Supreme Lord

Chapter 1296

Seeing that Su Hua was still kneeling in the sky, begging to heaven, Lie Shan was furious, and shouted: “Bold Su Hua, if you persist in your own wrong doings, don’t blame the deity using Law Power to seal you up !”

The voice fell, and a silver white sword appeared in Lieshan’s left hand. This sword is crystal clear and near-transparent, like a sword of light, it is extremely sacred and contains vast immortal might.

Seeing this sacred sword, the immortals of Weiyang Dayu, were all shocked. They all knew this sword.

To be precise, this is not a sword, but an immortal dao Spirit Seal, which can use the Force of Immortal Dao.

Immediately afterwards, another purple-golden flag appeared on the right hand of Lieshan. Although the flag seemed ordinary, it seemed to contain a kind of magical power. When it appeared, the entire The world seems to brighten up.

Perhaps many people don’t know what this flag is. However, the female sect Ye Tianlan and the three mysterious giants, including Shangguan Yu and Shi Tian, ​​know that this flag is not something else, but a rule. The flag is also a flag that can use the laws of the world.

“Su Wei, this deity will give you one last time, you still don’t retreat!”

Lieshan held the law flag and waved it suddenly, above the night sky, immediately rising winds , scudding clouds, thunder and explosion, space changes, the entire world seems to be trembling violently for a time.


Lieshan has given an ultimatum.

And this time Su Wei is no longer indifferent, and no longer begging God, she slowly stood up, instead of leaving, she tightly guarded Little Jin’, who was becoming weaker and more blurred in the blood-colored beam of light. er, lifts the head, looking up at the sky, and said: “I have always been obedient, and always have been, whether it is a past life or this life. I will do what you say, and I have never refuted it. I have never resisted, or even questioned, but now you are not even willing to give me a small opportunity.”

“I said, I don’t allow anyone to hurt Little Jin’er , No one, since you wouldn’t even give me a small chance, don’t blame me Su Wei being selfish.”

Speaking, the calm Su Wei suddenly jumped up. , The chaos-like gorgeous brilliance instantly soared into the sky, and the mighty power burst out, shouting angrily.

“For the common people of the world, for the Three Thousand Great Daos, for Heaven and Earth, I can give everything or sacrifice everything, for Jiner, I can also give everything and sacrifice everything, today If you dare to move Jin’er, I, Su Wei, will not hesitate to be an enemy of all the people in the world, I will not hesitate to be an enemy of the Three Thousand Great Daos, and I will not hesitate to be an enemy of Heaven and Earth…”

Shocked: “Wu’er, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing!”

“Auntie Mei, don’t worry about it. I also know what I am doing, and I am not crazy. , I’m just fed up. As a human being in my two lives, I live for others because of destiny arrangements. This time, I want to live for myself once!”

“What cause and effect, what fate! All It’s bullshit!”

“From now on, I, Su Hua, will no longer be the one who should be the one who has passed the true fate. Therefore, please impose all kinds of great orders on me, each Plant God’s destiny, all kinds of cause and effect true destiny, and bring them back to me!”


Su Hua’s body brilliance exploded, and endless forces of good fortune flashed one after another. Just as Su Hua said, there are all kinds of destiny, all kinds of destiny, all kinds of cause and effect, almost all Endless Power of Fortune.

This scene made everyone present stunned and shocked.

Despite the rumors, Fairy Hua is all good fortune.

It’s just that nobody has seen it before, not even one.

No one could have imagined that there are so many good fortunes on Su Wei’s body. There are so many things that make your scalp numb, too many unbelievable, and even more breathtaking.

Shangguanyu and Shi Tian are.

Ye Tianlan is the female sect.

Even the three mysterious giants, like the three mysterious giants, were surprised when they witnessed Su Wei’s innumerable good fortune.

“Reverse! Reverse! Really reverse!”

Lieshan flustered and exasperated, he wanted to use the power of the world law to seal Su Wei, but absolutely did not expect Su Hua was able to do such a decisive thing. Before he could do anything, Su Hua had to personally return that character to Three Thousand Great Daos.

You must know that Su Wei is the one who inherited the true fate. The reason why Three Thousand Great Daos bestowed her with all kinds of good fortune, in addition to wanting to win her, also wanted to protect her safety.

And now, Su Wei wants to return his good fortune to Three Thousand Great Daos.

What is this called?

This is called burn both jade and stone!

It’s also called better than jade broken but not full!

Su Wei’s purpose for doing this is obvious. It is to tell everyone that you can abandon Little Jin’er for the so-called mortal beings and the so-called Heaven and Earth’s safety. Then she can also do it for Little Jin’ Er, give up the so-called so-called heaven and earth, the so-called Heaven and Earth is in danger.

As she said, she wanted to be selfish.

Just one time.

There is only one such time.

Seeing that Su Hua is not that simple, but the real thing, Lie Shan did not dare to hesitate any more, and was ready to seal Su Hua by hand, but at this moment, a misty voice could not be followed. Come from somewhere.

“My Little Junior Sister’s business, don’t bother you to do it.”

The voice is extremely faint, as if it comes from a far away place. When the voice falls, I want to Su Hua, who was returned to Three Thousand Great Daos, suddenly disappeared.


Suddenly the unfathomable mystery disappeared.

It was as if it had never appeared before, silent and without warning.

Where did you go?

No one knows.

And who was the voice just now?

Little Junior Sister?

It’s hard to say that Su Wei’s Senior Sister took her away?

Who is Su Wei’s Senior Sister?

Other people may not know, but the female sect Ye Tianlan knows, not only knows, but also knows Nalan Qianqiu.


She didn’t think Nalan Qianqiu could take Su Hua away so silently and without warning.

If it weren’t for Nalan Qianqiu, then there is only the Big Senior Sister in Su Wei’s previous life.

Think of the Big Senior Sister in Su Wei’s previous life.

Ye Tianlan, the female sect, couldn’t help but tremble, and said in horror: Has troubled her also?


When Su Hua reacted, what caught his eye was like a mountain peak running through Heaven and Earth, with a waterfall on the top of the mountain falling straight down, like a nine-day Milky Way falling. ten thousand li In the cloudless blue sky, there are both Immortal Crane soaring and colorful fairy deer in the clouds.

This is his Cave Mansion, which Su Wei knew no more, turned around and suddenly found a woman frowns staring at him.

The woman is not someone else, but also Su Wei’s fifth Senior Sister Nalan Qianqiu.


Su Wei is very clear that it is not the Five Senior Sister who brought him back to Cave Mansion, but the Big Senior Sister.

“Where is Big Senior Sister, where is she?”

Su Wei looked around and did not find the silhouette of Big Senior Sister.

“I said Junior Sister, you are really getting worse and worse. I used to think that although you are stubborn, you are still reasonable, but now you do some silly things, you know I don’t know how dangerous it was just now. If it weren’t for my Big Senior Sister, you would be in a big disaster, you know?”

When Nalan Qianqiu saw Su Wei, he slapped his head and covered his face as a reprimand.

At this moment, Su Wei didn’t even want to listen to Nalan Qianqiu’s reprimand. She was always worried about the safety of Little Jin’er. When she was about to fly away, she found that Cave Mansion had been sealed.

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