Supreme Lord

Chapter 1388

Thinking of Youdi’s unique and unmatched absolute body, Chidori did not refute it.

And they all know that if anyone at Ronaldinho Secret Realm can know what the mysterious man is all about, then this person can only be Danqing Old Ancestor.

After all, his Senior has tens of thousands of years cultivation. Whether it is experience or knowledge, it is not something other people can mention on equal terms.

Danqing Old Ancestor looked at the mysterious man lying quietly on the bed. After a while, he shook his head and said: “This man either misunderstood something weird, or experienced something weird. Things, between Heaven and Earth, there are too many mysterious unknowns. What I wait to know is just a drop in the ocean. What happened to this man is not known to the old man.”

“Old Ancestor, how do we deal with this person?”

“He is still alive, let him stay for the time being, Xuehuan, these days you help him adjust his body and see if he can Do you want to adjust it?”

Xue Huan shook his head slightly, and said: “His fleshy body is so bad. If you want to recover, the hope is very slim.”

” I want to give it a try.”

“Well, I will do my best.”

In the following days, Xue Huan began to try to adjust the fleshy body of the mysterious man. She had been prepared for a long time and had no hope, but when she was really conditioning, she realized that she still underestimated the strange fleshy body of the mysterious man.

Various Formation, various Immortal Pill

Various Magical Powers, various warmth.

Xue Huan has used almost all of the medical skills he knows, and has failed to adjust the fleshy body of the mysterious man, even if it is not even an acupuncture point blocked by inexplicable impurities.

Three years later, the mysterious man’s fleshy body is still in chaos. Within the body, rust-like impurities spread all over every acupuncture point, every meridian, every drop of blood, the man’s fleshy body. It’s really like rusty, unshakable like an ancient stone.

This situation not only did not make Xuehuan give up, but instead aroused her ambition, and she has been delving into how to treat her all day long.

Three years have passed.

Danqing Old Ancestor is still preaching for the descendants of Ronaldinho Secret Realm as usual.

It’s just that the silhouette of Chidori is missing from these descendants.

The reason is very simple. Chidori has been yearning for the Great Wilderness all the time. She practiced hard for two years. When she was 15 years old, she finally successfully completed the Golden Immortal. She shouted happily on the first day of the breakthrough. Going out to experience.

Chidori was too young and her mind was immature. Danqing Old Ancestor was worried that she went out to experience troubles, so he shut Chidori for one year for various reasons until she was 16 years old. , Can’t be closed anymore, Dan Qing Old Ancestor had to promise her to go out with Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm’s Senior.

Qiaodiao has been longing for the Great Wilderness for a long time. It is the first time to go out to experience. Naturally, I am very excited and extremely excited. I feel fresh when I see everything. Fortunately, there are hundreds of seniors from Ronaldinho Secret Realm on the way. , There is nothing wrong with it.

With the first time, there will be the second time. In just two years, Chidori went out for more than ten times. From the ignorant girl at first, she gradually matured, at least, going out. The experience is not as excited as the previous few times.

Danqing Old Ancestor thought that Chidori would not yearn for Dahuang anymore after this freshness, but what he didn’t expect was that after Chidori went out for ten-twenty times, he would The yearning has not diminished, but has become stronger and stronger. What makes Danqing Old Ancestor a headache is that every time this girl comes back from experience, she will tell Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm the funny things she encounters outside, like a fairy tale. Descendants listen.

All the Little Brat who listened to begin to stir one by one, wishing to go to the Great Wilderness with Chidori to meet the world.

For this.

Danqing Old Ancestor has a headache except for a headache. There is no way to get a thousand birds.

Finally, one day, something that made Danqing Old Ancestor worry about happened. One time when Chidori was practicing outside, he did not listen to the persuasion of Secret Realm’s elders, and had a dispute with other Secret Realm idlers. A big fight, not only shot, but also injured the opponent.

Ronaldinho Secret Realm has been incompetent since ancient times. It is for this reason that Ronaldinho Secret Realm has survived in this vast wilderness.

In order to compete for resources, Chidori had disputes with other Secret Realm immortals, which broke Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s rules and hurt others, which was even more serious.

Danqing Old Ancestor was furious when he learned about this. Not only did Fiercely punished Chidori, but also made her retreat and reflect on her, and she was never allowed to go out to practice.

No matter how Chidori asks, it is useless, and can only retreat and reflect.

As the day goes by, Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s children and grandchildren have gradually grown up. Of course, Ronaldinho Secret Realm also has a new life.

Nine years passed like this.

For nine years, Xue Huan has continued to regulate the strange man’s fleshy body, but it is only conditioning. The mysterious man’s fleshy body still hasn’t improved. What it was like nine years ago. What is it like after? Nine years ago, Xue Huan couldn’t get through a hole in the mysterious man’s body. Today, nine years later, she still can’t get through.

From the beginning, she didn’t hold any hope, and gradually aroused her enthusiasm. Nine years later, the enthusiasm aroused in the past has been exhausted, but whenever there is a little change, she will not give up, but the key is No matter how she adjusted it for nine years, the mysterious man’s weird fleshy body did not change. In the end, Xue Huan was finally desperate, completely desperate, even if she didn’t want to, she had to give up.

What should I do if I give up?

Send him away from Ronaldinho Secret Realm? Let it fend for itself?

This is really wrong, after all, people are still alive.

After the final discussion, Danqing Old Ancestor placed the mysterious man in a cave of Ronaldinho Secret Realm, and personally arranged a large number of warm-flooded fleshy body arrays in the cave. According to Ancestor, in the current situation, Ronaldinho Secret Realm can only do so much. Whether it is dead or alive, it depends on the good fortune of this mysterious man.

Xuehuan will go to the cave every once in a while to see if the mysterious man’s weird fleshy body has changed.


In addition to Xue Huan, there is another person who also visits the cave every once in a while.

No one else, it is Chidori.

Ten years later, the lively and lovely little girl at that time has grown into a slim and pretty daughter, but since being punished to retreat and introspect, Chidori is no longer active and depressed all day. If it was before, she could still tell stories about experience to those younger brother younger sisters, but now those younger brother younger sisters have grown up, and they have all started to go out for experience, the elders of Secret Realm, either cultivation or retreat, are busy I wanted to talk about my own grievances, but I couldn’t find anyone.

So, she can only come and find such a mysterious man who may never wake up to talk about her grievances.

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