Supreme Lord

Chapter 1311

The Daxing Monk opened a jar of fine wine and handed it over, but Gu Qingfeng refused, he walked forward again, looked at Little Jin’er who was held by Gu Qingfeng in his arms, and asked: “The little girl’s situation How is it?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said something not very optimistic.

He has been cautiously investigating Little Jin’er’s situation, as he said, the situation is not optimistic, to be precise, it is very bad.

Little Jin’er’s bloodline is boiling like boiling water, and its soul is raging like crazy.

Gu Qingfeng just tried to suppress it, but unfortunately it didn’t work at all. It could not suppress the boiling bloodline of Little Jin’er, nor the soul of the madman. Not only could it not suppress it, but instead it could suppress the bloodline of Little Jin’er. The stimulation with the soul is even stronger. Since bloodline and soul are involved, both bloodline and soul are very sensitive and fragile. Gu Qingfeng dare not make too much effort.

The only thing that makes Gu Qingfeng feel fortunate is that, although Little Jin’er’s self-awareness is very weak, but not at all disappeared, and Gu Qingfeng also took the first step to remove Little Jin’er’s only remaining A touch of consciousness is protected from being merged by its Devouring Soul.

The only thing he can do now is how to stop the bloodline of Little Jin’er from mutating and the soul to stop madness, Gu Qingfeng does not know.

“The little girl’s situation is indeed a bit tricky!”

The frowns, the frowning monk, said: “Her soul should be affected by the bloodline so that she became crazy, and The bloodline is mutated, it should be affected by the blood moon.”

Looking at the blood moon in the sky, the Daxing Monk said again: “If you kill the blood moon, the bloodline of the little girl should be fine. Stop mutating, the bloodline will no longer mutate, and its soul should be normal, but… this blood moon seems to be closely related to the life of the little girl. If the blood moon is killed, the little girl may not survive.”

“In this case, the blood moon can only be sealed temporarily, but this will not solve the key to the problem, and if you want to seal this thing, it is not that simple, it is really difficult. “

Looking towards Gu Qingfeng again, Da Xing Feng Seng asked: “What are you going to do?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he didn’t know what to do.

After a moment of silence, he asked: “Did they ask you to come and persuade me to hand over Little Jin’er?”

“They did mean that, but don’t worry, we are I won’t persuade you. I also know that you brat doesn’t listen to persuasion at all. Even though we don’t know what your relationship is with the little girl, it seems that she should be very important to you. Otherwise, you brat also I won’t stick to her like this.”

“But, ancient brother, now there is a more difficult thing you have to face. Little girl is a calamity coming to the world, and it is still in the era of innocence. Calamity, what terrifying things her appearance will bring, no one knows, because it is unpredictable, so they don’t want little girl to live. They have always been like this for unknown existence. Believe you brat I have a deep understanding.”

“In this matter, immortal dao does not want to and will not compromise, not only immortal dao, but also the demon way and the demonic path, including our Buddhism and Taoism.” Paused The monk looked towards the sky again, and continued: “Even Heavenly Dao may also mean this.”

“However, they don’t want to do anything with you brat now. You brat is too hard and his hands Several good fortunes, one is more mysterious than one, one more weird, one more unknown, no one knows the depth of your brat, let alone whether they have this ability to kill you, even if they kill you It will pay a heavy price, maybe the price is heavier than they thought, and worse.”

“Of course, I just don’t want that’s all. If you brat swearing to die and refuse to hand over the little girl, They can only brace oneself at all costs to obliterate your brat. For this, they have already begun to prepare… and once they do it, I believe they will not have any reservations and will carry out all their trump cards, at least , Xitian had such a plan. The Four Great Vajra and the incarnation of the Five Great Kings have all returned to their place, the Great Desolation Pagoda, the Transcendence Reincarnation Formation, the Big Buddha Bodhi Seal when the time comes, a will not less…”

“Immortal dao, let alone the incarnation of the Three Purities, they may not be able to invite them for the time being, but Da Ri Six statues, Big Dipper, and the incarnation of Nine Heavens can still be invited down. “

“There is also the demonic path of the Yinyue Six Monarchs of the demonic path, the ten kings of the underworld, and the Great Master of Fengdu…may all be invited down. “

As the monk said this series of names, Su Hua next to him is already scared speechless.

Four Great Vajra of Buddhism, Five Great Kings, immortal Dao’s six big suns, Big Dipper, and Nine Heavens, the demonic path’s Yinyue six monarchs, and the ten kings of the underworld… These are all Old Ancestors in Old Ancestor, all of them are boundless mana. Terrifying existence, even just incarnation, is enough to destroy a world.

If they invite their incarnation down, it would be simply…

Su Wei really can’t imagine, if the Dadao takes these Old Ancestor’s incarnation, please come down, what will be the consequences of Gu Qingfeng.

“If when the time comes Heavenly Dao also does it, celestial troops and generals will not talk about it. I am afraid that the great heavenly kings are indispensable. “

The Daxing Monk said so, in a very plain tone, and said: “Ancient brother, we didn’t say these words to scare you, we also know that you brat fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, also I can’t scare you. I say this because I just want to tell you the truth and let you know. “

“Now the meaning of Dadao, I want to discuss with you. Both parties step back and try to find a way that is acceptable to you to solve this matter. What do you mean? “

Looking at Gu Qingfeng who was silent, the Daxing Monk said again: “Ancient brother, there may be a sentence you don’t like to listen to, but even if you don’t like it, we still want to say it. One said, the current situation is very unfavorable for you, to be exact, it is very unfavorable for the little girl. If you really start, you brat a bachelor, it doesn’t matter, but the little girl is not easy to say… Even if you can be on those avenues You can hold the little girl in your hand, but how long can you hold it? even more how the situation of little girl can’t wait long. The longer the time is, the more dangerous the little girl is. The more dangerous the little girl, the crazier the road will be. “

“What do you think, if you can, you brat will take a step back, discuss with them, find a way that everyone can accept, and keep the little girl first is the most important thing, as for other things Anything can be said later, what do you think. “

At this time, Su Wei also persuaded: “Gu Qingfeng, I also think what Daxing Senior said makes sense, so let’s talk to them, save Little Jin’er first, okay? “

Su Wei neither wants Little Jin’er to be harmed, nor does Gu Qingfeng want to fight the Dao for Little Jin’er. She always feels that if this matter can be resolved peacefully, it would be great. .

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