Supreme Lord

Chapter 1242


The sky is the Purple Gold dark cloud like a billowing river, countless Purple Gold thunder and lightning roar like a Flood Dragon in the sea of ​​clouds, the mighty Heavenly Might is more like the wrath from the sky, shocking the sky , Also shocked the earth, and even more shocked all the beings in this world.

Weiyang Dayu.

The boundless silence.

Looking at it, either the immortal who collapsed stiffly on the ground and fainted, or the trembling immortal who bowed down on the ground.

Among them are Earth Immortal, True Immortal, Shangxian, and Loose Immortal, which has experienced more than ten tribulations.

Most of those immortals who fainted were unable to bear the silence of Gu Qingfeng before, and fainted.

And those immortals who bowed down on the ground, because of the arrival of Heavenly Might, because of the awe of Heavenly Dao, they dare not bow down.

Everyone is like this.

Whether it is the Sect Master of the Great Sect, the Elder of the fairy dynasty, or the Old Senior of the cultivation countless years such as the wine fairy of the true sun and the fairy master of the true garden, even Su Wei and Nalan Qianqiu have nine days People of background are no exception.

Heavenly Might comes, and all beings worship.

This is the old rules and traditions of since ancient times. In the face of God, no one dares to be disrespectful.

hong long long ——ka-cha!

Another Heavenly Dao thunder explosion.

Heavenly Might is more mighty and stronger.

That white clothed man.

That Gu Qingfeng.

Still standing quietly, like a cold and arrogant lonely mountain able to support both heaven and earth, dressed in white clothed flying freely here, three thousand black hairs dancing wildly in the wind.

The grim face is slightly pale, expressionless, and his gloomy eyes are like an abyss, endless darkness, without waves. He is holding one hand behind him, holding the quaint Buddhist beads in his hand, and holding it in the palm of his hand. The heart of destiny and destiny extracted from the Jade Dragon Flying Star within the body.

“Since you all want to know my attitude, then…I will tell you today, this is my attitude!”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, just like him It felt like that, lonely and calm, and the voice fell, I saw his five fingers forcefully, with a bang, the heart of the stars, which is the fate of the ancients, was so forcibly pinched by him.

Broken up?


It burst.

Whether it is the Sect Master of the Great Sect, the Elder of the Immortal Dynasty, the Wine Immortal of the True Yang, the Immortal Master of the True Garden, and the Qianqiu Suenalan, everyone present, including the expert of the avenue dormant in the dark, They all saw clearly, Gu Qingfeng squeezed the heart of the stars known as the fate of the ancient times, and there was no scum left.

Looking at this scene.

Zhenyang Jiuxian, who was kneeling on the ground, was suddenly paralyzed, and even the prudent Master Zhentian was frightened there. Similarly, Su Wei at the moment is a dumbstruck, a flawless picture. Jiao’s face was full of horror.

They all know that Gu Qingfeng has always had a lot of courage, and has always been regardless of the law and of natural morality, unscrupulous, especially Su Wei, she knows better than anyone that Gu Qingfeng has a contradiction The courage of the sky not only dared to kidnap the incarnation of Da Ri Tathagata, but also dared to openly challenge Jiu Tian immortal Dao.

But even so.

She never thought that Gu Qingfeng would dare to ruin the heart of the stars in public.

And it’s still in front of everyone in the world, in front of the immortal, in front of the clouds, in front of the nine days immortal dao, in front of the Three Thousand Great Daos, even in front of God, just like that The heart of the stars is ruined.

Throughout the past and present.

No one dares to do this, never.

Don’t talk about the present and the ancients, nor the ancients, even the ancients, and even the great abilities of the ancients, dare not!

This is destiny after all.

What is destiny?

The fate of Heavenly Dao.

He is also a messenger appointed by God, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a disciple of the emperor.

Heavenly Dao is the head of the Dao, dominating World’s All Living Things.

To kill the Mandate of Heaven is undoubtedly disrespectful to Heavenly Dao, and even to challenge God. I would like to ask ancient and modern, who dares to challenge God?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

This is no longer a question of disrespect for Heavenly Dao, nor is it a question of being against the sky.

Gu Qingfeng publicly destroyed the fate of the present and ancient times. His behavior is already provoking the hegemony of Heavenly Dao, and it is nakedly trampling on the power of Heavenly Dao!

“This guy is crazy, completely crazy…”

Su Weijiao’s face was pale, kneeling on the ground, staring at a pair of beautiful eyes, even her voice trembled. Amazed: “How can he ruin the heart of the fate of the ancient destiny in front of God, what does he want to do? Does he… really want to be the enemy of Heaven and Earth?”

Today’s matter, Su Wei knew that if Gu Qingfeng was willing to compromise, there would be no way out. Compromise might fall into passiveness, but now and the ancient world has just started, and the world is impermanent. No one knows what will happen to the current and ancient fortunes. Since Qingshan is not afraid of no firewood, as long as he survives, everything is unknown. Therefore, compromise is not necessarily a dead end, let alone an absolute dead end.

Take ten thousand steps, even if you don’t compromise and extract the heart of the Jade Dragon Flying Star, you can also integrate into yourself. After doing this, you may receive the Mandate of Heaven, but you will become the man of heaven. In a sense, Gu Qingfeng has one more guarantee. If Three Thousand Great Daos had not dared to act blindly without thinking before, he would be even more afraid to act blindly without thinking in the future, because the man of destiny is also the one who should be robbed in the past. people.

If you take another 10,000 steps, even if you don’t want to receive the Mandate of Heaven, you can still keep the heart of the stars. This is also a guarantee.

However, Gu Qingfeng neither compromised nor made concessions. Instead of making concessions, he personally blocked his retreat. He chose the craziest road in history. This is really a dead end. A dead end Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate.

Think of this.

Su Wei couldn’t bear it anymore, and suddenly sat on the ground.

Gu Qingfeng is his cause and effect.

Is also the only one who can solve the mystery of dreams.

For this.

Despite the persuasion of everyone, and regardless of his own identity, let alone his own safety, Su Wei, at the risk of the destruction of his soul, performed the Great Divine Ability secret technique, took out many External Body Incarnations, and went to Three Thousand Great Daos conducted persuasion and mediation. Her purpose was to resolve the contradiction between Gu Qingfeng and Dao.

Although hope is very slim.

But Su Wei still won’t give up.

But now.

In this way, Gu Qingfeng ruined the ancient destiny in front of the Three Thousand Great Daos, and in the presence of God.

It’s like hitting God in the face in front of everyone. Where do you put God’s face? Even if his Senior doesn’t want to do anything to you, he is also involved involuntarily. As the leader of World’s All Living Things, his prestige absolutely does not allow any provocation, even if it’s a god, even more how he is in front of Three Thousand Great. The face of Daos.

If we say that the contradiction between Gu Qingfeng and Dadao still has so little hope before this.

So now, the only faint hope has disappeared with the moment Gu Qingfeng destroys the heart of destiny.

“It’s over…he’s over, and I’m over…”

Su Wei was totally devastated and desperate.

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