Supreme Lord

Chapter 1270

Be aware that only when the highway falls, will the highway flow.

Although Gu Qingfeng is not too sure, he can faintly feel that the tear of the lone star is probably a great seed.

As for the seed of the great road, this is not known.

It’s not important. What’s important is that he still doesn’t understand why the unfathomable mystery of that avenue seed fell, and it just hit himself with impartiality, which made him think better. What is inexplicable is that the Dao Dao seed seems to have been acquainted before, and it is more like being one with oneself. Gu Qingfeng has not had time to react, that Dao seed has already integrated into himself.

It’s just a coincidence that all this is stumped?


It is definitely not a coincidence.

Nature will not give itself a seed of life for no reason.

No one will fall from the sky without a reason.

They and their Nine Nether ancestor fire will not give birth to a strange golden pill for no reason.

And if there is not a weird golden pill that has both infinite vitality and infinite changes, Gu Qingfeng is also impossible to give birth to an endless amount of Tai Chi golden pill, if there is no such Tai Chi golden pill Dan, he is also impossible to give birth to all living things like the Buddha and Vientiane.

If all this is just a coincidence.

Then this coincidence is really a coincidence, it’s just like an arrangement.

But what if it wasn’t a coincidence?

Fate arrangement?

Cause and effect?

Or are there other reasons?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng really couldn’t figure it out, he didn’t even know what the pilgrimage of such a Buddha statue in Vientiane was.

The only thing I know is that this thing should be related to humanity.

It’s just that Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know exactly what the connection is.

He is quite pleased that although he does not know what the pilgrimage of the Buddhas of the Buddha is, but at least he is still under control. In other words, this thing is not a threat to him. Take control.

On top of his Sea of ​​Consciousness, the gray in the sky has two existences like black holes, which look like a pair of black eyes, just half-open and half-closed, that feels It’s as if a huge monster is taking a nap. That’s true. The huge monster is as big as the entire void is its body.

This is the monster that unfathomable mystery conceived after Gu Qingfeng conceived the Buddha statues in the northwest nine years ago.

It is a monster with the void as its body, the sun and the moon as its eyes, and the power of swallowing heaven devouring earth.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know what this monster is, except that this thing should be an ancient taboo.

It should be so.

Gu Qingfeng has never seen the so-called ancient taboo, but this monster gives him the feeling.

And it’s still very fierce.

How did this thing become pregnant?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know it himself.

He even suspected that this ancient taboo was not conceived by himself at all, but after he conceived the Buddha and Vientiane, he revived this ancient monster….

between Heaven and Earth has too many mysterious and too many unknowns.

The so-called ancient taboo.

Most of them refer to the existence that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate.

These ancient existences are all Undying and Inextinguishable, not to mention the great road, even Heaven and Earth can’t completely wipe them out, only to expel them from Heaven and Earth and exile them to the legendary heaven and return to the market forbidden land .

In the rumors, legendary evil overlords such as Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​and Jiang Chen are almost invariably invaded into the forbidden land of Tianwaiguixu.

At the time of ancient calamity, Heaven and Earth Source was reborn and regenerated. It was also when Heaven and Earth was at its weakest. The ghost knew whether the evil overlord who was beaten into the forbidden land of Heaven and Earth would take advantage of it. This opportunity is dormant in Heaven and Earth.

Gu Qingfeng tries to communicate with this ancient taboo.


The other party not at all pay attention.

Seems too lazy to talk to him.

Shook his head.

Gu Qingfeng did not continue, but looked towards below.

Below the Sea of ​​Consciousness is an endless sea of ​​blood.

Large, infinite, just like the Sea of ​​Consciousness is as big as the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The sea of ​​blood is calm.

It was calm without any waves, it looked like a blood mirror, and there was no vitality.

This sea of ​​blood is nothing else, it is the drop of original sin blood that Gu Qingfeng merged nine years ago.

Although after the fusion, Gu Qingfeng forcibly sealed this drop of blood of original sin on his left arm, but in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the blood of original sin became the sea of ​​original sin, and it seemed to have taken over Almost half of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Listening to Jun Xuanji, this drop of blood of the original sin that I have merged not only possesses life, but may also contain the spirit willpower of the innocent uncle, and even consciousness, and may even contain a more terrifying existence.

Gu Qingfeng tried to sense.


It’s no use.

It’s not that he can’t sense the blood of original sin, but that he can’t sense anything, and it feels like that old taboo, as if sleeping.

I tried again, but it still didn’t work.

Nothing can be sensed.

In the end, Gu Qingfeng had to give up.

He looked at the ancient taboos above, and at the blood of original sin below, and looked at the endlessly changing Buddhas and Vientianes. He suddenly didn’t know whether to cry or The feeling of laugh.

I want to cry because this is his Sea of ​​Consciousness, his self-conscious’home’, and now, an ancient taboo that doesn’t know where is occupying the sky above the home, comes from the innocent uncle The blood of original sin occupies the bottom, and the endlessly changing Buddhas occupy the middle.

In other words, this is his own home, but now it is occupied by three uninvited guests, and these three uninvited guests seem to be dragged one by one, and one is more like an uncle, occupying his own home. Said, still fell asleep like this.

Fortunately, among the three uninvited guests, the Buddha of the Buddha in Vientiane worshipped this guest. It was relatively polite and obedient. If you let it out, you can also go out. As for the other two uncles, Gu Qingfeng There is nothing to do with them.

However, fortunately fortunately, there are these three uninvited guests, and they can suppress each other. If only one uninvited guest comes, then Gu Qingfeng will be in danger. Once the Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely Occupy, self-consciousness disappears without a place to live.

Of course.

The reason why Gu Qingfeng has a bitter smile may be because these three uninvited guests made him a headache, and there is a more important reason, that is, this’home’ seems to belong to him Yes, but it’s just what it looks like. In fact, the real master of this family is not him, but his Asura.

Asura is his soul.

There is nothing wrong.

But this soul is a bit disobedient.

It’s okay when you’re asleep. Once you wake up, Asura will immediately dominate the Sea of ​​Consciousness and declare hegemony. Gu Qingfeng’s self-awareness will also be affected and assimilated by it, and the fleshy body will be more It is the incarnation Asura.

Whenever I think of this, Gu Qingfeng feels helpless.


It’s just helpless.


He got used to it.

Also numb.

Since the day of cultivation, for 500 years, his Sea of ​​Consciousness has always been dominated by various creations. At most, more than forty creations have occupied the Sea of ​​Consciousness. At that time, his Sea of ​​Consciousness was very lively, and there would be a fight every three to five.

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