Supreme Lord

Chapter 1329

Looking at the boundless darkness.

Looking at the endless silence.

Looking at this supreme killing domain.

Looking at this invincible man.

I also look to this helpless avenue.

The white eyebrow holy monk couldn’t help but sigh.

This sigh is that Gu Qingfeng’s no stronghold one cannot overcome, the absolute body of no urging and no firmness, and also sighs the boundless, endless Slaughtering Dao of Gu Qingfeng, even more sigh. It is Gu Qingfeng’s fearless, regardless of the law and of natural morality’s spirit willpower, and the mysterious, weird, terrifying strength between Heaven and Earth.

The white eyebrow holy monk knew that if Gu Qingfeng was still the King of Chixiao, its existence, although mysterious and weird, but the depth is measurable, then when Gu Qingfeng asked the Great Emperor Nine Nether, its existence would still be Mysterious is strange, but the depth is unpredictable, and when he is neither the King of Chixiao nor the Emperor of Nine Nether, its existence is more mysterious and strange, and the depth is no longer measurable.

Faced with a mysterious, profound mystery, a person of unknown strength, who can guarantee that he can be wiped out?

Nobody can.

Immortal Dao can’t, Buddhism can’t, Heavenly Dao can’t, Three Thousand Great Daos can’t, even Heaven and Earth probably can’t.

The white eyebrow holy monk can’t help asking, this time immortal dao Buddhism and Heavenly Dao, even including myself, threatened Gu Qingfeng with the life of a little girl to surrender the Buddha and worship in Vientiane. Is it right? , Still wrong.

For the sake of the world, the white eyebrow holy monk is willing to sacrifice everything, and he has always believed that he is right to do so.

But now, he has doubts about his beliefs.

Gu Qingfeng is a person who is innocent and original sin. He is also a variable of the present and the ancient. His existence is full of unknowns.

Because it is full of unknowns, the white eyebrow holy monk believes that the destiny of humanity cannot be given to an unknown person.

He thought that with the threat of Little Jin’er’s life, Gu Qingfeng would be able to surrender the lives of the Buddha to Vientiane and worship.

Even if it cannot be threatened, Dadao will join hands to wipe it out.

Even if it can’t be erased, you can still grab the Buddha and worship in Vientiane.

Even if you can’t grab it, you can suppress Little Jin’er and use this to restrain Gu Qingfeng.


At this moment, the white eyebrow holy monk finally realized that all this was just what he thought.

Destroy him?

How to obliterate?

immortal dao Heavenly Dao plus the world’s four judgments joined hands to judge, not only did not obliterate it, even the shaking did not even shake him.

How to obliterate?

Snatch the Buddha statues and worship in Vientiane?

If he refuses to pay, what will the avenue grab?

Even the Little Jin’er who used to threaten Gu Qingfeng is lost. What is the use to restrain Gu Qingfeng?


Thinking of this, the white eyebrow holy monk couldn’t help but sigh.

To this day, he can only sigh here.

Apart from this, he can’t do anything.

It’s not that I don’t want to do it, but I really can’t do it, because at the moment when the avenue descended for the trial, the monk trapped him with the Vajra universe circle. This Vajra universe circle is Zen Sect Old The Supreme Treasure of the Buddhist family refined by Ancestor, the white eyebrow holy monk used all his energy and could not break free.

Beside, Daxing monk seemed to see what white eyebrow was thinking about, and said: “Now I know I regret it?”

Looking at white eyebrow who is remorse and regret, Daxing The monk shook his head and sighed: “Even if you regret it, it’s too late, Senior Brother. I told you not to participate in this matter. If you don’t listen, I have already told you that the old man is not in nature. Not bad, his biggest dream in this life is just to live smartly and comfortably. He doesn’t want to be an enemy of Dao, let alone harm the world. But what about you… I have to say that the ancient boy is unknown, for fear that he is a threat. “

“That kid needs to be more terrifying and terrifying, and each of them can be called a taboo among the taboos. If people want to threaten, they will threaten you long ago, and will continue to do so again. And the three of them are so tolerant?”

“It’s alright now, Dadao’s trial completely drove him to a dead end. If Gu Xiaozi had a little choice before, then when Dadao came down for trial, , The only remaining choice, has disappeared.”

