Supreme Lord

Chapter 1357

Quiet Bone Jade.

The misty world within it is undergoing incredible changes, and the fuzzy space is no longer blurred, and gradually becomes clear.


The old monk whispered a Buddhist language, as if sighing something.

This sigh is shocking.

Sigh is helpless, sigh is also hesitated.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious woman hiding in the Nirvana Bone Jade also seemed to realize something, and asked: “What’s going on? Why does the Nirvana Bone Jade change? Is it related to him? What is comprehended?”

“There is no real cloud and false cloud, but the real cloud is false. It is my Buddha’s supreme and great falsehood.”

The voice of the old monk came, and the mysterious woman was shocked. , Said: “Great illusion? You said he comprehended the supreme illusion of Buddhism? That is the great illusion, how can he comprehend…”

Although mysterious woman is not a person who cultivates Buddha, she is also Know how much the great illusion of Buddhism exists.

In the legend.

The Buddhist family has four Supreme Realm.

Great freedom, great dying, great mercy, great vain.

Enlightenment with great freedom will enable you to transcend Dao and Dharma, and you will never be bound by any Dao and Law.

Understand the great dying, you can transcend life and death, and never suffer from any cycle of Life and Death.

Achieving great compassion will be able to transcend good and evil, and be free from any kind and evil retribution.

If you have a great sense of falsehood, you will be able to transcend the truth and the false, and will never be deceived by any truth and falsehood.

“Secular people, look at mountains as mountains, and see water as water.”

The old monk said: “People of the avenue, look at mountains, not mountains, but see water, not water.”

“Sacred people, look at mountains or mountains, and see water or water.”

“And the ancient lay people had a great sense of illusion, seeing whether mountains are mountains or water, look Water is water and mountain, mountain is mountain and water, water is water and flashing. In his eyes, mountains and rivers have no essential difference. Mountains and rivers are, avenues are, Heaven and Earth are, and all living beings are.”

Mysterious woman said in astonishment: “That is to say… After he realized the great illusion, the Three Thousand Great Daos, Heaven and Earth beings for him… there is no secret at all, as long as he is willing, one glance The illusion can be broken, and the true meaning of all things can be clearly understood.”


The old monk said another Buddhist saying.


Mysterious woman was astonished. After a long time, she remembered what she thought of, and quickly asked: “Old monk, I have heard of it before. After obtaining the four supreme realms of great freedom, great nihilism, great mercy, and great illusion, in the legend, you can become a saint, and then jump out of this world, takes part or not?”

“The rumor is So.”

“This guy has now realized great freedom, great annihilation, and great illusion. In this way, if he realizes great compassion again, he will jump out of Heaven and Earth and become a saint. “


The old monk’s voice came, and the mysterious woman was so frightened that she murmured: “Fortunately, he didn’t realize great compassion, otherwise… If he jumps out of this world and becomes holy, then…who can kill him?”

“Don’t say that the ancient layman is sanctified, even if it is the ancient layman today, this road, this The world, this destiny, is not sure that it can be erased.” The old monk’s voice was very old, and it contained countless helplessness and hesitation, and said: “If they had a five-point confidence in eradicating the ancient layman, then When Gu Qingfeng realized that he was so vain, I’m afraid he didn’t even have 30% confidence…”

“What? Not even 30% sure? Destiny?”

“Fate There is no exception. Lao Na said that the ancient lay people are variables or variables of the innocent age. They are variables. Heaven and Earth are unknowable, destiny is uncertain, cause and effect cannot be followed. The only thing that can be known, determined, and followed. I have this variable myself.”

After the silence, the mysterious woman’s desolate voice came: “That is to say… When Wudao Mountain comes, will the avenue be destroyed, and Heaven and Earth will not There will be reincarnation, will the curse end, will the innocence be revived…All of this, we don’t count, the great road doesn’t count, Heaven and Earth doesn’t count, destiny doesn’t count, the only thing It’s him who said it.”



Gu Qingfeng fell into a nightmare.

Another person also fell into a nightmare.

Not someone else.

It is Su Wei.

In the nightmare belonging to Gu Qingfeng, there is a woman who keeps talking to herself.

As for Su Hua’s nightmare, there is also a woman who keeps talking to herself.

“I have my own wisdom, my own confusion, distinguish things from me!”

“Hundreds of Yang, Hundreds of Yin, turned into Heaven and Earth!”

“No good, no evil, only cause and effect!”

“Thousands of sages, thousand of demons, let others say!”

In the nightmare .

The woman repeated this sentence.

It’s not the first time that Su Wei has fallen into a nightmare. As for how many times she can’t remember, she just remembers that since she had the memory of her previous life, she would often fall into this nightmare. Women will repeat this sentence.

As for the meaning of this passage, she still doesn’t understand it today.

In the nightmare, there is no sun and moon, no Heaven and Earth, no light and dark, nothing but chaos, endless chaos.

Su Wei wanders in the chaos like a solitary soul, unbound ghost.

Her consciousness is not vague. Not only is it not vague, but it is also very clear, and she still clearly remembers that at that time, Gu Qingfeng obliterated the nine purification dragons of immortal dao and the five Buddha statues After the incarnation, the door of eternity was opened, and the divine judgment came. Then, Gu Qingfeng took out the incarnation of Yellow Springs and went down to the incarnation of Yellow Springs.


Then there was no more…

What happened later, Su Wei really didn’t know.

The memory ends here, and I entered this nightmare.

“Don’t forget! Don’t forget! Never…Don’t forget!”

During the nightmare, the voice sounded again.

“Don’t believe in cause and effect, and don’t believe in destiny… let alone them…”

“Fake, all false, all false, everything is false… …”

Who is the voice in the nightmare?

Su Wei has no idea.

What do you mean by these words? Su Wei didn’t even know.

Don’t let yourself forget something.

Why not believe in causal fate…

Su Wei didn’t know everything.

Because she didn’t know, she just samsara reincarnation, looking for her own cause and effect.

An ancient nameless told her that only by finding his own cause and effect can he unlock the secret of the nightmare.

Su Hua found his own cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng.

She can also faintly feel that if she wants to truly unlock the secrets of the nightmare, she has to wait until Wudao Mountain descends.


“We are all cursed… They are also cursed… We are all cursed by cause and effect, and cursed by fate…”

” p>

“Our clansman is…their clansman is…”

“Don’t believe in cause and effect, don’t believe in destiny…”

“Never… “

“Find that person, only by finding that person, maybe you can completely break the curse…”

“Must find that person!”

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