Supreme Lord

Chapter 1349

Gu Qingfeng left.

Only his canggu tyrant laughter is constantly echoing in the ethereal world of Nirvana Bone Jade.

Echoed for a long, long time, this misty world seemed to be trembling.

I don’t know how long it took, when his laughter stopped echoing, the ethereal world finally stopped trembling.

“Old monk.”


A woman’s voice came, as if asking something, and said: “Do you really believe him?”


” What a joke, didn’t you hear what he said just now? He couldn’t even believe in himself, so why do you believe him?”

“Lao Na believed in the ancient layman because he was an ancient layman.”

“Human? He he he!” The woman seemed to have heard the funniest joke between Heaven and Earth. Hehe laughed and said, “He has put all six taboos on her own. , There is the Asura soul in charge of purgatory, and there is the incarnation of the forbidden incarnation of the humanity ancestor of Yellow Springs. It is in charge of life and death. It is clear that you want to open your posture to kill the road and destroy this world, and you still say what to believe What is his personality?”

“The ancient layman just prepared what he would do, but it was just preparation, it does not mean that he will do it.”

“Okay , Even if that is the case, don’t forget, he also smelted the innocent blood moon and awakened the blood of original sin. You said that his fellow might just be ready, once the blood of original sin completely fuse together with him, when the time comes, he will never be him again, maybe he is just ready, but what if he is not him?”

Faced with the doubts of the woman, the old monk did not respond.

“You should really kill him from the very beginning. I didn’t realize that his existence is so important. If I knew his existence, it might awaken the innocent black hole and cause and effect. If you curse, I will definitely obliterate it without hesitation.”

“Dare to ask the benefactress, can you be sure to obliterate the ancient layman?”

Benefactress is stuck for a while: “I… …”

“This nirvana bone jade has been fuse together with the ancient layman, and you are in this bone jade, how can you kill the ancient layman?”

“I admit that I don’t have this ability, but I didn’t have the ability to kill him. It doesn’t mean that you, the old monk, don’t have it!”

The old monk just whispered Amitabha without answering.

After a while, benefactress asked again: “Just now you said that you appeared in Nirvana Bone Jade, and the grudges and hatreds between the innocent people like Yun Nishang and Jun Xuanji. All this Everything is a game of fate?”

The old monk responded: “Maybe it is a game of fate, or causality is just like this.”

” So, it should be a lot.”


The woman asked: “Why?”

“If it is a fate, maybe It can be called good. If the cause and effect are like this, it would be too bad…”

“And why!”

“If the destiny is arranged, it means that the destiny can still be arranged Everything, but if causality is the case, then it can only be said that fate is helpless. We all want to end all of this. Fate is no exception. The same is true for cause and effect. Fate may be able to end, but if cause and effect can be ended, it is also called Is it cause and effect?”

Listening to the old monk, Benefactress was particularly disturbed and extremely disturbed. He asked, “What does it mean? The more I listen, the more confused I become!”

“It’s very good to be confused, very good to be confused! It’s rare to be confused…”

Unfathomable mystery answered by the old monk!

“Shit!” Benefactress seemed flustered and exasperated, and asked: “Then tell me whether he will awaken the innocent black hole, and will he awaken the curse of cause and effect?”

“I don’t know.”

“Can Heaven and Earth stop him? Can fate stop him?”

“I don’t know!”

“Killed Can he end all of this? You should know?”

“I don’t know!”

The old monk asks three questions. This makes the benefactress so angry that he is almost going Crazy, angrily roared: “I don’t know this, I don’t know that, then what do you know?”

“Is the ancient layman a variable, or a variable in the innocent age, both a variable, Heaven and Earth Unknowable, undecidable destiny, undecidable cause and effect, the only thing that can be known, determined, and followed is the variable itself.”


The boundless ruins, the boundless ruins.

Gu Qingfeng is walking in chaos in the sky amidst the wind and sand, Shengxue’s white clothed flying on his arrogant posture, and ink-like black hair dancing wildly on his grim face, He carried a jug of wine and drank it without a mouthful.

Where is this, he doesn’t know.

It should be a space Secret Realm, and a certain space Secret Realm within the world.

Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers that when he started with immortal dao Buddhism earlier, some people did not know what big means were used to quietly display the space greater teleportation to replace the space.

As for who it is.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know either.

Wandering in this space Secret Realm for a while, I was about to leave, and suddenly, a round of brilliance rose slowly in the wind and sand in the sky.

Guanghua is like a cloudy moon and like a sun.

Like the light, but also the darkness, the light is changing, and the darkness is melting.

Seems holy, but also evil.

That round of brilliance was like a bloody sun and moon. When it appeared, half of the sky was stained with blood. The blood was boiling, and it seemed to be burning, accompanied by a terrifying power. , A power that seemed to melt Heaven and Earth.

Among the bloody sun and the moon, a woman just flashed from here.

Three thousand white hair.

Worn in blood.

A peerless grace and elegance, beautiful and alluring, and Unparalleled woman, is also a woman who looks extremely poignant.

Its beauty, if it dares to compete with the sun and the moon, it also makes everything in the world dim before her.

She appeared, a beautiful and alluring beauty that seemed to be not part of Human World seemed to be throbbing. Looking at Gu Qingfeng, she seemed to be missing, tangled, and resentful. , I seem to blame myself… Many emotions are chaotic and complicated, and they are more hesitant, at a loss, and also lost.

Blood stains the sun and the moon.

The sky is everywhere.

World Zun Empress, Jun Xuanji.

This is a mysterious woman.

Whether it is in the Heaven Realm or in this world, it is the same.

She was a mysterious girl of Nine Heavens, and a Demoness of Nine Nether. She broke into Nine Nether and killed immortals. She also broke into Nine Nether and slaughtered Demon. She had been into demons and became demoness. Buddha, she once represented the existence of light and the existence of darkness, was shrouded by the sacred, and was shrouded by evil.

She is the most mysterious woman between this Heaven and Earth. No one in the mysterious knows where she comes from, where she belongs, and where she is going.

Looking at the rising blood moon, sun and moon, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help frowning, as if lost in thought.

“After all, you still… still awakened that drop of living blood of the original sin…” Jun Xuanji still looked so crazy, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and muttered: “It’s time to come… After all, it came…”

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