Supreme Lord

Chapter 1342

Xuanyuanwan is very clear.

Since ancient times, there is only one circumstance that the sacred judgment will come, and that is the existence that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate.

And Gu Qingfeng, fusing the blood of original sin as early as more than ten years ago, was already incompatible with Heaven and Earth. Later, it became the pilgrimage of all living things and Buddhas, plus an eye of the abyss, the ancient body of the void. Taboos are even more incompatible with Heaven and Earth.

Now he is alone on the path of absolute, the path of silence, Slaughtering Dao, Dao of Life, the path of death, the path of purgatory.

It doesn’t matter if you step on other avenues, but the six avenues that Gu Qingfeng steps on are all taboo avenues between Heaven and Earth.

Under this situation, how can Heaven and Earth tolerate him?

What only made Xuanyuanwan unable to understand is that the door of the eternal age has been opened and the sacred breath has come, why the Xuanhuang Bell has not sounded.

It is difficult to say that this is not the Heaven and Earth trial?

But other trials?

between Heaven and Earth, can be classified as sacred, Heaven and Earth is one, destiny is also one, and so is life.

If this is not the trial of Heaven and Earth, then there are only destiny and life.

But this is not right.

Whether it is the trial of Heaven and Earth or the trial of life and destiny, the Xuanhuang Bell will ring.

The point is that the Xuanhuang Bell has not ringed.

What is going on?


Xuanyuanwan seemed to be aware of something again, and murmured: “Is it difficult to say that humanity has begun to recover?”

Humanity is known as the root of the avenue. If it is recovered, it is the gate of eternal age. Open, the sacred coming is not impossible!

If the humane recovery really opened the door of the ancients, then too terrifying.

Humanity does not recover early or late, but at this time it is not accidental, it must be related to Gu Qingfeng, in other words, what Gu Qingfeng is doing at this moment has awakened the sleeping humanity !

What is he doing?

What are you doing?

I don’t know.

Xuanyuanwan only knows that Gu Qingfeng will return the six great avenues to his body, Vientiane Purgatory, and the unfathomable mystery of life and death has become a chaos.

The chaos revolves like crazy, becoming stronger.

ao wu ——


A roar came.

This roar is extremely dark and terrifying, as if it shocked Heaven and Earth, but also shocked the supreme sacredness.

At this moment, everyone has a feeling, a feeling like being stared at by something, like being stared at by a huge monster. It’s really this kind of feeling, it’s the kind of nowhere to escape , There is nowhere to hide, as if being caught by Death God.

How could this happen.

Xuanyuanwan’s heart sank, she looked over, and suddenly found two holes in the chaos, two dark holes, two gloomy holes, the holes are like the abyss, and in the abyss, a group of beings are worshiping , A group of deaths are worshiping.

Immediately after Xuanyuanwan discovered something was wrong, she felt that Chaos Void seemed to be moving. The movement was not trembling or bursting, but really moving. It felt like the entire chaos had life. Consciousness is also creeping.

Looking at the abyss-like eyes, looking at the chaotic body.

Xuanyuanwan couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath. She clearly remembered that more than ten years ago, when in the northwest, Gu Qingfeng used to worship the Buddha statues and worship in Vientiane and became an ancient taboo. , What the ancient taboo is, Xuanyuanwan still doesn’t know, only that the taboo uses the abyss as his eyes and the void as his body.

Now this ancient taboo appears again.

The difference is.

The ancient taboo is not the abyss, but the life and death as the eye. The left eye is like the lives and the right eye is like the death.

No longer taking the void as its body, but this changing all phenomena, with this burning purgatory, with this endless chaos as its body.

What is he doing?

What are you doing!

Xuanyuanwan is very scared, she can’t be scared!


The chaos in the sky.

Crazy spinning chaos.



A bell came.

The sound of the bell is solemn, sacred and vast, as if it penetrates the endless sky, through All Heavens Myriad Realms, shocking Heaven and Earth.

This moment.

Space stopped changing.

Time also seems to stop passing.

Everything is still here.

This is the Xuanhuang Bell, and it is also the sacred judgment.

When the Xuanhuang Bell rings, it is the sacred judgment from Heaven and Earth.

It is Gu Qingfeng here who is on trial.

Sure enough!

After all, the trial from Heaven and Earth has come.


Another mysterious yellow bell rang.

The crazy chaos is no longer crazy, and the rotating chaos is also much slower!

“Little a side World, you are just the source of an insignificant in this world, and you want to judge Laozi?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came from the chaos.

Although this voice is not sacred, it is not vast, but it is extremely arrogant, supreme, wanting to compete with the bell of Xuanhuang, and also penetrates the endless sky, penetrates the All Heavens Myriad Realms, shocking Heaven and Earth.

“I take Dao of Life as the foundation, take the change of all things, and worship these beings as the source. I want this door of life to open for me!”


An ancient and thick sound is coming, as if it came from the sky, or from the ground, more like from the ancient Great Desolate Era, like the stone gate of millions and millions of years is gradually being Open the same.

After that, the supreme breath swept over the entire world.

This supreme breath is not sacred, but life!

It is holiness, purity, continuously, endless breath of life!

“I take this way of death as the foundation, burn with this purgatory, and worship the source of position with these deaths. I want this door of death to open for me!”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice exploded again!

An ancient thick voice was heard, and it was also like from above heaven under earth, just like the ancient Great Desolate.

Immediately afterwards, the Supreme Knowledge swept over and enveloped the entire world again.

This supreme breath is not sacred, nor is it life, but death.

It is evil, it is darkness, it is continuously, endless breath of death.

He opened the door of life? Also opened the door of death?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

I only know that the sky full of breath of life is blooming, and the sky full of breath of death is roaring, accompanied by the chaos once again spinning frantically!


The Xuanhuang Bell rang again.

It seems to be suppressing the life of the sky, and the death of the sky is also suppressing the chaos of the sky!

“In the name of original sin, I want the blood of original sin to melt my body!”


The chaos in the sky is getting crazy!

If Xuanyuanwan didn’t know what Gu Qingfeng was doing before, then at this moment, Xuanyuanwan might have guessed it. Gu Qingfeng is not battling this immortal dao, nor is it. Contending with Buddhism and Dao, not even with Heavenly Dao, or even Three Thousand Great Daos, from the very beginning is not, but with this world, with this divine, with this fate, with this cause and effect!

For this.

He not only smelted the Wudao Blood Moon, but now also smelts the blood of original sin!

He is crazy!

Absolutely crazy!

No one dared to fight Heaven and Earth, no one dared to fight with this sacred, and no one dared to fight with this destiny and cause and effect!

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