Supreme Lord

Chapter 1317

In the field.

When the immortal dao Ruler Wu Yuan asked Gu Qingfeng to surrender the Buddha to Vientiane to worship, and they allowed Jin’er to be handed over to Xitian, many people were waiting for Gu Qingfeng’s response.

It’s just that Gu Qingfeng did not respond, and what is puzzling is that he seems to have no reaction at all. He is still standing quietly in the sky, just holding Little Jin. ‘er, the grim face is expressionless from beginning to end, and a pair of dark eyes are still so quiet and deep.

Regardless of whether it is immortal dao dominating Wu Yuan or Heavenly Dao dominating Poyun, they don’t seem to be in a hurry.

Poyun simply closed his eyes and stood with his hands behind.

Wu Yuan has always been aloof and remote, just like arrogant.

The Daxing Monk looked at them, then looked at Gu Qingfeng, and then looked at the blood moon in the sky, sealed by the Buddhist swastika, and his heart was quite worried.

At this moment, the bloody moon is trembling non-stop, while trembling, it is also slowly rotating, and the Buddhist swastika seal that seals it has become weaker. Obviously, the Buddhist swastika The seal will not last long. Once the blood moon breakthrough is sealed, the unconscious Little Jin’er will be enveloped in blood again. In other words, the bloodline and soul of Little Jin’er may be completely awakened.

This is something that no one wants to happen.

immortal dao yes, Heavenly Dao yes, Buddhism Dao is even more so.

The reason immortal dao and Heavenly Dao are not anxious is because they all know that Gu Qingfeng is more anxious than them.

Immortal Dao and Heavenly Dao have taken a fancy to this point, so at such a critical moment, they used this to force Gu Qingfeng to surrender the Buddha to the Buddha and worship.

“This constellation reminds you that once the blood moon breaks through the Buddhist swastika, the calamity in your arms will be awakened at any time, and if the calamity comes awakened, when the time comes, hehe… Even if you are willing to surrender all living creatures to the Buddha and Vientiane to worship, it is too late…I am immortal dao for the common people of the world, and I definitely will not allow an awakened calamity to survive.”

Wu Yuan’s mouth is faint. With a smile, Gu Qingfeng said: “Presumably, you don’t want to see an awakened calamity star messing up the world? But I heard that this calamity star has always been a cute, innocent little boy. Girl, and I heard that little girl always treats you as a relative, such a lovely little girl, if you lose your life because of your selfishness, it would be really too bad…”

Gu Qingfeng still did not respond, just holding Little Jin’er and looking at the blood moon in the sky. He didn’t know what he was thinking about. After a long time, he said indifferently, “If I hand it over If you pray to the Buddha in Vientiane, will immortal dao let Little Jin’er go?”

“Let it go? No! This seat has never said anything like this before. This seat just says if you give up My immortal dao allowed me to temporarily seal the suppression of the calamity in the western sky, but it was only a suppression seal. She was the calamity of the era of innocence, and it was very harmful. I immortal dao would never take the world’s lives as a bet. , This is the bottom line of our immortal dao.”

“Is immortal dao credible?”

“Of course it is credible, if my immortal dao is untrustworthy, who else is credible in this world ?”


Gu Qingfeng said so unsaltedly, said: “If I remember correctly, I was in the university more than ten years ago. In the northwest, immortal dao promised me that as long as I surrendered the blood of original sin, he could release me. However, when I surrendered the blood of original sin, how did immortal dao treat me?”

“What happened for more than ten years is only an exception. Back then, we immortal dao had no alternative but to do it for the sake of the world, even more how, if my immortal dao really wanted to kill you, how could you live until now?” Maybe In order to convince Gu Qingfeng, Wu Yuan said again: “If you have any doubts, I will report to Jiutian immor now. tal dao, descend the immortal dao imperial decree, and then announce it to the world, so, can it? “

“No, immortal dao can be untrustworthy, I know it naturally. “

Gu Qingfeng’s voice just fell, and the silent Heavenly Dao Ruler Poyun suddenly opened his eyes and said: “If you are willing to hand over the Buddhas to worship in Vientiane, this seat can represent Heavenly Dao to you Promise, as long as this scourge does not mess the world in the future, I, Heavenly Dao, will never obliterate him. We, Heavenly Dao, have always been one word worth nine sacred tripods. You can’t believe in immortal dao, but can’t you believe in me Heavenly Dao? “

The pilgrimage of all living things and Buddhas in Vientiane is the unique and unmatched good fortune of humanity. As long as this good fortune is obtained, it is basically equivalent to dominating humanity, and to win Daoist and Heaven and Earth is for the Dao. First.

immortal dao worships all living creatures in Vientiane glare like a tiger watching his prey, and Heavenly Dao is no exception. This is why the Heavenly Dao messenger will go down.


Listening to these words of immortal dao and Heavenly Dao messenger, Su Wei’s heart is so angry and angry, disappointed and disappointed, especially immortal dao, it is hypocritical To the extreme, keep on saying says that it is for the common people of the world, but in fact it is not for the pilgrimage of Gu Qingfeng’s Buddha statues.

immortal dao so, Heavenly Dao is no exception, and compared to immortal dao, Heavenly Dao is even more exaggerated, immortal dao can at least behave hypocritically, and Heavenly Dao, who is too lazy to do it, just has to say it directly. In Heavenly Dao’s eyes, the worship of all living things is better than that of the common people in the world. It’s more important.

The only thing that makes her feel lucky is that fortunately, Buddhism and Taoism have not fallen and fallen. It is true compassion and consideration for the people of the world. At least, it seems like this, Su Wei’s heart I hope the truth is the same.

And just then, there is another voice in the air.

“Amitabha. “

A word of Buddha came. When Buddha’s radiance flickered in the sky, a line of more than ten Buddhas in holy white robes descended here.

The Buddha with white robes, Su Wei was shocked. After the shock, the first feeling was that his secretly thought was not good.

Because these Buddhas in white robes are Buddhas of Pure Land Sect in Xitian, and Pure Land Sect is also the head of the Eight Sects of Western Tian Buddhism, and its status is extremely high, especially as the head of the invisible holy monk. Like the white eyebrow holy monk of Zen Sect, it is not only in the western sky, even in the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm, it is also famous.


The difference from white eyebrow is.

White eyebrow holy monk is widely known for his compassion.

And this The sageless monk is widely known for his hypocrisy.



Anyone who has heard of the name sageless monk Almost everyone knows that the one thing this holy monk and Buddha is best at is to stand on the commanding heights of morality in the name of compassion, in the name of good and evil, in the name of cause and effect, and dominate the lives and deaths of others, he said Good is good, he said evil is evil, he said immortal is devil, he said that Buddha is devil and demon.

On the nine heavens, there are many immortals known as heroes and heroes. All of them were kidnapped by him morally. In the end they went crazy and died to death. Even many Buddhas in Xitian were framed by him and had to fall from the Buddha to the devil.

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