Supreme Lord

Chapter 1260

In the garden.

Qin Yang still stood in the pavilion, making tea cup after cup.

Besides, seven or eight people have been standing quietly, never talking from beginning to end, until after the water mirror disappeared, they looked at each other, and they wanted to talk. It looked like, after a long time, an Elderly finally stood up and said.

“Lord, what you said just now is true?”

Qin Yang raised his brows slightly and asked: “What is true?”

“Only the Lord said that he would not compete for the life of the ancient person.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Why? The Lord is really jealous. That person with the surname ancient?”

“If you say that you are jealous, it’s not fake.” Qin Yang did not recognize him, and said: “His existence, how to say…too mysterious, too Through the unknown, if he has been outside of Heaven and Earth Law, no one knows how much his potential is, and no one knows what terrifying nature he will conceive. How can such a person be not afraid of it?”

After speaking, the conversation turned around and he shook his head again: “It’s just that, this is not the main reason.”

“I also hope that the Lord will tell me so that I can understand. “

Other people also said: “Yes, Lord, I am not questioning the Lord’s decision, but this matter is very important, the Buddha of the ancients. After all, it is about the seat of the Lord of Humanity. If the Lord gives up, it will be a pity. If it falls into the hands of other people, then I will be too passive after waiting.”

“This I don’t know the truth, but I don’t know if you have ever thought about a problem.”

Qin Yang made tea without hurries, and said softly, “That is why the Three Thousand Great Daos can’t tolerate Gu Qingfeng, why did he want to obliterate him in a hurry.”

“Because he used to walk the heavens-defying road and committed many unforgivable mistakes? No, between this Heaven and Earth walk Although there are not many people on the heavens-defying road, they are definitely quite a few. There are not no people who are crazier than Gu Qingfeng.”

“Is it because he is the person of original sin? Not all, the same, The original sin between Heaven and Earth is definitely more than Gu Qingfeng. As far as I know, there are as many as nine people. Moreover, Gu Qingfeng’s original sin is still acquired. Among the nine people I know, there are two of them. The original sin is congenital. Compared with Gu Qingfeng, their original sin is more threatening.”

“Why is Three Thousand Great Daos just staring at Gu Qingfeng? The reason is simple, it is because of him. With an endless amount of Tai Chi Golden Pill, it has conceived a pilgrimage to the Buddha of all living beings, which is comparable to any destiny of humanity.”

Hands, toast, light taste.

Qin Yang continued: “The humanity resurrected in modern times is very important. Whether it is immortal dao, demonic path, and Heavenly Dao, it has been laid out for a long time. The purpose is to grab humanity in hand, but Gu Qingfeng is pregnant. It has transformed all the living things, disrupting all their plans.”

“In other words, Dadao has already appointed a humanitarian edict, let’s not talk about whether Gu Qingfeng’s living things can be grabbed, even if Grab it, this is also a hot potato for me, whether it is immortal dao, demonic path, or even Heavenly Dao will not allow me to have all things, so why should I make a wedding dress for others?”


Someone asked: “The Lord is not only the person of original sin, but also the person who should be robbed in modern and ancient times, and he has a good relationship with the Dao. Why not allow you to have all living things and compete for the king?”

“This is not a question of original sin or original sin, nor is it a question of not being robbed or robbed.”

Qin Yang’s tone has always been plain, as if he was discussing a very common and ordinary thing, and said: “It’s a question of Believing or Not. Although the relationship between me and Dadao has been good, But it’s just that. A good relationship doesn’t mean they trust me. Not only that, but I’m afraid they have always been guarding me. They will not leave humanity in the hands of someone who doesn’t trust.”

“If Dadao does not trust the Lord, and is also wary of the Lord’s words, then what about the purple king of the deficit head and the Third Prince of the Xian Dynasty, does Dadao trust them?”

Qin Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, “Third Prince Dao will never trust him because of his identity and background, and the Purple Cloud King has never expressed his attitude, so Dao will naturally not trust him.”

“So, is there no one to trust in the road in this world?”

“no! Yes, but I don’t know it yet, if my guess is correct , Immortal dao, demonic path, and Heavenly Dao have all been appointed in this world for humanitarian edicts, but they hide deeply and deeply… I have been investigating secretly for a long time, and have not found it out. Don’t forget, this Fang World has two true fate, one of which is Su Huaxian son, and the other true fate has not appeared until now.”

“If the Lord does not intend to fight for the person surnamed ancient All living things, presumably, it shouldn’t be the two of Zixiao King and Third Prince Fight for it. “

Qin Yang nodded, said with a slight smile: “Of course, both of them are smart people, and naturally they understand the truth. “

“Lord, there is one thing that I still don’t understand. If the lord, Third Prince and Zixiao King, you all give up fighting for all living things, once all living things fall into the Dao’s appointment. In the hands of the imperial person, will we not be more passive in the future? “

Seven or eight people said one after another: “Yes, there is still a balance between the avenues. If anyone can get all the living things, it will definitely break this balance. For us, there is nothing Advantages, but there are also great disadvantages. “

“The old man remembers that the Lord said that balance is good for us, and imbalance will only make us passive. “

Qin Yang replied: “Therefore, although we are not participating in the battle for the Buddha, but we cannot let it fall into the hands of the Dao. We must maintain a balance such as the status quo. We must not let any Dao. Break the current balance. “

“The Lord means…In order to maintain balance, when we need to, we should help the ancient person?” “

Someone worriedly said: “Lord, the existence of the ancient person is not trivial. If we help him deal with the Dao in order to maintain balance, it will not pay off. “

“The most important thing is that the ancient person is very mysterious and unknown, and has great potential. Since he can conceive all the living Buddhas with an endless amount of Tai Chi golden pill and worship this Waiting for good fortune, if once the throne of the king, when the time comes, we are probably more than just passive! “

Qin Yang did not speak, but drank the tea silently. After a long time, he said: “So, he must die, and the pilgrimage of all the Buddhas that he conceived must also be destroyed. Only in this way can we maintain the status quo and maintain a balance. “

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