Supreme Lord

Chapter 1238

The sunset has long gone west.

The dusk is shrouded, and darkness is being swallowed bit by bit.


Gu Qingfeng is still standing quietly, with one hand behind him, and the other hand playing with the string of primitive Buddhist beads. His face is slightly pale, expressionless, and his gloomy eyes have no waves.

In the field.

The three of Yulong Feixing, Wanhuayu, and Wuya were paralyzed on the ground. They wanted to stand up, but their bodies trembled violently. They were frightened. Gu Qingfeng was just the one with great momentum. The roar, not only shocked their immortal spirits, but also shocked their hearts and collapsed, and their souls were extremely frightened, as if they were detached from their bodies, and the whole body was in pain.

Wuya regrets it.

I regret not listening to Old Ghost’s persuasion.

Lumped on the ground, desperate.

He knows that Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is very powerful.


He knows.

However, even more powerful fleshy body is still limited when he wants to come, even more how Gu Qingfeng’s life is still so weak today.

He didn’t want to miss this extremely rare opportunity.

He wants to take a gamble.

He doesn’t expect to be able to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, or even defeat Gu Qingfeng in one and a half strokes. He just wants to press Gu Qingfeng in an imposing manner, which is enough to make him famous throughout the world.

He thought that with his own strength, he had both the immortal dao edict and the destiny in his body, and it was not difficult to press Gu Qingfeng in an imposing manner.


He finally stood up despite Old Ghost’s opposition.

Knowing that Gu Qingfeng is powerful, he has been admonishing himself to be careful, but he never thought that Gu Qingfeng was powerful far beyond his imagination. Just a sound of power paralyzed him to the ground. .

He didn’t know he was wrong until he was paralyzed on the ground by Gu Qingfeng with an angry shout.

It was wrong.

It was also at this moment that he realized how terrifying the famous Chixiao King is.

until now, he is the Heaven’s Chosen Child in the eyes of the world, Dragons Among Humans, he has become famous since he was a child, soaring to the sky, he also enjoys the praise of the world, his heart is higher than the sky, and he disdains to succumb to the world Therefore, he has not taken refuge in Shangqing Sect’s big palm custodian, and has refused the gracious invitations of the Third Prince of the Immortal Dynasty and the King of Deficit Head Zixiao. He wanted to take this opportunity to prove himself famous throughout the world. The potential to show his strength to the world.


Being paralyzed on the ground by Gu Qingfeng’s scream of blood and nose, not only was he unable to prove his potential to the Dao Dao, but he also failed to show his strength in front of the world.

famous throughout the world?

Maybe after today will be famous throughout the world, but this name is a shameful name.

Dignified a dignified edict of immortal dao, a son of the stars who is a great destiny, was shocked by the sound of a mighty voice, even standing unsteadily.

Wu Ya knew that he was finished.

Everything is over.

In this battle, he lost too thoroughly. Not only did he lose the reputation of his hard-to-run contacts, but also his own future and future.

This makes the boundlessness of proud and arrogant simply unacceptable!

It can be described as desperate.

Even him.

Not to mention Wan Huayu and Yulong Feixing, neither of them may have the ambition of Wuya to be higher than the sky, but their arrogant self-esteem does not allow such extraordinary shame and humiliation to happen. In my own body, since I was born, I wanted the wind to get the wind and the rain to rain. After getting the fate of heaven, even the immortals of the immortal dynasty did not dare to impudent in front of them. If they talk about fighting, they don’t even have to do anything because there is no one. Dare to work with them.

But now, he was paralyzed to the ground by Gu Qingfeng’s scream.

Wan Huayu could not accept it, and Yulong Feixing could not accept it even more.

Not only can they not accept it, but Deep in one’s heart is even more dissatisfied.

Especially Yulong Feixing, when he wanted to come, he was not ready at all. He didn’t even take out the destiny star, so he followed Gu Qingfeng’s way.

He refused to accept, even more unwilling.

Forcibly enduring the headache all over, gritted his teeth, stood up tremblingly, staring at Gu Qingfeng, angrily roared: “What a famous Chixiao King, while I was not prepared, I count on me with the momentum and prestige!!! It’s really amazing! Amazing!!!”

The heart of Yulong Feixing has been broken, the immortal spirit is also frustrated, and the soul is trembling, Essence, Qi, And Spirit and even the good fortune are also affected.

No one will continue to do it normally in this case.

Because of strong action, there is a danger of cultivation deviation, which not only leaves troubles, but also stagnates the cultivation base and becomes unconscious.


Jade Dragon Feixing doesn’t care about these at this moment, he just wants to defeat now, no! He killed Gu Qingfeng with his own hands and saved his face.


The Yulong Feixing roared, jumped up and jumped into the sky, the whole body bloomed with dazzling brilliance, the brilliance is bright, like a shining star , Illuminate the feet of Shangqing Sect.

“The surname is ancient! Today, my Jade Dragon Flying Star will let you see what the fate of the present and ancient times, the stars will descend!”

When Yulong Feixing raised his arms, a burst of white light shot from his body straight into the sky. For a while, the stars in the sky flashed like summon.

This scene has to be breathtaking.

The stars in the sky are shining brightly, and the jade dragon flying is really like the stars descending from the earth. It is no longer as embarrassed as before, but becomes uncommon military might, just like Heavenly God.

“The god of the stars! Turn to me!”

The jade dragon flying star angry roar, the stars flicker in the night sky, with a swish, a ray of magnificent light refracts and envelopes On him, there was another one, ten, one hundred…

As more and more stars refracted the brilliance, the Jade Dragon Flying Star is no longer a Jade Dragon Flying Star, but has become A true Heavenly God!

That really looks like a Heavenly God!

The nine-meter-high giant, holding a long sword, wearing silver armor, and a little starlight swimming around, like a bright and holy Heavenly God descending to the earth, powerful and incomparable, just like a Heavenly Might , Grandiose.

“I am the Jade Dragon Flying Star, the son of the great destiny chosen by the heavens. This is my god of constellations, Sen Luo, and the leader of the constellations is about to be revived. With you, a mere cripple, I want to be with me. Zhengfeng? Really overestimate one’s capabilities!”

The jade dragon flying star of the god of incarnation is very powerful and furious. When he stretched out his hand, the three-meter-long star sword pointed at Gu Qingfeng and shouted: ” Come up and die for me!”

The dead word falls.

hong long long ——ka-cha!

If nature has been shaken by his prestige, the entire blur is also shaking violently.

Good terrifying power!

really strong big power!

Stupefied, is this the true power of a child with a destiny?

Since the destiny came nine years ago, although it is known that more than 30 people have got the destiny, most people have never seen the true power of the destiny stars descending to the earth today. Today is the first time. Being scared by Yulong Feixing’s mighty power and power is beyond everyone’s imagination.

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