Supreme Lord

Chapter 1360

“When my samsara reincarnation came to this world, when I began to search for my own cause and effect, I knew that my cause and effect were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that were tried by immortal dao as early as Ancient Era.”


Su Wei said, remembered, and smiled.

Just this smile, full of irony and self-deprecating.

“But even so, I still didn鈥檛 give up and continued to search for my own cause and effect. I searched, not for the cause and effect in this world, nor for understanding my own cause and effect, nor to find the secret of the nightmare, I I just want to forget the fate that was taken away by fate in the previous life. Even if I know that cause and effect no longer exist, I still ask for it, because I only want to forget the fate of the previous life.”

“I have been there. He wandered in Chiyan Ridge, he also went to the Yunxia school he had just entered, I have been to the Demon Moon Palace, and I have been to the Yanluo Kingdom, but wherever he has been, I have been, every road he traveled, I have all walked through, even the people he met, I have also met…”

“Every magic weapon he refined, I have refined it, and he created I have also comprehended every fairy art…”

“I chased the footprints he once left in this world, and walked a path of his life again.”

“I thought I could forget the fate of my previous life by searching for cause and effect so persistently, but it was only what I thought. I don鈥檛 know why. As I became more and more aware of my cause and effect, I I can’t forget the fate of the past life more and more.”

“In the beginning, I really didn’t know why, but later I gradually understood why the more I understand the cause and effect of this life, the less I can forget the fate of the past life. , Because there are too many similarities between the cause and effect of this life and the fate of the previous life.”

“You Emperor is lonely, and Emperor Chixiao is also lonely.”

” The You Emperor is the domineering You Emperor, and the Chixiao Emperor is also the Domineering King.”

“You Emperor is the cold You Emperor, and the Chi Xiao Emperor is also the Cold King.”

“You emperor value emotion, value friendship, and the king is also.”

“You emperor is unruly, Chixiao is also unruly, You emperor is unscrupulous, regardless of the law and of natural morality, the same is for Chixiao So.”

“The two of them are really too alike. Many times when they are like, I even have an illusion. I don鈥檛 know if I can鈥檛 forget Youdi, or I like it again. I鈥檝e never seen a King Chixiao, just because he is like Emperor You.”

“I don鈥檛 know, I really don鈥檛 know, I was really confused and hesitated during that time.”

“Until one day, I found out that fate had made a big joke with me. It turned out that King Chixiao was not at all dead, he was still alive. Not only was he still alive, but he was always by my side, and I don鈥檛 know.”

“It鈥檚 not important. The important thing is that when I knew that King Chixiao was Gu Qingfeng, I finally realized that I still couldn鈥檛 forget You Di. The reason for the hesitation was Because the legendary King Chixiao is too much like Youdi, that’s all.”

“But it’s just that the legendary King Chixiao is like Youdi. As for Gu Qingfeng himself… he is not like Youdi at all, at least, at first I thought so. “

“Gu Qingfeng more often, looks like an unknown and incompetent dude Young Master, but he is such a dude Young Master. When he was silent and serious, he seemed to be a different person. Same, becoming more like Youdi than the legendary King Chixiao. “

“It’s really alike. When I saw him for the first time, I even wondered if he was the reincarnation of Youdi, but I know that Youdi has been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. However, Gu Qingfeng is not a person of reincarnation, and even more impossible is the reincarnation of Youdi. “

“I don鈥檛 know when, I started to be confused again, and start to wander again…”

“As the more I contact with Gu Qingfeng, the more I understand him, I I don鈥檛 know if I can鈥檛 forget the Emperor You鈥檚 past life or I like the Emperor Chixiao in this life. I don鈥檛 know if I like the Emperor Chixiao because he is like Emperor You, or simply because of his existence. Touched by him. “

“I don’t know, I really don’t know… I have no chance to know. “

“In my previous life, I loved Emperor You. You took him away, and you took away my first stage, which is also the only one of fate. “

“In this life, I love the king, and you will take him away again. “

“The ridiculous thing is that the reason you took away the emperor is because Heaven and Earth is not tolerable. What is even more ridiculous is that the reason you are about to take away the emperor is actually because of his existence Heaven and Earth. Not allowed. “


Su Wei said, said desperately, said desperately, desperately and hesitantly said: “I am stumped by fate Cursed? Or my existence is a curse, otherwise, why would the man I adore would not tolerate Heaven and Earth? Can you not tolerate him or me? “

Shaking my head, closing my eyes, weeping.

Crying and smiling.

“Senior Sister, I really don鈥檛 know myself What did I do wrong, why did fate must treat me like this? I don’t want to ask for cause and effect, and I don’t want to know the secret of the nightmare. I only want a piece of fate that belongs to me. Why do you refuse to give me such a simple request? What am I doing wrong? Destiny must punish me so? “

“Why! Why on earth! “

In this sentence, Su Wei shouted heartbreakingly.

Looking at Su Wei here, Nalan Qianqiu was heartbroken and his eyes were red. Going over, Su Wei Huan held in her arms and wiped Su Hua’s tears. She said: “Junior Sister, I’m sorry, I don’t know how painful you have been in these years… I’m sorry! Really sorry! “


Nalan Qianqiu doesn’t know.

She thinks she knows Junior Sister very well, and she thinks Junior Sister is very strong.

Until today, until this moment, she realized that she didn鈥檛 understand Junior Sister, and Junior Sister was not as strong as it seemed on the surface. All the strength on her surface was the accumulation of endless pain in her heart. Yes.

“Junior Sister, there is one thing I don鈥檛 know if I should tell you, Big Senior Sister, they also have immortal dao, Buddhism and even Heavenly Dao, including the ancient and unknown people who have also exhorted thousands of people. Don’t let me say it, but… But if I don’t say it today, I feel too sorry for you, and I don’t deserve to be your Senior Sister. “

I don鈥檛 know if Su Wei is listening, she just cried, lying on Nalan Qianqiu鈥檚 shoulder and crying silently.

“Junior Sister, you just said you I don鈥檛 know if you can鈥檛 forget the Emperor You鈥檚 past life, or you like the Emperor Chixiao in this life. You don鈥檛 know if you like the Emperor Chixiao because of his existence like Emperor You, or simply treating him like this. People moved. “

“Now, I will tell you the answer. “

“You haven’t forgotten the Emperor You in the past, but you have also fallen in love with King Chixiao in this life. Do you know why? “

“It’s not because he exists like Youdi. “

“It’s because the Emperor Chixiao you met in this life was originally the Great Nine Nether you met in your previous life! “

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