Supreme Lord

Chapter 1253

For some reason, Ye Tianlan fell silent when he heard that Gu Qingfeng wanted to see his mentor really feel Old Master.

“Why? Is it embarrassing?”

“I’m not in any embarrassment. I’m afraid I really feel that Elder doesn’t want to see you. He hides because he doesn’t want to see you. Entering the Qing Pagoda.”

“Master does he want to see me, it is his business, it is my business whether I see him or not.”

Ye Tianlan did not speak any more , Seemed to be thinking about something, and then after drinking the wine in the glass, she said: “I’ll take you there.”

After that, she waved her hand, and in an instant, the two of them had already appeared. In the Shangqing Tower.

There is a cave in the tower, like a world of its own, Gu Qingfeng not at all appreciates the legendary Supreme Treasure of Shangqing Sect. After a while, he followed Ye Tianlan to a great hall.

great hall is empty, except for a few pictures carved on the walls all around, there is nothing else, and in the innermost part of great hall is a closed stone gate, although Ye Tianlan did not say , But Gu Qingfeng has noticed that Master and Senior are in the stone chamber.

“I’m leaving now.”

Ye Tianlan left the Shangqing Pagoda again with wit.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the stone gate, not at all talking, but just knelt down and bowed down.

After a while.

Gu Qingfeng finally opened his mouth and said, “Master, the discipline is back.”

No one responded.

Gu Qingfeng continued: “I know you are disappointed in me, and don’t want to recognize my discipline anymore, let alone see me again.”

“No matter what your Senior thinks For Gu Tianlang, one day as a master is my father for life. In my heart, you will always be my Master. You used to be, you are now, and you will be in the future.”

Gu Qingfeng is an orphan .

I have been wandering around Chiyanling since I was a child. I grew up eating a hundred schools of food. Sometimes I have to grab food from the wild beast, and later I joined the Yunxia Pie. I went all the way, everyday all yes. He carried his head and lived on the edge of the knife. He didn’t know how many injuries he had suffered and how many beats he had suffered. Only he knew the hardships and sorrows.

Because of his freedom and loneliness, he values ​​love and justice more than anyone else. Even if it is the grace of dripping water, he will reciprocate.

That year.

He has a notorious reputation. He suffered from the encirclement and suppression of the Immortal Dynasty and the Great Sects. The cultivation base was abolished, and his life was at stake. It was Zhenjue Elder who came forward to save his life. Later, Gu Qingfeng Only then did I know that in order to save himself and to keep himself in Shangqing Sect, Elder did not hesitate to bet on the lofty reputation that Senior had accumulated bit by bit with countless years.

It’s a pity.

Gu Qingfeng finally failed to reform. Instead of putting down the butcher knife, he became more vigorous. He held the butcher knife in his hand to kill the blood flowing into a river, and also turned upside down the troubled Heaven and Earth in this world. .

For this.

Old Master, who is known as the world First Immortal and respected teacher, has also become a target of criticism by everyone.

In order to redeem sins, I really feel that Old Master will not hesitate to exterminate the world.

Whenever I think of this, Gu Qingfeng’s heart is as painful as a needle stick. He has cultivated 500 years of self-esteem, justice, and has a clear conscience, but he only really feels Old Master, Gu Qingfeng feels I am so sorry to him.

After all.

Zhenjue Old Master not only saved his life, but also spent nine years teaching others the true meaning of Taoism.

Gu Qingfeng has had countless crazy demons before and after, and all of his creations are against the sky. Among them, there are many great good fortunes with self-awareness. The reason why he can find himself from the crazy demons again and again, The reason why until now has not been swallowed by those great good fortune consciousness and dominated the Fleshy body, in addition to his own perseverance, more is the understanding of the true meaning of humanity.

Return to nature and don’t forget the original intention.

These four words are the last eight words the Old Master said to him when he was tried by immortal dao.

He always remembered it.

Don’t dare to forget, and never forget.



An old sigh came from the stone chamber.

Gu Qingfeng’s heart startled and raised his head excitedly and said: “Master!”

“Chier, idiot…”

I heard Master’s voice again, Gu Qingfeng deep in one’s heart is excited and excited, can’t wait to break the stone gate, pay respects to Master.


In the end he held it back.

Master can reply, he is very satisfied.

“Stupid discipline is really silly discipline, dignified Buddhism, the supreme heart of freedom, in the end, it can’t match the two words of deep in one’s heart of your deep in one’s heart, but the deeper the meaning, the greater the calamity, as you were back then It’s hard to imagine that in the past hundreds of years, you are still the same today. Not only did you not weaken, but became stronger. This may be your fate, alas…”

“Return to your nature, don’t forget your original intention, this This is what the Master and Senior have always taught the discipline. This is the nature of the discipline. Even if countless years pass, it will not change. Although the discipline is at ease, its nature will never be shaken.”

“Return to nature, don’t forget the original intention, so…very…”

Maybe Gu Qingfeng was so excited to hear the words of the Master that he did not understand what the Master said.

“I thought you could let go of the things that happened back then, but you didn’t think about it but it became your heart knot, that’s all that’s all, that’s all that’s all, that’s all that’s all, that’s all that’s all, that’s all that’s all, that’s all that’s all, that’s all that’s all, and that’s all that’s all. “The truth?”

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and asked: “What is the truth?”

“Does the disciple still remember that year?” You have always wanted to ask a question, that is why you should save you.”

Of course, Gu Qingfeng remembers it, and remember it very clearly.

He has always wanted to know why the Master saved himself at all costs.

Actually, there were different opinions on this matter back then. Some people said that they really felt that Old Master was compassionate. They saw Gu Qingfeng’s talent out of the ordinary and hoped to educate him and benefit the world.

Some people say that they really feel that Old Master sees that he deserves to die, but they don’t want to let the tiger returns to the mountains, and plan to imprison him in Shangqing Sect to avoid harm to the people.

No one knows what the reason is. I really feel that Old Master has never told outsiders.

Gu Qingfeng was also very entangled in this matter back then, but it was only back then. Although it is still unknown why Old Master saved himself back then, he doesn’t care about it anymore.

“Many people say that to save you as a teacher is because of compassion. They hope to enlighten you and benefit the world. This is wrong. Being a teacher is not compassionate, and will not enlighten you, because being a teacher I know that a person’s nature cannot be educated.”

“Some people say that to save you as a teacher is your destiny. You are imprisoned in Shangqing Sect to prevent you from harming the people. This is also Wrong, because the teacher knows better that the little Shangqing Sect can’t detain you at all. As for the harm to the common people, there is no way to talk about it. Although the temperament is aloof and unruly, it will never kill innocents, let alone harm the common people. “

“At the end of the ancient times, the immortal dynasty was corrupt, and the people didn’t live a life. Even if there was no discipline, there would be others who would stand up to crusade the immortal dynasty to end Ancient Era. This was destined by God, and it was an inevitable development of causality. Consequences.”

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