Supreme Lord

Chapter 1332

When the brilliance of chaos blooms, the sky is full.

The chaos changes endlessly, like the sky is collapsing, like the earth is cracking, the sun rises and falls, the full moon appears and disappears, like light, like darkness, like yin and sun, like Five Elements, like the sky full of Gods and Buddhas, like the fairy and demons in the sky, the demons and ghosts in the sky, are everywhere, and it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a god or a Buddha, a fairy or a devil, darkness or light, or yin. It’s still yang, and it’s even more indistinguishable between right and evil, everything, everything, chaos, endless chaos.

At this moment, this world has suddenly become a Chaos World with endless changes.

hong long long! ——

Like a god, like a devil howling, like a Buddha sound, and like a fairy music… like gods and Buddhas chanting, like immortals and demons fighting, like Asura drinking blood, like ghosts roaring , As if the entire void is.

I saw that Gu Qingfeng stood in the void, his eyes closed slightly, his expression was flat, his long hair was flying freely, and his clothes were rattling wildly.

The gods and Buddhas, the immortals and the ghosts all worshipped him.



This scene is crazy and breathtaking!

It is even more awe from in the depth of one’s soul, a kind of irresistible, just like innate awe.


One person bowed to the ground.

Following, ten people, one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, wherever the chaos is shrouded in brilliance, everyone has each one, regardless of the level of the cultivation base, regardless of the strength, regardless of the good fortune, they all bow down On the ground.

They don’t know what this endlessly changing chaos is.

They don’t even know why they bow down.


They don’t know. It’s an instinct for them to kneel down. This instinct is like a hungry craving for food, thirsty craving for water, and pain when injured. When this endless chaos appears At that time, their inner awe made them kneel down subconsciously.

Others may not know what this endlessly changing chaotic brilliance is.


The Xuanyuanwan, Suwei, white eyebrow sacred monks, and the Daxing Monks from Holy Land all know that this is the pilgrimage of the Three Thousand Great Daos that the Three Thousand Great Daos has always wanted to fight for.

To speak of which, it’s not the first time that they have seen such a breathtaking scene. As early as more than ten years ago, when Gu Qingfeng made pilgrimage to the Buddha statue in Vientiane, they witnessed it with their own eyes .

Even so.

When Gu Qingfeng took out the pilgrimage to Vientiane Buddha Temple again, their hearts were still trembling violently.

In the chaos, like light and dark intertwining, like sun and moon intertwining, like yin and yang intermingling, like life and death interchanging, like flowers blooming and falling, like change like transformation, like pregnancy like eruption, really The Buddha of All Life, this chaos is too mysterious, too mysterious, mysterious, dazzling, and dizzying.

Especially the scene where the gods and Buddhas, the immortals, the ghosts and the evil monsters all bowed to Gu Qingfeng, which really makes them feel unimaginable, deep in one’s heart, and more. The feeling of not being able to come out is like seeing their belief in Old Ancestor like Gu Qingfeng kneeling down, making them unable to believe and accept it.

While they were amazed, they were also very puzzled. I don’t know why Gu Qingfeng suddenly took out the Buddha statues to worship in Vientiane.

He doesn’t know if Three Thousand Great Daos always glare like a tiger watching his prey on this thing?


Gu Qingfeng should know better than anyone.

But in that case, why did he take out at this time? Not afraid of Three Thousand Great Daos snatching?

Look at Gu Qingfeng again, they are even more puzzled.

If you say that Gu Qingfeng, who used to support the sky with one hand, is like an aloof War God from ancient times.

Then afterwards, Gu Qingfeng, who took out the supreme killing domain, is like a Blood Demon God from hell.

At this moment, when taking out the Buddhas, Gu Qingfeng who worships in Vientiane is a True God from Great Desolate in Vientiane.

He just stood with his hands behind.

Close your eyes, motionless, let all things change, let these beings worship.

What is he thinking?

What does he want to do?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

At the time when everyone was in doubt, the pilgrimage of the Buddha statues began to revolve around Gu Qingfeng. For a time, the world shrouded by this chaotic splendor seemed to be spinning. When it was spinning, Gu Qingfeng The chaotic brilliance of the whole body is more intense, and the all phenomena of change, all the living beings worshipped are revived and become lifelike.


Gu Qingfeng is like a flower of life blooming, like a light of life shining again, and even more like a mouthful of Life Origin Spring.

Endless, boundless, the endless breath of life spreads.

This breath of life is more holy, pure, and richer than the natural mutation triggered by the fate of the year.

What’s the situation?

Everyone is a little confused.

White eyebrow is the holy monk, especially the great monk, although neither of them knows how many years they are cultivated, experienced and knowledgeable, especially the great monk, they often wander around Three thousand Great World, between Heaven and Earth, there is nothing he doesn’t know, and there is no good fortune he doesn’t know.

However, for him, the unheard-of and ancient books did not contain any records for him to worship the Buddha. Therefore, he does not know what the situation is now.


He has a vaguely bad feeling in his heart.

Very bad!

He seemed to be excited, excited, worried, scared, complicated, and chaotic, which made him a little bit not knowing what to do.

“Buddha is above…”

Beside, the white eyebrow holy monk trapped by Vajra’s universe is still obediently and honestly sit cross-legged on the ground, his face is Very bad, to be precise, his face was as gray as death, his expression changed again and again, his eyes stared fiercely, as if he had seen something incredible, the whole person was a little trembling.

“The changes in all things, the worship of all beings, the blooming of life, this…”

I don’t know if it’s excited or afraid, the voice of the white eyebrow monk is all talking Trembling and intermittently, even if he took a deep breath, he still couldn’t calm down, and shouted: “He’s… he’s… he’s asking the king!”


I heard the word “human king”, as if was struck by lightning, I just feel like my scalp is numb, the sky is spinning, sitting on the ground, my head is echoing with the word “human king” .

Humanity is an ancient legend for many people, and it is also a familiar and unfamiliar existence.

Familiarity is because there are many people between Heaven and Earth, most of them are innumerable, and they are also innumerable. Whether it is a fairy Buddha or a devil, most of them are cultivated by people. Yes, so everyone is familiar with people.

The reason is strange because, since ancient times, immortal dao, demons have demonic path, Buddhas have Buddhist paths, ghosts have ghosts, heaven has Heavenly Dao, but humans have no humanity, and ancient times have not. There is neither in ancient times nor in ancient times.

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