Supreme Lord

Chapter 1372

Canggu’s bells kept echoing.

The bell is solemn and solemn, as if it came from the sky, or from the underground, more like it came from the past, and it also came from the future.

No one knows what the bell is, only that the sun and moon, yin and yang, light and darkness are all converging here.


Chaos is everywhere.

In the chaos, I don’t know when a mountain will appear.

This mountain is particularly distorted and extremely vague, like a cloud of smoke, changing with chaotic changes.

This mountain is also illusory, the emptiness seems to have never existed, and the ethereal illusion does not belong to the world, nor does it belong to Heaven and Earth, let alone here.

This is Wudaoshan.

When Wudao Mountain appeared, Wuming and Cang Yan rushed in for the first time, followed by whiz whiz whiz, one after another brilliance cut through the chaos and rushed into Wudao Mountain like meteors.

Wudaoshan is not a mountain.

At least, it’s not a mountain in the true sense. You can’t touch or touch it. Many people can’t even see it.

Wudaoshan is more like an illusory world space.


There is no heaven and no earth.


It’s not that there is no heaven, nor is it that there is no earth.

It’s the heaven, this earth, and even the entire illusory world, just like ashes burned by flames, disappearing bit by bit.

In this world of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, a person is wandering here.

It is a man, a man who is drinking with a wine jar.

Shengxue’s white clothed spotless, black hair like ink flying slightly, her lonely body is single, her cold face is expressionless, her dark eyes are deep and silent.

Not someone else.

It is Gu Qingfeng.

When Wudao Mountain came, he also rushed in immediately.

The world in Wudao Mountain gave him a very special feeling, as if he had known each other before, but also seemed to be particularly kind.

Not only that.

The blood of the original sin within the body is like going home, which is extremely excited. Every inch of Gu Qingfeng’s skin, every acupuncture point, every drop of blood, every imprisonment, the entire fleshy body, and even Consciousness and soul are beginning to be affected by original sin, and changes are taking place, and this change is devouring his self-consciousness bit by bit.

He doesn’t know what he will become after his self-consciousness disappears, but one thing is certain, that is, when the time comes, he is no longer himself.

Gu Qingfeng did not stop it.

He can’t stop it, and doesn’t want to stop it.

He knows better than anyone that when the blood of original sin is fused, when the blood of original sin is awakened, everything is already ordained.

He just wandered slowly in this disappeared innocent world, watching, watching and feeling.

He can feel that there is a place in this World summoning himself. To be precise, it is the blood of the original sin of summon within the body, just like the blood of original sin summon him back then.


He can feel it, and it feels very clear and very strong.

“I have my own wisdom, my own confusion, distinguish things from me!”

“Hundreds of Yang, Hundreds of Yin, turned into Heaven and Earth!”

“No good, no evil, only cause and effect!”

“Thousands of sages, all kinds of demons, let others speak!”

A voice came .

It is the voice of that woman in the Nightmare of Original Sin.

If Gu Qingfeng could not feel the existence of a woman in the original sin nightmare, then when he came to this innocent world at this moment, he could already feel the existence of that woman, just in that summon’s own local.

“You are here…you are here after all…why are you here…why…”

The woman’s voice sounded.

“Aren’t you here waiting for me?”

“Yes! I am here waiting for you, always waiting for you, I know, you will one day Will come, but…I don’t want you to come…I don’t want to…”

At this moment, the woman’s voice is full of confusion and hesitation.

For this.

Gu Qingfeng is just a lightly saying: “You also came to kill me, right?”

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng didn’t know why the original sin nightmare woman said she has been in Wudaoshan before Waiting for himself, but when he realized that he was so vain, many things were already clear, and he could feel that the woman of Original Sin Nightmare was waiting for him, waiting to kill himself.

“Kill you? Yes…kill you! I am here waiting for you…waiting to kill you…only if you kill you, all this will end…only if you kill you, all this It won’t start.”

“Only by killing me, all this won’t start…”

Gu Qingfeng murmured these words, holding the wine jar, raising his head Drinking, said with a smile: “In the past, I always thought that the so-called era of innocence is just the past, and the so-called curse of causality has long ended. Until today, I understand that the era of innocence is not the past at all, but the future. The so-called curse of causality The curse is not over at all, because it hasn’t started yet…”

Toast and drink, Gu Qingfeng said in a melancholy: “Fate this time is really a big joke for me!”


“no! You are wrong…really wrong, the era of innocence is not the future, but the past…No! Not the past, but the future! No! Nor, the era of innocence is neither the past nor the Not the future, but the present…”

“Whether it is the past, the future, or the present, is it important?”

“Is it important? He he he!” The nightmare woman lost said with a smile: “Yeah… important… I don’t know… I’m lost… I also forgot… I only remember that you buried me here… hehe… it was you… personally I was buried here…”

“You said I buried you here. I wonder if you are talking about the past or the future? Or the present?”

“I don’t know …I’m lost…I forgot…”

“You said you were lost, and you forgot. I don’t know if this era of innocence is the past or the future, then do you remember who you are?”

“I don’t know, I’m lost…I forgot…”

“This sentence sounds familiar…” Gu Qingfeng smiled, drinking , Said: “I don’t know if you are her, but…takes part or not, it doesn’t seem to matter anymore…”

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng suddenly remembered a legend and muttered: “Eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, Three Revolutions Reincarnation eternal, past and present life sees cause and effect, whoever lives depends on the sky…”

Shaking his head, exclaimed: “It’s really a long time to live. I can come across… After living for so many years, it’s only now that I feel alive… What a pity! What a pity it’s too late…”


The nightmare woman asked: “Why you must do this…why? Why do you must change things, why must change your cause and effect, why…”

“You have clearly eliminated the past cause and effect, why do you want to recreate your own future cause and effect… Why! “

“What do you want to do!” “

The nightmare woman’s voice came out, Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “If you come from the past, then ask the past me, if you come from the future, then ask the future me, sorry, I belong to neither the past nor the future, I just belong to the me who comes from the present, and I only belong to the me who is now. “

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