Supreme Lord

Chapter 1307

Faced with Gu Qingfeng’s indifference and ignorance, Purdue did not at all show any discomfort, but said with concern: “I don’t know how the little girl is, can this poor monk take a look?”

Gu Qingfeng remained as if he hadn’t heard it, and ignored it, just gently stretched out the little hand held by Little Jin’er fiercely.


Since it is the ruler of Buddhism and Taoism in this world, Purdue is naturally not a general generation. Neither cultivation nor realm is beyond the reach of ordinary people. See Gu Qingfeng had never paid attention to himself, and both of his hands joined together, typed a Buddhist language, and said.

“Also hope that the ancient layman must not misunderstand, this poor monk not at all means to hurt a little girl, this poor monk also believes that no one can bear to hurt such a cute, innocent, innocent, kind -Hearted little girl, when the blood moon was born, the little girl was struggling desperately. She would rather sacrifice herself than merge with the blood moon. This fearless spirit really impressed this poor monk.”

“No matter how, fortune plays with people, no one thought that little girl would be the scourge of the innocent age, this poor monk also believes that no one hopes so.”

Purdue sighed then said, and said: “I believe that there is no need to say this poor monk, and the ancient laymen should also know what the disaster star in the era of no way means. The existence of a modern and ancient disaster star is terrifying, even more how It is still the catastrophe of the age of innocence. No one knows what kind of disaster it will bring. It is because it is not clear that everyone will be more afraid. The unknown is always frightening. No one can avoid it, and no one is exception. “

“Whether it is the World Controller, Grand Dao Lord or Heaven and Earth, it is not only the master, but naturally has the obligation and responsibility to protect all living beings, just as the ancient layman wants to protect at this moment It’s the same as little girl, so I hope that the ancient layman will not blame this world, this avenue, this world……”

Purdue said so, and Gu Qingfeng never said a word from beginning to end , Not even a word.

Su Hua, who is next to him, has been standing quietly. She can see it and know that Purdue is persuading Gu Qingfeng. He is moved with affection and understands reason. I don’t want Gu Qingfeng to do it for Little. Jin’er’s matter clashed with the World Controller and Grand Dao Lord, so as to avoid making things irreversible and irreversible.


If possible, Su Wei also hopes that this matter can be resolved peacefully.


She knows.

This seems unlikely.

At least, Su Wei knows that neither the cloud that dominates this world nor the Three Thousand Great Daos seem to allow Gu Qingfeng to take Little Jin’er away. If allowed, neither would Three Thousand Great Daos Will always hover on the sky glare like a tiger watching his prey staring here, even the West Heavenly Buddha Dao does not seem to want Gu Qingfeng to take Little Jin’er away, because Su Wei found out that West Heavenly Buddha Dao Also dormant on the sky.

So to speak.

Purdue’s meaning of these words is not only to persuade Gu Qingfeng not to get angry, but also to persuade Gu Qingfeng to ask Little Jin’er to hand it over.

Of course.

This is just suspicion. After all, Purdue didn’t say anything, and Su Wei couldn’t say anything.

“If the ancient layman wants to blame, he should blame this poor monk, blame Xitian, because we were late and could not rush over in the first time, so that the little girl suffered so much suffering. , This poor monk bravely pleaded guilty to the ancient layman, and hoped that the ancient layman would forgive me!” After all, Purdue made a move that everyone in the room could not believe, he even uttered a puff. Kneeling in the air, with his hands folded, he bent down and bowed his head.

The people present, there are each one, from the Great Principle Golden Immortal in the clouds, down to the big brothers of Sect, all of them were shocked by this scene, staring with horror. Even more shocked than seeing Gods Vestige!

Be aware that Purdue is the ruler of Buddhism and Taoism in this world, and Buddhism and Taoism since ancient times is known as the leader of the Taoism.

In other words, Purdue in this world represents the Buddhas of the Western Heavens.

It is unacceptable that he took the initiative to salute Gu Qingfeng, and at this moment, in order to apologize for his guilt, he actually…he actually bowed down to Gu Qingfeng and bowed his head, just because everyone started to wipe out the disaster star just to get Gu Qingfeng’s forgiveness?

It’s no exaggeration to say that, as Purdue, don’t say that facing the world Paragon, even if facing the Avenue Paragon, I’m afraid I don’t need to bow down like this, right?

Why is he Gu Qingfeng!



Many people can’t figure it out.

Includes the female sect Ye Tianlan, Su Wei, and the mysterious Three Great Giants.

They all know the existence of Gu Qingfeng, mysterious and weird, and its strength is even more powerful and unknown. The mysterious and weird cannot completely obliterate him even the sacred judgment called the ruling of the gods. No one knows the powerful and unknown. His strength is geometric after all.

Can stump this world, this road, is this world weak?


Absolutely not weak.

Not only is it not weak, but it is very strong, very powerful.

The sacred trial may not be able to obliterate him more than twenty years ago, but it does not mean that he cannot be obliterated today.

Twenty years ago, Dadao couldn’t help him, and it doesn’t mean that he can’t be today.

Whether it is Heaven and Earth Source or Grand Dao Source, they are all reorganizing and reorganizing. It can be described as changing day by day and getting stronger day by day. In addition, the big bosses of all kinds of roads have gradually recovered and returned. , They will naturally not be afraid of existence like Gu Qingfeng.

But why does Purdue bow down in such a low posture to plead for sin?

Perhaps Purdue really doesn’t want the conflict between Gu Qingfeng and Three Thousand Great Daos today.

Leave aside whether Three Thousand Great Daos can do anything to Gu Qingfeng today. Even if it can do it, it will definitely pay a heavy price.

This is not important. The important thing is that Wudao Mountain is about to emerge. Once Gu Qingfeng goes to war with Three Thousand Great Daos at this time, it will inevitably affect Wudao Mountain. When the time comes, what will happen to terrifying No one can predict the matter.

I am afraid this is what Purdue is most worried about.

One more thing, Pudu bows down like this, I am afraid that he wants to impress Gu Qingfeng with sincerity, and hope that Gu Qingfeng will be able to hand over Little Jin’er for the sake of the overall situation.

Sure enough.

Pudu, who bowed down in the sky, said: “Now that the blood moon has appeared, the bloodline of the little girl’s soul has begun to awaken, although this poor monk used the Buddhist swastika seal to temporarily seal the blood moon. But it is only for the time being. The Buddhist swastika will not last long. I hope that the ancient layman will hand over the little girl to this poor monk. The Buddhas of the Western Heavens will do everything possible to save the soul of the little girl.”



Gu Qingfeng never said a word, just comforting Little Jin’er who was unconscious in his arms.

But Purdue did not give up, and said sincerely: “this poor monk knows that the ancient layman has been lonely in his life, and it is particularly rough. It is not easy to walk along the way. this poor monk does not expect the ancient layman to have a compassionate heart. , Let alone hope for the so-called world, the so-called Dao, the so-called Heaven and Earth, the so-called all living beings, because this world, this Dao, this world, these all living beings have never been compassionate to the ancient lay people.”

“This poor monk only asks the ancient layman for the sake of the little girl, if the soul of the little girl is awakened, then she will no longer be that cute and cute, no longer the innocent, no kind-hearted little girl Up.”

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