Supreme Lord

Chapter 1347

The meaning of the old monk’s words seems to have accepted his fate.

This is indeed the case.

The old monk is a person from the era of innocence. Because of the disappearance of the era of innocence, he could not hide in this dying bone jade.

He thought that from now on, he would be able to escape the curse of the Age of Innocence.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Nirvana Bone Jade would choose Gu Qingfeng. What he didn’t expect was that Gu Qingfeng turned out to be the man of original sin. What he didn’t expect most was that Gu Qingfeng was nothing but The person of original sin also incorporates the blood of original sin, and it is still a drop of blood of original sin full of unknown variables.


The old monk realized that after all, he still hadn’t escaped from the curse of cause and effect in the era of innocence.


He did not give up.

In order to prevent the curse from reincarnation, he hopes to save Gu Qingfeng with Dharma.


Speaking of Buddha to the end, not only did not save Gu Qingfeng, but instead made Gu Qingfeng not only realize the great freedom of Buddhism, but also realize the great nirvana of Buddhism, regardless of whether it is great freedom or great dying , Are all Buddhist Supreme Existence.

Since then, the old monk no longer dared to talk about Buddhism with Gu Qingfeng. He began to persuade and persuade Gu Qingfeng to give up cause and effect.

But it’s just persuasion.

No matter how he persuades, Gu Qingfeng has always done his own way.

If the fusion of Gu Qingfeng with the blood of original sin back then gave him a glimmer of hope and illusion, then when the blood of original sin within the body of Gu Qingfeng within the body begins to awaken, there is only a glimmer of hope left And fantasy also disappeared.


The old monk accepted his fate.

I can only accept my fate.

Today, he can do nothing but admit his fate!


Gu Qingfeng doesn’t seem to believe this. He said: “Come on, old monk, don’t play with these imaginary things for me, I may not know what kind of existence you are, and I don’t know this nirvana bone jade What it is, but one thing, I am still very sure, your existence is definitely not just a monk in the era of no way, this dying bone jade is definitely more than a piece of broken bone jade in the age of no way, you appear here Nirvana Bone Jade is definitely not accidental, especially when the blood of original sin awakens, I confirm this even more, especially the Nirvana Bone Jade.”

Looking at the ethereal world in the Nirvana Bone Jade. , Gu Qingfeng said: “If my guess is correct, this nirvana bone jade is also inextricably related to the blood of original sin. I heard that the blood of original sin is the blood of the innocent deity. I don’t know this Does Mieguyu belong to the innocent uncle too?”

The old monk just whispered in response to Amitabha not at all.

Long silence.

The old monk asked again: “I don’t know if the ancient layman can know that the chaotic incarnation you have achieved, how exist?”

“It should be the one who went to the poor blue and fell to Yellow Springs back then Huh?”

“It seems that the ancient lay people already knew it.”

“Nonsense, after the pilgrim came out of the pilgrimage from the Buddha statue in Vientiane more than ten years ago, I I guess it’s pretty close. Among the ancestors of humanity, only the uncle is the ancient taboo that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate.”

“The ancient layman knows why he was not listed as ancient by Heaven and Earth. Taboo?”

“Have heard, it seems that the master used the sun and the moon as medicine pill and trampled on Three Thousand Great Daos like his grandson. Later, he seemed crazy? Many holes were smashed. Didn’t it mean that Nuwa made up for it? Of course, this is just a legend. We don’t know what the truth is.”

“Although it is a legend, but It’s almost the same.” The old monk said: “Ancient layman, do you know the fate of the forbidden ancestor?”

“It is a scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that was beaten by the gods, and was beaten into endless by fate. Return to the market.”

“Now that the humane forbidden ancestor has recovered, is it not curious to stump the ancient layman?”

“Why? You want to tell me the endless return Has the market collapsed?”

“Old Na doesn’t know.”

“You don’t even know, how could I know, but I don’t want to know. No, I have a relationship with me.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said with a smile: “Think about it carefully, but this buddy was unlucky. He managed to climb out of the endless ruins, but he touched It doesn’t matter if you run into me, but the point is that the blood of original sin within the body awakens…this buddy can’t avoid being corroded by the blood of original sin…what will happen in the future? .”

This time the old monk still didn’t say anything, and said Amitabha again.

Afterwards, I asked: “Ancient layman, can Lao Na ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“I wonder if the ancient layman will have What are your plans?”

“Plans? No plans? One step is counted as one step. So today, what do you think I have plans?”

“The ancient layman is ready The worst is planned, right?”

Gu Qingfeng raised his brow and asked: “How to say?”

“The ancient layman should have felt the summon of Wudaoshan , And the ancient layman must have felt that terrifying things will happen when Wudao Mountain descends. The ancient layman may not know what terrifying things will happen, or what will happen after the blood of original sin is perfectly integrated.”

“So, the ancient layman has already prepared for the worst, and this worst plan is at all costs, to protect the people you care about.”

” Therefore, the ancient layman opened the way of silence, the way of absolutes, Slaughtering Dao, Dao of Life, the way of death, the way of purgatory… and put these forbidden avenues to his body, awakening the soul of Asura, awakening The taboo incarnation of the ancestor of humanity in Yellow Springs has been brought down by Shangqiongbi, melting the innocent blood moon, and awakening the blood of original sin!”

“The ancient layman said, you have to kill the Three Thousand Great Daos, Extinguish the sky of this world, even if the fate is no exception, the ancient layman said so, and he is ready to do so.”

Gu Qingfeng put away the smile at the corner of his mouth, was silent for a moment, and looked up at the ethereal The misty temple on the mountain said, “Do I have other choices? I remember you said that World’s All Living Things starts with cause and effect, and then depends on destiny. Perhaps my existence is to live for this, no! No! Perhaps, many times, looking back on my life, I feel more and more that my existence was born to destroy this world.”

Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes and said quietly: “from the very beginning This world cannot tolerate me, this world is, this world is, this road is, this world is even more so, I ask myself that I have no shame in walking this way, but fortune plays with people, maybe it’s not that this world can’t tolerate me, nor is it This world can’t tolerate me, and it’s not that destiny can’t tolerate me, but the cause and effect that belongs to me.”


The old monk read it again Amitabha, it’s just that this time is more ancient than ever, more solemn and solemn!

“It seems that the blood of original sin has already begun to affect the consciousness and spirit of the ancient laymen.”

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