Supreme Lord

Chapter 1354

“Huo De, it may be just a joke to say that you are a Buddha Lord of the West Heaven, but with your realm, staying in this secular world is definitely a shame, and your achievements shouldn’t be just like that.”

“Come on, the old man still knows how many kilograms he has, just the little trick you brat used to give the old man 100,000 years can’t understand it, and we don’t expect much in this life. , It’s very comfortable in this secular world to eat and wait to die, so why go to other places to be boring.”

“How about your old fellow’s realm is high? A kind of supreme realm.”

“Thank you, don’t put a high hat on old man, old man has no ability, so he eats and waits for death, which is as beautiful as you brat, killing destiny True fate, the immortal dao is dead. Even Heavenly Dao doesn’t dare to fart. It’s definitely since ancient times Number One Person to be a human being for your sake. Even if you brat died in the end, it’s nothing in vain. Live for a while, the 500 years of your brat cultivation are more exciting than the five million years of motherfucker cultivation.”

“Life is wonderful?” Gu Qingfeng chuckled and sighed: “Yeah, I also think that I have lived a wonderful life for 500 years. Thinking about it carefully, what you said is not unreasonable. Even if you die in the end, you will definitely not live in vain. , It should be considered worth it.”

“What do you think.”

Huo De wanted to despise two sentences, but somehow, I always feel that Gu Qingfeng is something wrong today. , And carefully tasted these words, more like have hidden meaning, and asked: “Gu boy, what happened to you? Let’s talk about it. We may not be able to help you much, but at least we can help. You have an idea or something.”

“It’s really nothing. Lord, I didn’t have a fight with God. I’m ready to run away. So, come and see you.”

“Run?” Huo De looked startled, and asked: “You want to go?”

“Otherwise? It’s hard to wait for death?”

” It’s also true that you brat’s tossing movement is so loud, whether it’s immortal dao or Buddhism will not let you go, let alone God, it’s right to run quickly while now.” Huode scratched his head and said, “However, this Heaven and Earth is big, where can you brat go? No matter how you run, you can’t jump out of this world. “

“Master, I have my own way. “

“If there is a way, then what are you still trying to do, run quickly. “

“No hurry, God won’t dare to do anything to me for a while. “

“When are you brat going to leave?” “

“It should be coming soon. For this period of time, I’m going to leave. I’m not sure about my life or death. I don’t know when we will come back. Whether we can meet again in the future is still unknown. So many, after I left, you old fellow, don’t miss me. “

“You are not a bitch, what old man wants you to do! “

After that, Huo De mentions the wine jar and pours a jar of wine in one breath.

” Huo De, I’m leaving now, it’s nothing good. Baby can give it to you. “Gu Qingfeng slowly raised his hand, the brilliance of the fingertips bloomed, as if the light of chaos was condensed, and then passed, and said: “Hey, take this. “

“What is this? “

Huo De looked at the chaotic light in his palm, like a glazed glass ball glowing with brilliance.

“Don’t worry about anything, don’t you believe it? “

“Nonsense, old man doesn’t believe who you believe. “

“Believe me, then eat this thing. “

“What? Eat it? “Huo De was shocked and said: “What the hell is this thing, you brat didn’t say anything, just let the old man eat it?” What if it is poison? “

“Lord, I will kill you. One thought is enough, but I still need to work hard to get a poison to kill you? Don’t say it’s you, even if it’s God, you don’t have the right to let the master get a poison to poison it! “

“I said Gu Xiaozi, it hurts the self-esteem of the old man a little bit by you! And…”

What else Huo De wanted to say, but Gu Qingfeng was no longer interested in listening. He waved his hand directly, Huo De had somehow swallowed that chaotic essence. Go on.

“motherfucker! Playing hard with the old man, you brat longer ability, right? Wait… something is wrong! “

As soon as he swallowed the essence of chaos, Huo De immediately felt that chaos was hot and boiling, his blood was boiling, and the internal organs seemed to explode.

“What! What… situation… situation, motherfucker! Gu boy, what do you feed the old man, ah—it hurts me! “

Huo De is rolling all over the floor in pain.

“You old fellow has been tossing for most of your life, and it’s time to get a good night’s sleep. “Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, and Huo De’s fleshy body instantly turned into a little starlight, and it collapsed. He raised his hand again, and the little starlight dropped into this Red-Clouds Mountain like a seed.

“Go to sleep, sleep him for thousands over 10,000 years. May your old fellow wake up. This world is still this world, this world is also this world, all this is all this. “

Gu Qingfeng patted his hands, not at all, leaving, but continued to lie on his back on the Lord’s chair, closed his eyes, basking in the sun, eating the red leaf demon fruit, and drinking small wine.

It’s quiet.

The only thing that’s quiet is the sound of creak creak from the dilapidated Lord chair.

“When he woke up, the world was really still this world, this world is really this world, will all this really be all this? “


A soft whisper came.

The sound was very misty.

Like the spring breeze, like the autumn rain, like the summer solstice , Like winter snow.

A person appears out of thin air.

Is a woman.

This woman appears.

Rainbow For it is blooming and life is full of life, nature’s flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, as if they all worshipped it.

She came here like a Goddess of nature.

Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes and looked at the woman standing in the sky like that, said with a smile: “Sister Ouyang, it’s really long time no see. Now, I was still talking about you just now. I will show up right now, let’s It’s really inspiring. “

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng raised his brows slightly, shook his head and said: “No, you don’t look like Ouyang Ye, you are more like Yunnichang, well, it’s not right, but also has several points of red sleeves. Shadow. “

Gu Qingfeng seemed to realize something, rubbing his chin, thinking for a while, and then asked: “I should call you Ouyang Ye, or Yunnichang, or Hongshou. “

“Is there a difference? “

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said: “Yes, it’s just a name. It really doesn’t make a difference. If there is any difference, a name means nothing but a reincarnation that’s all. However, I am very curious about these. Among the names, to be precise, among these samsara, which one do you like the most, and which samsara do you like the most? “

“Clouds and neon clothes. “

“Why? “

“Because there is only this name, I haven’t met you in this period of reincarnation. “

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