Supreme Lord

Chapter 1257

“Tian Lan, you should know that there are two real people in this world, one of them is Su Huaxian, and the other one, I think it’s either the big custodian of Shangqing Sect, or The Third Prince of the Immortal Dynasty, or the Purple King with a deficit head.”

Of course, Ye Tianlan knows that there are two real people in this world.

I also know that one of them is Su Huaxian.

As for who the other is.

Still still a mystery.

Is it one of Dazhangchu, Third Prince, and Zixiao King? She is not quite clear.

In between Heaven and Earth, especially the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm, there has always been a word.

Fate is hard to reverse.

Destiny is hard to violate.

It’s hard to die.

Xian Ming received the Mandate of Heaven, and the Mandate of Heaven received the Mandate of Heaven.

What is fate?

Fortune also.

Destiny is not a road, but it is above it.

What is destiny? Throughout the past and present, between Heaven and Earth, no one can say clearly.

The so-called true man.

It is also the incarnation of the fate of modern and ancient times, in other words, it determines the fate of modern and ancient times.

Su Hua’s head bears the name of the Nine Heavens immortal dao messenger, but he mingled with Gu Qingfeng, a world-recognized immortal dao sinner. Why did immortal dao choose to be silent?

Su Wei knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng in Heaven and Earth is not tolerable, but he dared to stand up and try to resolve the contradiction between Gu Qingfeng and Three Thousand Great Daos.

On what basis?

Relying on her identity as a real man.

It is also the person who decides the fate of modern and ancient times.

Whether it is immortal dao or demonic path, or even Heavenly Dao, you have to give a little bit of face.

Not only have to give a bit of face, but also have to guard the true life.

After all, the existence of Su Hua is related to the fate of modern and ancient times.

And the reason why Three Thousand Great Daos wanted to obliterate Gu Qingfeng nine years ago, apart from worrying about Gu Qingfeng’s fusion of the blood of original sin, there was another reason that they wanted to take this opportunity to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, thereby cutting off Su Causality between Hua and Gu Qingfeng.

There is a cause and effect between a man who decides the fate of the present and ancient times and a man who threatens the original sin of Heaven and Earth.

This in itself is already terrifying.

Three Thousand Great Daos’ impatient shot this time also had this reason.

Ye Tianlan predicted that Three Thousand Great Daos will at all costs obliterate Gu Qingfeng when Wudaoshan is alive. This is also the reason, because she knows that Three Thousand Great Daos is afraid of Gu Qingfeng as a man of original sin The cause and effect of a true person like Su Wei will change when Wudaoshan is present, which will affect the causal black hole. Therefore, Wudaoshan is their only opportunity.

“This and ancient era is really a crazy era…”

Perhaps thinking of the impending chaos, Ye Tianlan sighed and said: “In ancient times, the fate of It is very few, let alone true fate, I have never seen it, didn’t expect that after the beginning of the ancient era, there are so many destiny drops, even there are two true fate… this is just one Great Thousand Worlds that’s all, between Heaven and Earth, there are endless Great Thousand Worlds. Who knows, the destiny is geometric, and how many are true? It’s really chaotic.”

“Causality is conserved. , Destiny is no exception.”

Grandma murmured: “If destiny is born at the right moment, then true destiny is born at the right moment. If there is no catastrophe in this age, true destiny will not be born. It is precisely because there are catastrophes in the present and ancient times that the true fate will be born in response to the catastrophe.”

“Can I understand that it is precisely because of the appearance of such a person of original sin as Gu Tianlang that this side The world will give birth to so many destinies and two true destinies.”

“It should be so. The world often says that there is a certain number in the world, and this is it. Reason.”

“The world often says that there is a certain number in the world, hehe…”

When he heard this sentence, Ye Tianlan smiled for some reason and said:” I don’t know if grandma has ever heard another sentence?”

“What is it?”

“Besides the fixed number, there are variables. I think Gu Tianlang should be a contemporary A variable of the times.”

“Why do you say that?”


“Whether the kid surnamed Gu is definite or variable, I am afraid that only Wuyou Empress knows about the whole world, and no one knows what her purpose was to use the blood of original sin to conceive the original sin person, and no one knows the existence of the kid surnamed Gu, whether Wuyou Empress deliberately did it. Or did she do it unintentionally?”

“Unfortunately, she fell asleep…”

“She created a threat to Heaven and Earth with her own hands, but she I fell asleep… It’s… It’s…” Grandma shook her head and said: “Mad, people in the era of no way… are all crazy, no one is normal, so is Jun Xuanji, so is Wuyou Empress, all are, I really don’t know what tricks these innocent people are playing.”

“Who knows.”

Ye Tianlan is very calm, and very indifferent, always.

Whether it is talking about the true fate of the fate of the present and ancient times, or talking about Jun Xuanji and Wuyou Empress in the era of no way, there is not much emotional fluctuation in her face of peerless grace and elegance. As if she didn’t care much about all of this, and as if she knew everything well.

“The big palms of their three people should behave before Wudaoshan emerges.”

The voice of grandma came, and Ye Tianlan turned back to the pavilion, carrying wine Kettle, poured himself a cup of heart wine, put it to his mouth, took a sip, and said, “It is not it, but it must be.”

“How to say?”

” Because Gu Tianlang has some of their most desirable fortunes.”

“Tianlan, are you saying that the kid surnamed Gu uses an endless amount of Tai Chi gold pills to conceive a mysterious good fortune?”

“The Buddhas of all living beings, worship in Vientiane.”

Ye Tianlan drank the wine in the cup and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was reminiscing about Gu Qingfeng took out the worship of all kinds of Buddhas in Wanxiang. At the time, the original indifferent expression on that beautiful face seemed to be moved. After a long time, he said: “It’s really amazing. It’s not an exaggeration to call it the best of the ancient and modern.”

“Yes, it’s really amazing.”

Grandma also sighed. When Gu Qingfeng took out Shangqing Sect to worship the Buddhas in Vientiane, although they were not there, they were still far away. I have observed and witnessed Gu Qingfeng took out the entire process of worshiping the Buddhas in Vientiane. It was really startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, and surging forward with great momentum, imposing manner magnificent, among which The mysterious contained is endless and breathtaking.

Singing like a god.

Like a magic howl.

Like a fairy Buddha, and like a Celestial Demon.

As the light of life is blooming, as World’s All Living Things is impregnating, and as all living things are worshipping.

When I think about it now, whether it is Ye Tianlan or grandma deep in one’s heart, they can’t help shaking a little.

What is the good fortune of the so-called pilgrimage to the Buddhas in Vientiane?

None of them knows.

But there is one thing that both of them can be sure of, that is, Gu Qingfeng, who owns the Buddha of all living things and worships, is already standing in the humane Peak. If he wants to be the king of people, no one can Fight against it.

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