Supreme Lord

Chapter 1337

The sea of ​​blood, the boundless sea of ​​blood.

Evil, endless evil!

The sky is everywhere.

No one knows what kind of existence this sea of ​​blood flame is, and how it is so evil. Even though the nine dragons of purification and incarnation are all dimmed, it is also evil, even the five Ming kings are angry. Incarnation is a strategic withdrawal.

You must know that the nine dragons of purification are all the existences bred from the origin of the nine-day immortal dao, the incarnation known as the great light, purifying everything in the world.

The five kings of Ming are the existences conceived from the origin of the West Heavenly Buddha Dao, and they are also known as sacred incarnations, transcending everything in the world.

Why is now so dimly dimmed by the flames of this sea of ​​blood, retreating to retreat!

Whether the nine purification dragons of immortal dao and the five king Ming of Buddhism are too weak, or the blood sea flames of Gu Qingfeng are too evil and too scary.


Everyone knows that no matter it is the purification dragon or the five kings, they are not weak, even if they are just incarnation, they are definitely the existence of great light and great sacredness.

This can’t help being amazing, what exactly is this bloody flame of ancient zither wind took out?

Su Wei didn’t know.

Xuanyuanwan from Holy Land also didn’t know.

But she knows that Gu Qingfeng had aspired the throne of Nether and took charge of the Nether Nether, and she was equipped with the Nether Ancestral Fire. She also knew that Gu Qingfeng almost burned it with the Nether Ancestral Fire. Nine days.


Gu Qingfeng is no longer the Great Emperor of Nether, and the throne on his body has long since disappeared, let alone in charge of Nether.

Stupefied him with the Nether Fire?

But even so, Nine Nether Ancestral Fire is impossible so evil?

Xuanyuanwan is from Holy Land after all. She knows very well that although the temperament of Nether Ancestral Fire is more ferocious and violent, it is absolutely impossible so evil, and the most obvious characteristic is that Nether Ancestral Fire is It is the color of purple, not the color of fire sea at all.

Xuanyuanwan also discovered that this blood-colored fire sea is not only evil, but also reveals a breath of death. It is this evil breath of death that makes the suppressed nine purification dragons increasingly dim and suppressed. The five kings of Ming had to evade!



Xuanyuanwan murmured. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and said in amazement: “It’s hard to say that this is…this is the fire of purgatory?”


This is impossible!

What kind of existence the fire of purgatory is, Xuanyuanwan also doesn’t know. She only knows that the fire of purgatory is a taboo, and it is also an ancient taboo. According to rumors, the fire of purgatory represents Therefore, it is also called Fire of Death. It is precisely because its existence represents evil and death. Therefore, it is listed as a taboo by Heaven and Earth. Even the land of purgatory has disappeared a long time ago. .

This scarlet fire sea should not be the fire of purgatory, right?

Xuanyuanwan is really unsure.

If it’s someone else, she might be sure it’s not, but now this person is Gu Qingfeng, a man of original sin in an era of innocence, a variable in modern and ancient times, and a world that connects all creatures. A person who can be achieved by worshipping, this between Heaven and Earth, for him, is like never absolute. For such a person, if he has the fire of purgatory, who would dare to say that it is impossible?

even more how, modern and ancient is a special era, many ancient existences have been revived, even the most mysterious era of innocence will reappear Heaven and Earth, who dares to say the disappeared purgatory land Will it recover? Will the fire of purgatory not reappear in the world?

Xuanyuanwan hopes not.

If so, then too terrifying!

Gu Qingfeng opened a Slaughtering Dao with the supreme killing domain.

With the supreme silence, another way of silence is opened.

I also opened an absolute way with the supreme fleshy body.

He now wants to open up the humanity with the supreme Buddha statue and Vientiane worship!

If this scarlet fire sea is really the fire of purgatory, then it is probably only a matter of time before he opens the way of purgatory.

Oh heaven!

O the earth!

Xuanyuanwan didn’t dare to think about it anymore, the more she thought about it, the more she was afraid, the more she was afraid, the more she panicked!

What made her panic even more was that as the evil and death contained in the blood-colored fire sea grew stronger, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that the blood-colored fire sea was the fire of purgatory.

“No! Absolutely not!”

Xuanyuanwan comforted herself so much.

The boundless sea of ​​blood is boiling, the boundless flame is burning, the endless evil is roaring, and the endless death is shrouded!

The nine dragons of purification are no longer bright, they have become more and more dim, blurred by the flames of the sea of ​​blood, and twisted by the evil death, sending out bursts of dragon roar, It’s just that this dragon roar is no longer mighty, more like a wailing.

This is the case with the nine dragons of purification, and the five Ming kings are no exception. The five Ming kings entrenched in the center of East, South, West and North are no longer sacred, they are getting dim. Buddha’s radiance is getting weaker and weaker, the same blurred by this blood sea flame, and the same distorted by this evil death.

Perhaps it is the realization that the incarnation of the nine dragons of purification has nothing to do with Gu Qingfeng, or it may be because of the worry about the accident of the nine dragons of purification and the incarnation of the incarnation that will affect the awakening of the deity and the importance of immortal dao origin. Yan, immortal dao wants to recall it.


The bright day of the nine realms and nine days of immortal dao is rising in the bloody fire sea, and the sacred day of the five realms of the West Heavenly Buddha Dao is also rising.


West Heavenly Buddha Dao also realized that even if he knew the incarnation of the five kings, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but worry about what happened to the incarnation of the five kings.

And now, Three Thousand Great Daos just took out the trial, not at all. After being broken by Gu Qingfeng’s shock trial, it did not appear again.

But this is not important, immortal dao and Buddhism do not expect other avenues to be true. As long as Heavenly Dao is willing to come forward, immortal dao and Buddhism will have the confidence, and dare to go out and fight Gu Qingfeng. In the end, in order to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, even the redevelopment of Grand Dao Source would not hesitate.

But the point is that there is no news from Heavenly Dao for some reason. Immortal Dao and Buddhism have been struggling for so long, and Heavenly Dao has not seen any movements. This makes immortal Dao and Buddhism. My heart suddenly lost ground, and I dared not continue to support it, and immediately took out the trial.

The nine purification dragons that have obtained summon send out the sound of dragon’s roar, shaking their heads, and rushing to the nine bright days.

The wrathful incarnation of the five kings of the Ming Dynasty will not continue to supersede, and will go back.

“Since I have taken out, why do I need to recall it.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t read it, just a lightly saying: “If I am not nodded today, no one will want to leave!”

The voice fell, stepped out, and vacated again, Wow! The blood boiled again, the fire sea burned again, the crackle rang, and the nine light days that had just risen and the day of innocence and sacredness fell instantly.

This time, immortal dao and Buddhism became more confused!

whiz whiz whiz!

One after another bright days appear one after another, ten ways, a hundred ways, I don’t know the bright days, the sacred days also emerge one after another, and in the blink of an eye, the sky is full of light after another The days and sacred days are innumerable and innumerable.

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