Supreme Lord

Chapter 1282

“What do you two bastard want to do, stop Lao Tzu!”

Seeing Lei Ze and Furong want to kill Little Jin’er with their hands, Zhen Yang Jiu Xian stood up and drank Scolded: “Little Jin’er is just a little girl!”

“Zhenyang Senior, is she a little girl? I don’t know, I only know that she is a disaster star now!”

“Zhenyang Senior, I want to ask what you want to do. It’s because she is just a little girl. Should we just ignore it? She is a catastrophe. I believe I don’t need to say, you Senior. Do you know what it means for a catastrophe to come to the world? It’s hard for you to still want to protect a catastrophe? If a catastrophe strikes and causes a loss of life, can you bear this responsibility?”

Lei Ze, The words of the two of Furong made Zhenyang Jiuxian unable to refute.


If disaster strikes and causes loss of life in the world, he Zhenyang cannot bear this responsibility.

Shangqing Sect and the other Elders did not speak, but the eyes of Little Jin’er were full of murderous intention.

Little Jin’er is very cute, they also like little girl, and they can’t bear to do it.

But I just can’t bear that’s all.

Being unbearable does not mean that you will not be able to do it.

After all, Little Jin’er is a catastrophe, and it will bring terrifying disasters. If the catastrophe of obliterating Little Jin’er will not come, they will definitely obliterate Little Jin’er without the slightest hesitation.

Shangqing Sect Elder began to stir, Zhen Yang glanced at the pitiful Little Jin’er, his heart was very unbearable. Soon, he looked towards the fairy master in the true garden, hoping that the fairy master in the true garden would have an idea .

It’s just that Immortal Master Zhentian faced this situation and didn’t have any ideas. To be honest, he couldn’t bear to kill Little Jin’er, but the problem now is not to bear the heart, but Little Jin’er. The catastrophe comes to the world, even if you can’t bear it, you must obliterate it. In front of the so-called self, you can only sacrifice the ego. If you kill Little Jin’er, you can save the people of Li people from disasters. Shot without the slightest hesitation.

Zhen Yang and Zhen Ting are senior and junior brothers, and he also knows who this Senior Brother is. Seeing Zhen Ting’s silence, he also knows Zhen Ting’s inner thoughts.

Seeing that Shangqing Sect Elder is about to take action on Little Jin’er, he is really anxious, and he is quick witted in an emergency, shouted: “bastard, don’t blame me for not reminding you, Little Jin’ Er is Gu Xiaozi’s most beloved younger sister. If you kill him today, he will definitely not spare you in the future.”

Listen to Gu Qingfeng’s name.

Shangqing Sect Elder, who was about to do it, was stunned.


It is the name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

If you say what kind of existence Gu Qingfeng is, perhaps no one knows.

But if you say how terrifying Gu Qingfeng is going crazy, many people present have a deep understanding.

“Tell you, whether Little Jin’er is a disaster star or not, none of us can tell, but I know a little bit clearly, if you kill Little Jin’er today, Once the ancient boy knows about this, when the time comes, I am sure that even if God will not bring disaster, ancient boy will surely make you a disaster!”

Zhen Yangdong shouted out with his prestige. The voice was very powerful, everyone present could hear it clearly, and even more dare not to act blindly without thinking.

Because they all know that Wine Fairy Zhenyang is not frightening them, but a fact they don’t want but they have to face.

After thinking about it carefully, I also feel that what Zhenyang Jiu Xian said is not unreasonable.

No one dares to be 100% sure whether Little Jin’er is a disaster star now or not. Even if it takes a 10,000 step back, even if Little Jin’er is really a disaster star, he may not bring If there is a disaster, take another 10,000 steps, even if the disaster is brought down, everyone may not be unable to resist it.


If the killing of Little Jin’er angered King Chixiao, the consequences would not be uncertain, but there must be a disaster. This disaster belongs to King Chixiao’s trial, and, The trial belonging to King Chixiao is definitely terrifying than any disaster!

That year.

Chi Xiaojun Brother Wang dare to be an enemy of the world.

For women, dare to slaughter all sides.

Dare to walk the heavens-defying road in order to promise.

Who can guarantee that he will not blood flow into a river, loss of life for Little Jin’er in the ancient times?

No one can guarantee.

No one knows whether the catastrophe will bring disaster.

But when King Chixiao was angered, everyone knew that disaster would come.

What about this one?

Everyone was stunned there, you see me, I see you, no one dares to do anything.

Just when everyone was not knowing what to do, a voice came in the air.

“Zhen Yang is right. I don’t know whether Little Jin’er is a calamity or not, and if there will be a disaster, this palace may not be able to guarantee it, but if you kill Little Jin’er today and provoke anger In his words, this palace can 100% guarantee to you that disaster will come.”

The voice fell, a woman dropping from the sky.

The woman is dressed in a red gauze tulle, her face is beautiful, beautiful and alluring, her beauty is neither enchanting, nor charming, let alone unassuming, it is a kind of peerless grace and The beauty of elegance, the dignity of beauty, and the atmosphere of beauty are just like a surging forward with great momentum, imposing manner, magnificent and unparalleled painting.

When they saw this woman, everyone was surprised at first, and then they did not dare to neglect, and they all saluted.

The woman is not someone else, she is the current Shangqing Sect Sect Master, and also the world famous empress, Ye Tianlan.

Along with Ye Tianlan is her Direct Disciple, and she is also the Yun Wan who has a small palm storage and a Heavenly Dao imperial edict of Shangqing Sect Inner Sect.

Apart from this, there is also an old woman who looks quite old.

“Sect Master, it’s difficult because she is the younger sister of King Chixiao, can I just sit and watch?”

Lei Ze and the others handed over.

“When did my palace say to sit and watch?”

Ye Tianlan didn’t look at it, just said something casually, and then never spoke again, but stared at the blood-colored beam of light Little Jin’er in.

Ye Tianlan knows that this world in this ancient era will inevitably have a catastrophe.


She knows.

When the fate came more than 20 years ago, when the true fate appeared, and when the people who should be killed were born one after another, she knew that the calamity would come to the world soon.

Causality is conserved, and Heavenly Dao’s fortune is no exception. If there is a conforming with destiny it’s person, there will be a person who should be destined, and if there is a person who should be destined, there will be a calamity star.

It’s just that she didn’t expect the calamity to come so quickly, and she didn’t even think that the calamity would be an innocent little girl.

In these years, although she has been retreating in Shangqing Pagoda, it does not mean that she does not know about Shangqing Sect. On the contrary, she knows everything about Shangqing Sect clearly, and naturally she also knows it. Su Wei sent Little Jin’er to Shangqing Sect more than ten years ago, and she has been watching the little girl secretly, not for other reasons, just because the little girl said that Gu Qingfeng is her Big Brother, only after paying attention, Ye Tianlan Know that things are not at all so simple.

The existence of little girl is not only Gu Qingfeng’s younger sister. Ye Tianlan still does not know what kind of existence she is.

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