Supreme Lord

Chapter 1334

In the air.

The chaos in the sky is spinning.

Life in the sky is blooming.

The sky is changing.

The whole sky is worshipping.

No one would have thought that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly smelt the Buddhas of all living beings, worship and embark on the path of humanity and claim the throne of humanity. This is no longer an imperial destiny against the great road, nor a destiny against the heaven, but Against the fate of Heaven and Earth, great roads are not tolerated, God is not tolerated, and the fate of Heaven and Earth is even more intolerable.

Especially Xuanyuanwan, she can be said to be unreasonable, legal, and unreasonable for her to come this time.

Because as a person of Holy Land, she shouldn’t be involved in Dao affairs. , And should not participate in Heaven and Earth.

But she still came, trying to persuade Dadao and Gu Qingfeng to cease the war, to be precise, to persuade Gu Qingfeng to cease the war. She knew that the matter had developed to this point, Dadao was completely passive. If we fight again Going down, this road simply cannot bear the costs and consequences it brings.

So, when Xuanyuanwan wants to come, as long as Gu Qingfeng is willing to cease the war, naturally there will be no more entanglement on the other side of the road.

In order to persuade Gu Qingfeng to stop the war, Xuanyuanwan is willing to use the power of Holy Land to help Little Jin’er, and even willing to accompany Gu Qingfeng to seek justice for Little Jin’er at all, but her only request It is to make Gu Qingfeng cease the war, nothing more.

Why did you do this?

The reason is simple.

It’s not because of the friendship between Holy Land and Gu Qingfeng, and the friendship between Gu Qingfeng and Holy Land is not at all.

It’s not for the worship of the Buddhas of Gu Qingfeng. Holy Land never participates in the affairs of the road, and naturally does not care about the fate of humanity.

The reason for this is that Xuanyuanwan fears that after being affected by the blood moon, the blood of original sin sealed in Gu Qingfeng’s arm will be restored. Once the blood of original sin fuse together with Gu Qingfeng, when the time comes The price is definitely not only immortal dao Buddhism, nor Heavenly Dao, but the entire Three Thousand Great Daos, even the crisis of Heaven and Earth, and even the destruction of cause and effect is not impossible.

Therefore, as long as Gu Qingfeng is willing to cease the war, as long as she can do it, she will agree.


Xuanyuanwan never thought that Gu Qingfeng would be so crazy, go crazy to extremes, risking Heaven and Earth, and smelting all the worlds, worshipping and embarking on the path of humanity. Ask for the throne of humanity!

When the incident happened suddenly, it was impossible for Xuanyuanwan to think too much. She shouted anxiously: “Gu Qingfeng! Are you crazy? Stupid you really want to be with this Three Thousand Great Daos, and this world Destiny is not an enemy?”

In the midst of the sky, Gu Qingfeng stood with his hand in his hand, standing straight like a lonely mountain, closed his eyes, and said calmly: “With this Three Thousand Great Daos, Heaven And Earth, what about the enemy’s fate?”

“You have no real fate at all!”

“What if you don’t have a real fate?”

“You!” Looking at the arrogant and arrogant, quiet and cold Gu Qingfeng, Xuanyuanwan’s expression is particularly complicated, and she loses her voice: “Three Thousand Great Daos will not tolerate you, Heaven and Earth will not tolerate you, nor will you be destined. Will allow you…”

“It’s just that they don’t allow me. I said, if this road does not allow me, I will destroy this road, if this world does not allow me, I will destroy this world, if this Fate does not tolerate me, I will slaughter this fate!”

“I also said that starting from today, if I want to have, the sky cannot be nothing, if I want nothing, the earth cannot have, if I want to step on On the way to humanity, those who stand in my way, above heaven under earth, execute without any mercy! Meeting the Buddha and slaughtering the Buddha, meeting the gods and killing the gods!”

The words fell.

At that moment, the chaos in the sky revolves crazily, the life in the sky blooms crazily, the all phenomena in the sky changes crazily, and the creatures in the sky worship crazily!

Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes, sweets away the whole world, and screamed: “Three Thousand Great Daos, let me get out and die!” A palm hit in the air.

A violent sound, the entire world seems to collapse.

hong long long ——

Heavenly Dao contains the rolling Heavenly Might’s ruining judgment once again, even more than before.

immortal dao’s purification trial with billowing immortal prestige shrouded once again, and the super judgment of Buddhism and Taoism containing billowing Buddha’s prestige shrouded again!



A big sun is rising, containing the rolling magic power, at the same time, another round of the big sun is rising, containing the rolling magic power…

The sun is rising, eight realms, ten realms…nineteen realms, 23 realms…56 realms…

Whether it’s awakening or Xuanyuanwan, whether it’s white eyebrow holy monk or Daxingtan Monks, they all know that these rising days are not the other, but the great trial, with demonic path trial, demon trial, spiritual trial, witch trial…


These avenues do not want Gu Qingfeng to embark on the path of humanity, all of them took out their own trials!

Looking at this scene.

Su Wei has long been scared, even though she was a Nine Heavens Profound Lady in her previous life, she has never seen so many avenues come down for trial at the same time!

Not only she hasn’t seen it, but also the white eyebrow holy monk and the great monk who have been cultivated how many years have never seen it!

How many avenues have taken out for the trial, they don’t know, they just glanced at it, like everywhere all is the big day, everywhere all is the trial.

Gu Qingfeng waved his arms and slammed it, once again blocking the crushing Heavenly Dao trial. At the same time, the purification trial of immortal dao, the transcendent trial of Buddhism, and the punishment of demonic path Killing trial, the weird trial of the demon way, the spirit way, the witch way… all kinds of trials are moving, and countless trials are like one after another beam of light covering Gu Qingfeng.

“On this point, I want to judge Lao Tzu too?”


Gu Qingfeng held the Heavenly Dao trial like the heavens in both hands, and carried the trials of Three Thousand Great Daos. He shook his body, and his body suddenly shook, and the domineering voice sounded through. Come: “Give me to destroy!”

The word world shacking, the sound moves the universe, like a god, like a demon howl, like from all directions, like from above heaven under earth, even more like from the sky The ancient Great Desolate, every word shakes the sky, every word shakes the earth, every sound is awe-inspiring, every prestige and quiet, every momentum and death!

The sky full of supreme killing realms soared into the sky, and the sky full of Buddha statues erupted frantically.

Supreme killing domain, all beings are extinct!

All the lives of Buddha, worship in Vientiane!

Boom moment!

The Heavenly Dao trial collapsed and disappeared, and the Three Thousand Great Daos trial shrouded Gu Qingfeng’s body also collapsed and disappeared in an instant, turning to ashes.

Then Gu Qingfeng stepped out, the sky collapsed, the earth shattered, and the world trembled. He swept across and looked at the sky full of judgments, shouted: “You wait for Three Thousand Great Daos , Give me all your true abilities to take out!”

He raised his hand and pointed to the immortal dao Eye of the Judgement, trembling and bursting, and said: “You immortal dao nine bright and clean dragons Transformation, get out of me!”

Pointing again, the Eye of the Judgement of Buddhism shivered and burst, and said: “And the five great Ming kings of Heavenly Buddha Dao in the west, all of them I get out!!!”

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