body is just flesh and blood , It’s not an immortal physique at all, so it can be concluded that I was not a fairy before.”

“I’m not a fairy, it doesn’t mean that I was not a person of cultivation before.”

Chidori said proudly: “Cultivation people have a fart, don’t you know the rules of the Great Wilderness?”

“What rules?”

“In the Great Wilderness, the expert is respected, regardless of your previous As long as the cultivation base is not as high as this Fairy, then you must respectfully shout Senior, on the contrary, even if this Fairy only cultivation for 20 years, as long as the cultivation base is higher than you, you must be respectful. Shout Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head without speaking.

“Hey, little drunkard, why don’t you talk anymore? Didn’t you say that you wanted to go out for a stroll? This Fairy finally earned sister Ling’er’s consent, why do you look unhappy at all. “

“You don’t have to be happy or not.”

When I remembered the name of a world mentioned by Chidori, I asked: “What did you just say? Are you here? What Small World are you going to?”

“Fengyue Small World, how is it? Excited?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, and said to the so-called Fengyue Small World Not at all what impression, but he didn’t care either. After all, in the vast wilderness, large and small worlds are endless, and it’s normal to have no impressions, but Chidori’s reaction made him quite curious, little girl mentioned When Fengyue was in Small World, his eyes seemed to light up.

“Look at your look, is it possible that Fengyue Small World is fun?”

“More than that!” Chidori said, “Fengyue Small World is the best in our world. It’s a lively Small World.”

“What a fun way?”

“Let’s tell you this, in our world, no matter what cultivation resources you need, as long as you There are enough fairy stones, you can buy them in Fengyue Small World.”

“It turned out to be a small world for sale.”

Gu Qingfeng had been in the Great Wilderness for two hundred years. Basically, I understand the situation of the Great Wilderness. There are basically one or two large Small Worlds for buying and selling in every sphere of the Great Wilderness. What resources are needed for cultivation people, such as immortal pills and marvelous medicines, such as fairy weapons. You can go to buy them, and similarly, if you find heavenly materials and earthly treasures, you can also go to sell them.

“Yes! It’s a small world for sale and purchase. I heard that Fengyue Small World will hold a grand auction soon, so Sister Ling’er is going to take us to join in the fun. Can you find some good treasures, don’t you always want to go out for shopping? This Fairy will take you to Fengyue Small World to open your eyes and see what a big world is.”

“It’s good to dare.”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and couldn’t help being nodded.

I don’t know if he has been away from Dahuang for too long. Just now he thought that although Dahuang was big, he didn’t know where to find some tacky meat.

When he heard Chidori mentioned it, he remembered that the Great Wilderness has a lot of Small World for sale, and the world is so tacky and tacky, more meaty, more meaty, and definitely better than those in the secular world. Qu’er’s manor is a lot of excitement, and most importantly, the wine inside is also a must.

Although in the secular world, we can occasionally dig up ancient Era wines, but these wines can only be regarded as fine wines at best. What kind of treasured wines can’t be called? After all, the cave mansion was created in the secular world. Mighty power is not much.

However, Dahuang is different.

The Great Wilderness is a place that has carried countless years. Not to mention the ancient times, it is not unusual to dig out the wines from the ancient times and even the Great Ancient Era. Gu Qingfeng can’t help but feel greedy when he thinks of this place. More like a cat’s claw, he asked: “When will you leave?”

“Just these two days!”

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