Supreme Lord

Chapter 1302

As Pudu and more than a dozen Western Tian Buddhas began to recite sutras, the blood-colored beam of light covering Little Jin’er became unstable for some reason. It seemed to condense, change, and collapse, together with The same goes for the bloody full moon that slowly rotates above the night sky.

The dark clouds in the night sky that are like a sea of ​​blood have also become more and more violent, like a tsunami.

“no! ——”



Little Jin’er’s painful cry came from the blood-colored beam.

“I don’t want to wake up!”

“I don’t want to go back to the past!”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone…I don’t want to!”

“Ah—I’m in pain! I’m in pain—”

Little Jin’er’s pain, heart-piercing, spread to everyone’s ears, and it made people feel very pitiful. It’s cruel!

In the field.

Ye Tianlan felt strange as she watched, and became more frightened as she listened, and more and more felt that the scriptures recited by the holy monks such as Purdue were not ordinary scriptures, but…but super-duty scriptures.

Think of this.

Ye Tianlan couldn’t help being taken aback by her guess.

Pudu and the others keep on saying said that he would bring Little Jin’er back to Xitian for a temporary seal, but why would he chant? Moreover, this chanting of sutras sounds like super-duty sutras.

It’s hard to say that Purdue and the others said that bringing Little Jin’er back to Xitian is just an excuse, the purpose is to make it super?

But this is not right!

If Purdue really wants to supersede Little Jin’er, immortal dao would like to do so.

immortal dao was originally worried about angering Gu Qingfeng, so he has been waiting for Little Jin’er to destroy himself.

If the Buddha Dao comes forward to paint superbly, immortal dao will naturally be happy. This will not only solve the trouble, but also throw the black pot to Xitian, why not do it?

even more how, if Xi Tian really wants to supersede Little Jin’er, Purdue doesn’t have to say anything about bringing Little Jin’er back to the Xitian seal.

What the hell is going on?

I still said that I heard it wrong. Purdue and the others are not trying to supersede Little Jin’er?

Ye Tianlan observed carefully for a while, she was very sure that this is the supernatural verse of the West Heavenly Buddha Dao. In order to verify this, she asked Dazhangchu, and Dazhangchu said Purdue and the others are In Chaodu Little Jin’er.


The blood-colored light beam became more and more unstable, and a round of blood moon was also trembling violently, and Little, who had already lost consciousness in it, Jin’er seemed to be alive again, holding head in the blood-colored beam, grabbing his hair, rolling in pain, shouting, and roaring.

In an instant.

With a swish, a person appears out of thin air.

clothes whiter than snow, three thousand long hair.

The unparalleled woman in the mist in the smoke is an exceptional and refined, devastatingly beautiful Su Huaxian in the world.

“Pudu holy monk, didn’t you say you want to take her back to Xitian? You… why are you! Why do you want to supersede Little Jin’er! Why!!!”

Su Weicong After her Cave Mansion left, she searched for Gu Qingfeng all over the world. To this end, she tried everything she could, even using the forbidden secret technique. Unfortunately, it was useless. She searched every corner of the world and exhausted her spirit. , Exhausted Divine Consciousness, exhausted the power of the whole body, but never found the whereabouts of Gu Qingfeng.

Su Hua collapsed, really collapsed, even the consciousness is a little fuzzy, in order to find Gu Qingfeng, she has been exhausted, not only mental breakdown, good luck is also weak, and strength is also due to it Exhausted, the whole person was extremely weak, especially when she found out that Purdue and the others were superstituting Little Jin’er again, she even felt that the sky was going to collapse.

She wants to stop.

She is extremely weak, and she is weak even to speak, how can she stop it? Even so, she rushed over desperately.

However, it is useless at all. She is extremely weak and cannot pass the incarnation of two golden arhats.

“Why! Why do you want to supervise Little Jin’er…why!”

Su Wei’s eyes are red and his face is gray, and he looks very embarrassed.

“Fairy Huan doesn’t need to worry, because this little girl’s soul has already begun to awaken and has merged with the blood moon, Lao Na and the others cannot force him back to the West, let alone seal him. Only by superfluously suppressing her awakening soul for the time being, so as to find the time to seal it.”

The voice of the Holy Monk Pudu came. Su Hua didn’t know if she should believe it or not. I can only believe, because at this moment, she can do nothing but believe.

“no! Don’t—”

“I’m so painful—”

“I don’t want to wake up!”

“I Don’t go back to the past!”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone…I don’t want to!”

“Kill me! Kill me quickly…Kill me!!!”

Little Jin’er cry of pain kept coming, as the blood-colored light beam became more and more unstable, the terrifying power contained in it seemed to explode at any time, and the full moon in the night sky was also coming The more trembling, the faster the rotation speed, and the dark clouds in the sky that looked like a sea of ​​blood became boiling and rolling!

There was an explosion in the sky, the thunder and lightning continued, and the wind roared, and nature began to chaos.

Following ka-cha, the space seemed to explode.

“Kill me! Kill me! I can’t hold on anymore! She is waking up soon!”

In the bloody beam, Little Jin’er has white hair wanton Flurry, blood-colored eyes covered with murderous intention, a cheek that was originally cute and cute became very angry at this moment, angrily roared: “Kill me! Otherwise you all will die–“

hong long long! ka-cha! ——

The blood-colored light beam made a crackle of crackle, and its contained terrifying power was like a beast about to escape, as if it would rush out at any time, and the blood moon above the night sky became more and more trembling , As if it would explode at any time.

Looking at this scene, the people of Weiyang Dayu’s cultivation no longer dared to stay and fled here one after another.

The big brothers of Great Sect, as well as those immortals, are no exception.

Ye Tianlan, the female sect, the three mysterious giants seem to be particularly jealous, and they all began to retreat.

“Pudu holy monk, are you sure you can suppress it?”

Looking at Little Jin’er in the blood-colored beam of light, who looked like a madman, Lieshan held the immortal dao in his hand tightly. Lingjian and world Lingqi, if he finds something is wrong, he will do it the first time.

“I hope you all believe in Lao Na, no matter what happens, don’t to act blindly without thinking. If you don’t, if you don’t say anything, you will probably cause terrifying consequences. She is the catastrophe of the era of innocence. , Can’t kill, and can’t kill… You can only save it, remember not to move!”


More than a dozen holy monks including Pudu, the golden brilliance all over their bodies flickered, their fingers flicked, and they made the Buddhist seals. Suddenly, a golden Buddhist swastika was condensed into the sky. Printed on the blood moon.

In the blood-colored light beam, Little Jin’er became more and more crazy, shouting, roaring, and accompanied by Little Jin’er’s anger, the full moon in the night sky trembled more and more strong.

“Kill me—Kill me soon—”

“Otherwise you will all die!”

“Go and die! !!!”

Little Jin’er shouted, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, while Purdue and the others hit more than ten golden Buddha’s radiances, hitting the Buddhist swastika, and became a Buddha. When the swastika was flickering, the vast Buddha’s radiance immediately sealed the blood moon, and at this moment, there was a crash, and the blood-colored light beam instantly exploded.

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