“Similarly, if Gu was just a mysterious, strange, unknown variable before, then starting today, he is no longer mysterious, no longer Strange, no longer unknown, but a complete threat.”

“It was not voluntary, but forced by you. It was forcibly forced by you to become a threat!”

Perhaps realizing that he has committed a serious mistake, the white eyebrow holy monk said urgently: “Junior Brother, you open the Vajra universe and let me go out. I want to come forward and persuade Dao to stop.”

“Stop?” The Daxing monk rolled his eyes unceremoniously and said: “Senior Brother, you just stay here obediently and honestly.”

“I have realized the mistake and thought Do my best to make up for it.”

“I can’t make up.” The monk looked at the avenue outside the sky and said: “I think this time, the avenue should also regret it. It’s time to close the Gu boy to a dead end. If my guess is good, the road should be hesitating, hesitate to take a gamble, gamble, no one of them is sure to kill Gu boy, can’t kill, then wait for Gu boy’s revenge Well, if you don’t bet, you can’t just watch the ancient boy getting stronger and stronger. If you can’t kill the ancient boy now, then you won’t be able to kill it even more.”

“The road now is a dilemma. It’s not to advance, it’s not to retreat, and whether you advance or retreat, you will inevitably encounter the revenge of Gu.”

“So, I should come forward to persuade.”

Faced with the request of the white eyebrow holy monk, the Daxing monk shook his head and refused, saying: “The matter has reached this point. It is like an arrow that has been released. There is no retreat on the road. If you persuade them, they will not listen. “

paused, Da Xing lunatic said again: “even more how, Senior Brother, there is a problem, you have never figured it out, the key to the problem now is not whether Dao wants to stop, but Gu boy If you want to stop, I can tell you very responsibly that even if Dadao is willing to admit counsel this time, you have to ask Gu Xiaozi if he is willing to give them the opportunity to admit counsel. “

“Dadao doesn’t want to go to war with the old boy, from the very beginning, no! It’s not that I don’t want to, but I dare not, especially at this time, they have been open strife and veiled struggle, and no one wants to bear the consequences of angering the ancient boy. “

“Senior Brother, do you know how I can tell Dadao dare not go to war with the old guy?” I’ll tell you, when Gu kid killed little girl by himself, I could see that Dadao didn’t dare to do anything with Gu. At that time, they had even given up. They knew that if they lost little girl, they would have nothing to do with Gu. Kid. “

“But the final avenue is still to do it. It’s not that they want to do it, but they were forced to do it by the old boy. Yes, yes, it was forced by the old boy. The old boy cut the present first. What is the purpose of the ancient destiny, and then cut the ancient destiny? The purpose is to force Dadao to go to war, so I said that even if Dadao is willing to admit counsel, Gu Qingfeng will not give them the opportunity to admit counsel! “

Listening to what the Daxing Monk said, the white eyebrow holy monk was very puzzled and asked: “Junior Brother, you said…you said it was an ancient layman who forced the Dao to go to war?” why? Didn’t you say that the ancient layman did not want to be an enemy of Dadao? Why is he now forcing the Dadao to go to war? “

“Why? “The big monk turned around and looked at the white eyebrow holy monk, and said very seriously and seriously: “Senior Brother, from the very beginning, I told you, don’t mess with the ancient kid, but you have to go. He, I also told you that Gu Xiaozi is an orphan without a father and no mother. He has been lonely since he was a child. He didn’t know how hard he has experienced since he was a child. Therefore, he cares more about love than anyone else. “

“Although I don’t know exactly what the relationship between him and that little girl is, I can see that he cares about that little girl so much. In this case, you still use the life of that little girl. Threaten him? This is a reverse scale for Gu Xiaozi, understand? “

“You dare to use the life of a little girl to blackmail him, then the ancient boy will use practical actions to tell you what a price is! “

“Based on what I know about Gu Xiaozi, this matter is not over, nor can it be over. He will definitely let you fully understand the true meaning of the word cost. “

“Next, what crazy things he will do, I’m afraid no one knows. Don’t try to persuade, let alone try to stop it, because no one can persuade the ancient boy now. No one can stop it. When you go down to the earth to threaten him with the life of a little girl, all this is doomed. When his supreme killing domain covers the world, his heart has already made a decision. . “

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