Supreme Lord

Chapter 1272

“You said…what the hell do people live for?”

Gu Qingfeng does not have many friends, and there are very few friends who can speak intimately, feeling upset, disturbed, and full of confusion in life At the time, he could only talk to the old monk for a few words, saying: “When I was young, I used to fight all day long, thinking about how to become stronger, but didn’t think about this issue carefully. Now, especially recently, I am getting more and more confused, and less and less knowing what is the purpose of living?”

After a long time, the old monk’s voice came.

“The question asked by the ancient layman is a question that everyone will encounter, and it is also a stage that any person will inevitably go through on the road of life.”

“So. “

“So, the ancient layman should not ask me this question, but you should ask yourself. After all, everyone pursues different things. Some people pursue family happiness, others pursue fame and wealth, and others pursue power. , Pursuing the great road, pursuing the true meaning of life, pursuing cause and effect, pursuing the origin of Heaven and Earth… I don’t know what the ancient laymen wanted to pursue.”

Happy family?

Fame and fortune?


The avenue?

The true meaning of life?

Causal fate?

Gu Qingfeng didn’t have any interest in all of these. He pondered for a moment and said, “I have no lofty ideals and no grand aspirations. I really don’t know what to pursue in this life. , Maybe it’s the freedom that has been hidden in the heart since childhood.”

Nodded, Gu Qingfeng seemed to have some confirmation, and continued: “Well, it should be like this, freedom, no worries, free and unconstrained alive.”

“Since the ancient layman has what he pursues, why bother to ask Lao Na.”

“I used to think that the life I pursued was not high, even It can be said to be very simple, but now I find that speaking of which is easy, but it is not so difficult to do. After all, I live in the secular world. I have seven emotions and six desires. Of course, I can’t avoid the vulgar. Impossible has no troubles. If there are troubles, there will be fetters. If there are fetters, you will be impossible to live freely and carefree.”

Turning on the front, Gu Qingfeng said again: “Of course, if so Cut off Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and get too ecstatic, maybe there will be no troubles, but if you think about it, if people have no troubles, how boring to live? How boring, there is no fun, and What fun is it?”

“Since the ancient layman can say this, he must have an understanding of the word freedom in his heart, so in the eyes of the ancient layman, what is it to live freely? “

“Very simple, four words, do as one pleases.” Gu Qingfeng was silent for a long time, and added: “If I want it, the sky cannot be nothing, if I want nothing, the earth cannot be. This is probably do as one pleases, or maybe I am pursuing true freedom. To put it plainly, above heaven under earth, Only I Am Supreme, can I achieve true freedom.”

“If I want nothing, the sky cannot be nothing, if I want nothing, the sky cannot be…above heaven under earth, Only I Am Supreme…” The old monk murmured these words, as if a little trembling in the old voice, Said: “Amitabha…ancient layman, are you going to be the overlord of between Heaven and Earth?”

“The overlord of between Heaven and Earth?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: “I’m not interested, even more how you don’t have to be the overlord between Heaven and Earth in order to be here above heaven under earth Only I Am Supreme. “

“Amitabha. “

The old monk uttered a Buddhist saying again.

Gu Qingfeng said: “Cultivation cultivation, the cultivation of the mind, the practice of the Tao, I cultivate a free mind , The line should also be a free road, are you right? “

“Congratulations to the ancient layman. “

“Congratulations to me? “

“Congratulations to the ancient layman for understanding the true meaning of the word “freedom”. “

“It’s just a realization that’s all, but unfortunately, my heart is uncomfortable now, and I can’t walk that path of freedom. “

“At least, the ancient layman knows what he wants and is not lost. As long as the ancient layman pursues what he wants, Lao Na believes that he will definitely be able to cultivate a true freedom and embark on a true path of freedom. “

“I hope so. “

There was another silence.

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Old monk, do you believe in fate?” “

“Old Na doesn’t know. “

“Do you believe in cause and effect? “

“Old Na believes. “

“hehe. “Gu Qingfeng laughed, and asked again: “Then do you say that cause and effect and fate are the same thing?” “

The old monk was silent for a while before responding: “Old Na doesn’t know. “

“I still remember that you said, don’t regard coincidence as fate, let alone accident as cause and effect. You also said that this World’s All Living Things is all living things, people, fairies , And even gods and Buddhas can’t do without the word cause and effect, fate is also fortune, nothing more than that’s all. “

The old monk once again uttered a word of Buddha.

“The pilgrimage to the Buddha statues that I conceived nine years ago, the ancient taboo, and the drop of original sin The blood, I believe, is neither accidental nor coincidental. It seems as if there is providence in the dark, and it is already doomed, even including you hiding in this nirvana bone jade. “

When I talked about this, Gu Qingfeng seemed to have some enlightenment, and said: “In fact, I feel more and more that this World’s All Living Things, all living things, immortals, people, Buddhas and gods, are all The pawns are the pawns in this game of causality and destiny. “

“Since birth, many people have established cause and effect, and fate has arranged their life. They cannot change, they can only do so. “

“There are also some people who are unwilling to obey the arrangements of fate, and even more unwilling to be the pawn of fate, trying to defying heaven changing fate, which is the so-called cutting cause and effect. “

“Hehe, I didn’t understand before, why must cut cause and effect. “

“I don’t quite understand why in the legend, only by cutting off cause and effect can you become a god. “

“Now, I seem to understand a little bit. It doesn’t matter whether you cut off cause and effect and become a god. The important thing is that if you cut off cause and effect, you can jump out of this chess game, and you will never be affected by fate. , I think this is the root cause. “

“I just asked you, why are people alive? “

“You answer to ask for what you want, or fame or fortune, or right, or great, or true meaning, hehe… these are just branches of desire on the road of life, and they will eventually return to life. On the avenue of the road, and at the end of the avenue of the road of life, it is to cut cause and effect. “

“If there is an end to life, I think it should be to cut cause and effect. “

“If life has an origin, I think it should be to cut cause and effect. “

“If life has a true meaning, I want to cut cause and effect. “

Gu Qingfeng just said softly, during which the old monk remained silent.

“What a pity! It’s a pity that if you want to cut off cause and effect, and easier said than done, if you want to cut off cause and effect, you must first understand the cause and effect, which is a so-called road of search. Many people are lost on this road…because of this road It is endless, and you have already lost the day you start to search. “

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