Supreme Lord

Chapter 1240

In the quiet field.

Suddenly there was an explosion.

Everyone looked over and saw a cluster of light suddenly appeared in the dark night sky. The cluster of light was as bright and dazzling as the sun, and in an instant, the night turned white.

whiz whiz whiz whiz!

A group of dozens of people sprang out from it, all of them were fairies, and the leader was an Elderly with all white hair and divine poise and sagelike features.

Not far away.

Su Hua recognized at a glance, this Elderly is Ling Elder Yun of the Elder Palace of the Xian Dynasty, and his status in the Xian Dynasty is very high. The most important thing is that he is the person next to Third Prince. Also knows that Ling Elder Yun must have come by the will of Third Prince.

Ling Elder Yun saw Gu Qingfeng and bowed his hands in salute: “Elder Lingyun of the fairy dynasty pays homage to King Chixiao.”

The dignified Elder of the dignified immortal dao salutes a well-known immortal dao sinner. , This scene is absolutely rare, but no one seems to care about it now.

And Gu Qingfeng ignored it and stood still with his eyes closed.

Ling Elder Yun waited for a while, and did not wait for Gu Qingfeng’s response, so he lifted the head, thinking for a moment, and said: “Jade Dragon Flying Star not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, I offended it impulsively. The king, also hope that the king be magnanimous, think about his ignorance, and forgive him once.”


Ling Elder Yun said again: “Your Highness Third Prince has important matters and cannot come in person. After learning about this, your Highness immediately ordered me to wait and make amends to the king. Highness Third Prince will definitely come to thank you.”

Ling Elder Yun not at all concealed it, directly indicating that he was here for the Third Prince this time, hoping that Gu Qingfeng would give the Third Prince a face.


Gu Qingfeng still ignored it if he didn’t hear the same.

Ling Elder Yun was anxious, but he did not dare to say anything. Seeing that Gu Qingfeng did not respond, he immediately looked towards Su Wei and said, “Fairy, you should know what happened today. Third Prince’s original intention, but some people did it deliberately, and hope that Fairy Hua would come forward to persuade the king.”

Su Hua also did not speak.

Don’t say that she can’t get involved in this matter. Even if she can get involved, she won’t show up for Yulong Feixing.

Because she knows that Yulong Feixing is here today, Third Prince certainly knows, and it is very likely that Third Prince is instructing her behind her back. The purpose is very simple, just to test Gu Qingfeng.

Perhaps Third Prince did not expect so many people to test Gu Qingfeng.

Perhaps Third Prince did not expect the water inside to be so deep.

It is more likely that the Third Prince, who is known as the God-Knowing Destiny, pushed something terrifying, so I wanted to stop it.

At this time, Nalan Qianqiu’s voice came from Su Wei’s ears, saying: “Third Prince looks scared…”

Su Wei asked: “How Say?”

“I also not quite clear. The Third Prince should have calculated the terrifying thing and didn’t want to cause trouble to the upper body. More precisely, he didn’t want to provoke Gu Qingfeng, a mysterious, unknown and terrifying master. “Hey.”

“In that case, why didn’t he come in person?”

“He has to dare to come too.” Nalan Qianqiu said meaningfully: “Third Prince Maybe he knows the destiny, but I’m sure he must not know the depth of Gu Qingfeng. If he knows, he won’t let a destiny star like Yulong Feixing come to test.”


Ling Elder Yun said again: “After all, Jade Dragon Flying Star is the son of the stars with great destiny. With the blessing of God, he can’t kill! I also hope that Fairy will take the overall situation as the most important thing. Think about the safety of the king!” Looking at Ling Elder Yun, Nalan Qianqiu secretly thought: What a Third Prince, he asked Ling Elder Yun to come over, I’m afraid it’s simply not here to persuade Gu Qingfeng to show mercy. Instead, he came to persuade Junior Sister to come forward. He knew that Gu Qingfeng could not be persuaded at all. He also knew that only Junior Sister could stop the matter. For this reason, he also specifically mentioned the overall situation and the safety of Gu Qingfeng.

And Nalan Qianqiu knows that the so-called overall situation is the catastrophe of the present and the ancients. As a person who deserves the catastrophe of the present and the ancients, she naturally cannot stay out of the matter.

As for the safety of Gu Qingfeng, it is Su Wei’s most worried thing at the moment.

It is worthy of being the Third Prince who knows the destiny of God, with such high means.

Nalan Qianqiu said: “Junior Sister, you must not be fooled, the Third Prince wants to use you.”

Why don’t Su Wei know.

She doesn’t care about the so-called overall situation.

But Gu Qingfeng is her cause and effect, she has to care.

She is really worried that Gu Qingfeng killed the Jade Dragon Flying Star in a rage, then Heavenly Dao will come down for trial, and after showing her attitude, waiting for Gu Qingfeng is really a dead end that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate. Up.

But if Gu Qingfeng forgave the Yulong flight today and chose to compromise, would Three Thousand Great Daos forgive him? Do not! Instead of forgiving, Three Thousand Great Daos will probably continue to do so again and again until Gu Qingfeng is forced to retreat.

What should I do?

Su Wei didn’t know what to do.

She just looked at Gu Qingfeng here.

Suddenly, when Gu Qingfeng’s thumb stopped sliding on the string of Buddhist beads, a pair of eyes that were originally closed finally opened. There was still no waves in the gloomy eyes, and they looked hollow. The abyss is generally silent.

He looked up at the sky, then took a deep breath, shook his head slightly, as if a little helpless, slowly raised his hand, and clamped the tip of the star sword with two fingers. Without seeing him exerting force, the ka-cha sounded, and the star sword was broken by him. When it was broken, the jade dragon flying star of the god of incarnation immediately broke into a gap, followed by 2nd, 3rd…at the moment of the god of incarnation. The Jade Dragon Flying Star is like an ice sculpture that is breaking apart, with gaps appearing one after another on his body.


There was a scream of the Jade Dragon Flying Star hissing his lungs, and finally, at the moment of rushing, the god of the stars of the Jade Dragon Flying Star completely collapsed.

And the deity of Jade Dragon Flying Star also appeared, paralyzed with blood on the ground, like a puddle of mud, ignoring the pain on his body, and wanting to escape, but it was too late, because of the stars The moment the god exploded, his immortal spirit also collapsed, and his meridian skeleton was also broken, completely becoming a useless person.

He thought he was paralyzed on the ground by Gu Qingfeng’s shout, just because he was not ready for a moment.

When he wanted to come, as long as he took out the god of the stars, he would definitely be able to obliterate Gu Qingfeng.


He finally realized that all this was just what he thought.

Even though his took out the god of the stars, he could not shake Gu Qingfeng with his strongest power, let alone shake, in front of Gu Qingfeng, he even shot, stood, and moved. No qualifications.

He was scared.

I’m completely scared.

Especially when I touched Gu Qingfeng’s dark and silent eyes, it was like falling into an endless Dark Abyss, shrouded in endless fear.

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