Supreme Lord

Chapter 1345

In the ruins.

Two misty and vague silhouettes float in the void like smoke.

One of them is the messenger of demonic path, Naraku.

The other one is the enchantment of the demon, Hu Meiniang.

None of the two spoke, just floating like that, looking at the deserted and ruined space here for a long, long time.

“What are you thinking?”

Hu Meiniang asked.

“I’m thinking about the Primal Chaos Giant that he last incarnation actually exists.”

“Then have you figured it out?”

Nanaluoya Shaking his head, after another moment, he said: “I can only be sure that Primal Chaos Giant should be related to the ancestor of humanity.”


“Remember more than ten Years ago? Back then, he conceived the pilgrimage of the Buddhas of all living things with the good fortune of Taiji, and then conceived an eye of the abyss with the worship of the Buddhas of all living things, the ancient taboo of the void body, this ancient taboo is one The only difference between this ancestor of humanity is that the ancient forbidden ancestor of humanity was asleep, but now he is awakened. Not only has he awakened, but he has also merged with this ancient forbidden ancestor of humanity.”

“The ancestor of humanity…” Hu Meiniang said suspiciously: “Don’t tell me that the Primal Chaos Giant of the incarnation is the ancestors of the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. If this is the case, it would be too bad. …No! Then too terrifying…not…If it is really the Three Emperors one of the five emperors, then it’s simply…Ah…”

Hu Mei Niang is really indescribable, if it is Gu Qingfeng If the Primal Chaos Giant of incarnation is one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, then he is the real overlord of humanity, above heaven under earth, no one can shake him anymore. “

“You are wrong. If his incarnation Primal Chaos Giant is really one of the five emperors, it will not be bad, but it will be a good thing. At least, for the Three Thousand Great Daos For Heaven and Earth, it is a good thing for humanity. “

“Good thing? How could it be a good thing? “Hu Meiniang said: “Don’t forget that that guy can now say that he has completely broke up with the Dao Daos, and since he said that he will destroy the Three Thousand Great Daos, then I believe he will never break his promise, when the time comes …Don’t say Three Thousand Great Daos, even this world is probably not better…”

“He is just nothing serious. “Nairobi said quietly: “He may not care about the life and death of all living beings, perhaps he does not care about the life and death of the Three Thousand Great Daos, let alone the life and life of this World’s All Living Things, but he cares more about the life and death of the people he cares about, no matter what There are many people he cares about in this world, or between Heaven and Earth, or between Heaven and Earth. I also believe that as long as these people are still alive, he will not destroy this avenue and this world. “

“He is more affectionate than anyone, and he is more righteous than anyone. Do you think he didn’t know when he used the space greater teleportation in ancient times without a name?” No, he knows. It is because he knows that he dares to let go of his hands and feet, so unscrupulously competing with Three Thousand Great Daos and Heaven and Earth! “

“Okay! Even so, so what? Don’t forget that that guy not only smelted the blood moon of the innocent, but also awakened the blood of original sin, when the time comes… Don’t say whether he can keep his senses, and don’t say whether he is crazy, he or he may be An unknown number! “

“So, I said that if his incarnation’s Primal Chaos Giant is really one of the five emperors, things will get better, I didn’t dare to confirm, but it must Not too bad, no matter which ancestor of humanity, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have supreme power, even if it cannot prevent the blood of original sin from awakening, it can be suppressed temporarily. “

Nairo sighed then said, “But the problem is that his incarnation Primal Chaos Giant is an ancient taboo, and the ancestors of humanity, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, are not Heaven and Earth taboos!” “

“Also, the ancestor of humanity, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, is not only a taboo, but also a saint between Heaven and Earth, but if his incarnation Primal Chaos Giant is not Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, he will who is it? “

“The ancestors of humanity are not limited to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. “

“I know that in addition to Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, there are several others, but I have never heard of one of the ancestors of humanity being listed as a taboo in Heaven and Earth. “

As she was talking, Hu Meiniang seemed to suddenly remember something, she was so scared of the complexion big change, after a long time, she couldn’t help taking a deep breath, but she still couldn’t calm her trembling heart, she was shocked Said: “Oh my god, don’t you think… his incarnation Primal Chaos Giant is… yes… is the master who went to Yellow Springs from Shangqiongbi? “

“Among the ancestors of humanity, only he was listed as a taboo for Heaven and Earth. “

“But… but wasn’t that uncle who was driven into the endless ruins by fate? “

When talking about this, Hu Meiniang thought of another legend. According to the legend, the endless ruins known as the forbidden land of the gods have already collapsed with the end of the ancient times, and there are countless taboos suppressed in it. Recovery.

This is a legend.

No one knows whether it is true or false.

Humei Niang doesn’t know, and Naraku doesn’t know, but they are two Based on the various signs of the modern and ancient times, people feel that the legend may be true, the endless ruins may really collapse with the end of the ancient times, and the many taboos suppressed within it may also be revived in modern times.

If the Primal Chaos Giant of Gu Qingfeng incarnation is really the master who went to the poor and fell to Yellow Springs, this is simply…just…

Hu Meiniang really can’t think about it.

Next to him, Naraku still looked at the ruins of the sky, and said quietly: “This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that he has now smelted the innocent blood moon and has also awakened the blood of original sin… as you have said. That said, when the time comes… It is unknown whether he can maintain his sense or whether he is crazy, whether he is or not. “

“The blood moon of the calamity in the era of innocence, the blood of original sin in the era of innocence, alas…”

Thinking of this, Naraku also has a headache, deeply She sighed and sighed the countless helplessness and hesitation in her heart. She looked up at the sky and shook her head slightly, only to feel unlovable.


Silent silence for a long time.

Hu Meiniang said again: “You said, when Wudao Mountain comes, what terrifying things will happen? “

Naluo shook her head. She couldn’t answer this question at all, and she couldn’t answer it.

“Immortal dao, Buddhism and Taoism, needless to say, I must regret it now. Zhilong and the Five Kings of Ming Dynasty are incarnation scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Their Grand Dao Source has been greatly affected. It can be said that they have suffered a big loss. In their current situation, I am afraid they can only stare at them. In no way got the guy named Gu. “

“immortal dao, Buddhism is not that there is no way, but that I am afraid. This time is completely afraid, giving them 10,000 courage, and dare not move that person any more, especially, This time they were stabbed in the back by Heavenly Dao again, more like a fright. “

“Who said no.” “Thinking of this, Hu Meiniang couldn’t help but want to laugh: “Originally, this immortal dao and Buddhism didn’t dare to fight with the guy surnamed Gu, but Heavenly Dao, who had been silent, appeared, and They also took the initiative to lower the trial. Immortal Dao and Buddhism thought that Heavenly Dao also wanted to obliterate the guy surnamed Gu, but who knew that Heavenly Dao dropped the trial and then disappeared… directly left the immortal dao Buddhism there, when they It was too late when I realized I was fooled…”

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