Supreme Lord

Chapter 1290

Finding that the signs of the sky appeared when the catastrophe came to the world, Su Wei rushed to Shangqing Sect for the first time, but she did not expect that the catastrophe who came to the world would be Little Jin’er.

Su Wei knew that the existence of Little Jin’er was extraordinary.

She can be regarded as watching Little Jin’er grow up, knowing that little girl has been different since she was a child. In the past so many years, little girl not at all has grown up, and she has never been as mature as an ordinary person. Instead, he was as cute and innocent as he was when he was a child.

This is not important.

The important thing is that little girls have been weird since they were young.

For example, a little girl can communicate with World’s All Living Things, no matter how cruel beasts, they will become docile when they meet Little Jin’er, and they can see through the other side’s mind.

What’s even more incredible is that little girl, like having a pair of Divine Vision, can see a lot of weird existences, one of them is more mysterious than one, and even Su Wei can’t detect it, but little girl has. Many such friends.

Moreover, the little girl seems to have the skills of an unknown prophet. In many cases, the little girl knows everything that Su Wei does not know.

Little girl is weird.


Su Wei knows.

No matter how weird it is, Little Jin’er is also impossible to become a disaster star in the world.

Su Wei couldn’t understand.

At this moment, looking at Little Jin’er in the blood-colored beam of light, Su Wei’s heart was dripping blood, Little Jin’er looked painful, and the blue hair became silver white, a well-behaved face is pale and unbearable without a trace of blood, especially the pair of smart eyes, faintly discernible, like a pair of bloody eyes.


Su Wei tried to pass, but when he touched the blood-colored beam, he immediately felt a terrifying power.

“Elder sister! Don’t… don’t come over!”

Little Jin’er seemed to be afraid of hurting Su Hua, stepped back, she shook her head and bit Licking his lips, he cried and shouted: “You go! Elder sister, don’t care about Jin’er, you go quickly…Go away.”

“Jin’er, tell me what’s going on, elder sister will help you “

“Quie elder sister, you go, leave Jin’er, leave me alone…” Little Jin’er kept shaking his head and said: “Jin’er just wants to help Big Brother , But… I didn’t expect it to be like this. Jiner doesn’t want to hurt anyone, Jiner really doesn’t want to… Jiner is so scared…”

“Jiner, don’t be afraid, you don’t at all hurt anyone.” Su Wei persuaded: “The so-called Blood Moon Appear world does not mean that you must be a disaster star. Even if you are really a disaster star, the elder sister will definitely protect you and will not let you. Hurt anyone, let no one hurt you. You have to believe in the elder sister. The elder sister swears to you that you can do it. Don’t you believe in the elder sister?”

“no! No! Elder sister, Jin’er doesn’t believe you, Jin’er just…”

Little Jin’er seemed to be enduring something, her three thousand hairs became more and more silvery, her eyes He also became more reddened, his face became paler, and the power contained in the blood-colored light beam became more and more terrifying.

“Quie elder sister, Jin’er is not worried about the disaster, not at all, Jin’er just doesn’t want to go back to the past, don’t want to wake up… Jin’er doesn’t want… What I didn’t like before…”

Why don’t you want to go back?

Why don’t you want to wake up?

Su Wei was a little incomprehensible for a while, and it was difficult for Jiner to say that the past was a past life? But Jiner is not the person of samsara reincarnation.


Being not a samsara reincarnation does not mean that there is no previous life.

It’s just that if you are not a samsara reincarnation, it is almost difficult to awaken your previous life.

Even if awakened, it is mostly memory awakening.

What is the impact on not at all in this life?

Thinking of this, Su Wei tried to ask: “Jin’er, what did you say before, was it a past life?”

“I don’t know, Jin’er doesn’t know… Jin’er I just don’t want to go back to the past, I don’t want to wake up…” Little Jin’er begged: “Elder sister, you go, OK, don’t worry about Jin’er.”

In an instant!

At the moment of rushing, in the night sky, the blood-colored full moon suddenly rotated, and the blood-colored beam of light became stronger, and Little Jin’er was lifted into the sky as if being held up.

“no! Don’t!—”

Little Jin’er looked up at the bloody full moon, and said stubbornly: “Jin’er won’t go back to the past, let alone Wake up, not… Jin’er would rather die than go back…”


The blood-colored full moon rotates slowly like a giant wheel, and the blood-colored beam of light is supporting Little Jin’er as it continuously lifts into the air. Little Jin’er is holding himself tightly, as if blocking the blood-colored beam of light. Stop the bloody full moon.

While Su Wei raised his hand, the sacred light beam of Guanghua tried to stop the bloody light beam from taking Little Jin’er away, but Guanghua had just touched the bloody light beam and suddenly made a crackle sound, instead of the cold winter blood light beam The Little Jin’er wa’ed inside vomited blood.


Su Wei lost one’s head out of fear, and shot again. However, when Guanghua touched the bloody beam again, Little Jin’er spit a Mouthful of blood, until this time, Su Wei realized that the blood-colored light beam had begun to merge with Little Jin’er, and hurting the blood-colored light beam was equivalent to hurting Little Jin’er.

What should I do?

Su Wei panicked for a while, no longer tried to attack the blood-colored light beam, but used other means to see if he could stop Little Jin’er. Unfortunately, it was useless and would not hurt Little Jin’er. In this case, it is impossible to stop the blood-colored light beam.

“Quelder sister, Jin’er doesn’t want to go back to the past, doesn’t want to wake up, doesn’t want to hurt anyone, doesn’t want to, but… but Jin’er is about to hold on now…”

Little Jin’er touched the blood at the corner of her mouth, gritted her teeth and persisted, lifts the head, on a gray-faced face, her eyes became more and more red. She looked at Su Wei and pleaded: ” Elder sister, can you kill me? Please… kill Jin’er, okay? If… If you can die in the hands of Elder sister, Jin’er will be very happy too, Elder sister, do it Okay, okay?”


Su Wei was shocked. During this time, she was confused and her eyes became red. Fiercely shook her head and said: “Jin’er, don’t give up, nothing is impossible, everything will be fine. “

“No…Jin’er can feel it, elder sister, please, kill Jin’er, okay… Jin’er is really painful now, elder sister, You can do it.”

It’s not that Su Wei couldn’t feel Little Jin’er’s pain, but just let her kill Little Jin’er, how can she do it?

She doesn’t know what happened.

Now I don’t have the mind to think about this. The only thing we can do now is to stabilize Little Jin’er first, and then think about other methods.


What can be done?

Su Wei thought about it, but the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, the more confused he became, the more worried.

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