Supreme Lord

Chapter 1278

surnamed Ouyang, a single name with a night character.

When I was born, rising winds, scudding clouds, rainbows filled the sky, flowers and trees in full bloom, and the fairy bird Spirit Beast worshipped it.

She is happy in time, like spring back to the earth, clear sky ten thousand li.

When she was angry, it was like the twelfth lunar month in winter.

With a single finger, the mountains and rivers Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, Desert are also the grasslands.

Every word and deed can cause changes in nature. It is unbelievable that it can dominate nature.

Therefore, it is known as the Princess of Nature.


Ouyang Ye’s birth did not run amuck throughout the world like world Little Overlord Shi Tian, ​​nor did he travel the world like world leader Shangguanyu, but wandered around the world with his own power Changing the environment of this world, many barren mountains and ridges became Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, full of vitality, and many abandoned Spiritual Veins have also undergone her changes and renewed, and Spiritual Veins re-growth.

To this day, through her efforts, there are few Desert ruins in this world. The Spiritual Qi in the world is even richer than before, and there are jade green forests everywhere, azure blue The lake and the sea, there are Spiritual Mountains full of vitality.

A very interesting thing happened during this period.

It is not only related to Ouyang Ye, but also to Shi Tian.

This incident happened in the second year of Ouyang Ye’s birth. Shi Tian, ​​known as the world Little Overlord, once publicly expressed his admiration for Ouyang Ye, and hoped to be with Ouyang Ye Formed immortal fate Dao Companion.


But it was rejected by Ouyang Ye.

This makes Shi Tian very angry.

The appearance of Shangguanyu put an end to Shi Tian’s road to overlordness. Not to mention, now that courtship has been rejected, Shi Tian, ​​who has always been arrogant and arrogant, is naturally unhappy.

It’s just that unhappy returns to unhappy, anger returns to anger.

He didn’t treat Ouyang Ye like that either.

Not only that, but also did not give up, repeatedly wooing Ouyang Ye.


Ouyang Ye never paid attention.

To say that Shi Tian is really a lover. Although he has been rejected countless courtesy times, he still pursues it without hesitation. In order to pursue Ouyang Ye, he has really spent a lot of thoughts and methods. It is jaw-dropping from time to time,

I always use the vastness of the voice to tell the world his love for Ouyang Ye.

In order to pursue Ouyang Ye, he not only shouted on the world’s most peak, but also swallowed the lake. The craziest time, he also used his powerful overlord to try to carve the name of Ouyang Ye on the sun. Although it failed in the end, it was really eye-opening. Of course, it also made everyone understand one thing, that is, Shi Tian might really like Nature Princess Ouyang Ye.


As some rumors about Ouyang Ye spread, this matter gradually became more and more flavorful.

Some people say that Ouyang Ye refused Shi Tian’s courtship because she already had someone in her heart.

This person is not someone else, it is King Chixiao.

It is said that the two have known each other in the Northwest for more than 20 years.

Subsequently, people from the Great Northwest came forward to confirm this. It seemed to be more popular than everyone thought. It was said that the relationship between the king and Ouyang Ye was Dao Companion when they were in the Northwest. Yes, the two of them kissed me in the northwest, not a day or two, but a long time.

I heard that Ouyang Ye publicly said that the king is her Dao Companion, and the king also publicly said that Ouyang Ye is his Dao Companion.

Even if the two really haven’t made immortal fate, they definitely have played ambiguously.

After learning about this, Shi Tian’s face became green with anger, and he was furious.

He yelled to obliterate King Chixiao.

It is a world full of searching for King Chixiao.

It’s a pity.

So far, no trace of King Chixiao has been found.

In this way, more than ten years have passed.

No one has any news about King Chixiao.

Moreover, it is not only Shi Tian who is looking for King Chixiao, but there is also someone who has been searching for King Chixiao.

This person is the son of Nine Heavens Profound Lady Su Huaxian.

Since Gu Qingfeng left Shangqing Sect more than ten years ago, Su Hua has been looking for his traces. Unfortunately, more than ten years later, she searched every corner of the world and still did not find Gu Qingfeng .

This makes her very sad and confused. However, it is more misses, and misses that cannot be restrained.

Su Wei is very clear that she is looking for Gu Qingfeng, only because Gu Qingfeng is her own cause and effect, and only Gu Qingfeng can unlock the dream of cause and effect in her heart.


Not why.

Because the person who said this to her was not someone else, but the omniscient and unknown person known as above heaven under earth.

So, Su Wei has been searching hard and never gave up.

She also always thought that she was looking for Gu Qingfeng just to understand the cause and effect dream in her heart, but when Gu Qingfeng disappeared, year after year passed, Su Wei became more and more suspicious, whether she wanted to The dream of cause and effect in the unhappiness is just looking for Gu Qingfeng, or for that uncontrollable longing to look for?

I don’t know.

Su Wei really doesn’t know.

She was completely lost.

In the past ten years, everybody, Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette always appears unfathomable mystery in her mind, and it is getting stronger and stronger. She tried to restrain it, it was useless, the more restrained The more I miss, the more I miss Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette.

What the hell is going on?

Do I really like him?

Su Wei asked himself.



I absolutely impossible to like this guy!

This guy is the man of original sin, and Heaven and Earth is not tolerant. How could I like this guy.

The most important thing is that the bastard Gu Qingfeng has an unclear relationship with many women, and he has always been a bohemian. In his eyes, women are at best filling the emptiness and loneliness. In other words, this The guy is a complete scumbag.

How could I like such a to have no shame guy?


It must be impossible!

Su Wei comforted herself so much.

But it’s just to comfort that’s all.

The more comforted, the more afraid she is.

I’m afraid I really like that bastard.

Close your eyes, shook your head, no longer think about it and dare not continue to think about these messy questions.

Her Cave Mansion is magnificent, just like Human World Immortal Realm.

Looking around, it is a jade green meadow with various beautiful flowers, various Spirit Fruit jade trees, lofts and pavilions.

In the distance is a quiet lake. In the lake, there are multi-colored fishes and white elephants playing in the water.

A mountain peak runs through Heaven and Earth, and a waterfall flows down straight, like a nine-day Milky Way falling down. In the ten thousand li cloudless blue sky, there are Immortal Crane soaring and colorful fairy deer. Cloud.

While Su Wei squatted beside the lake, fiercely grabbed his hair, as if very distressed.

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