Supreme Lord

Chapter 1234

“I said that the three of you little bastard are also the sons of the destiny of the stars, how to have no shame.”

Zhenyang Jiuxian also worried about the safety of Gu Qingfeng. He stood up and yelled: “Just now, the ancient boy asked you to take action, but you didn’t make any moves, but now you are jumping out in a horrible way? Is it because the ancient boy is weak and at risk, trying to take advantage of others?” /p>

“Zhenyang Old Senior, you can’t say that. I just don’t want to take advantage of others, so I now stand up to ask the emperor for advice.” Yulong Feixing lightly said with a smile: “As for the emperor. Weakness of breath is in danger, hehe… it is impossible to talk about what a hero the king is. Weakness of human breath may be at stake for our ordinary person, but for the famous King Chixiao, I am afraid that it is not worth mentioning.”

“The king said that I was waiting in his eyes and it was no different from an ant. It was easier to kill us than to squeeze an ant, hehe…”

Standing in the sky with his arms, his expression was arrogant, his words were full of dissatisfaction and disdain, and he said proudly: “It seems that even the immortal dao, the clouds, even the nine-day immortal dao, and even God are not in sight. Such a great king, today I, Wan Huayu, naturally want to ask for advice and advice.”

“If I remember correctly, the emperor has said in person just now, he is just a little tired, he can recover after a sleep, everyone in the world listens It’s clear and clear.”

Wuya stood with his hands in the air, standing in the air, with a calm expression, and said: “Since the king is innocent, how can I be considered taking advantage of others?”

The three sons of the stars with great destiny, each one said a word, suddenly the real sun wine fairy was speechless.

Because of these words, Gu Qingfeng did say.

Zhenyang Jiu Xian was very helpless in his heart, and secretly blamed Gu Qingfeng for blowing up the cowhide, blowing the sky in a hurry, and being caught by others, even the rebuttal could not be refuted.

He looked towards Su Wei and secretly sound transmission said: “Fairy Fairy, what do you think about this matter? Is it really okay for Gu boy’s body?”

“The question now The key is not whether his body is important.”

“What is the key?”

“The key is what he is going to do.”

“What does it mean? Are you talking about Guy Gu? Is he still ready to fight? The situation of Guy Guy looks very bad. These three bastards are not ordinary people! Do you think Guy Guy can hold it?”

“If he shoots, these three people will definitely die.”


Zhenyang Jiuxian never thought that Su Huaxian would say this remark without the slightest hesitation, and said in astonishment: “Fairy fairy, they… they are all sons of the stars with great destiny. Ah.”

“It’s just that.” Su Wei stared at Gu Qingfeng here and murmured: “For us, their three people are the sons of stars with great destiny. In his eyes There is no difference between Li and Ants.”


Zhenyang Jiu Xian knows that Gu Qingfeng is very mysterious, very strange, and very powerful.

The mighty fairy may really look like an ant in his eyes, but even the sons of the stars with great destiny look like ants in his eyes.

True Yang Brewmaster didn’t dare to think about it.

If someone else said this, he might not believe it, but this is what Su Huaxian said, so he has to believe it.

I was exclaiming, suddenly, realized something, and said in amazement: “Wait, behind these three guys, there are a group of experts who are secretly supporting them, and they have great destiny. If the ancient boy kills If you lose them, won’t you be condemned by the gods?”

“This is what I worry about. If Gu Qingfeng had a murderous intention on their three people today, the people behind their three people would immediately There will be swarms, how many are there, and they are all who, I don’t know, it doesn’t matter, the key is, the road behind them, especially Heavenly Dao, once their three people are at stake, Heavenly Dao will inevitably descend. He will even lower the Heavenly Dao trial…”


True Yang Jiuxian heard that his scalp was numb, and his mind was trembling. He pleaded: “Fairy Hua, you can’t let the ancient boy take action, you have to persuade him! That boy! Now that he is very weak, he can’t bear the scourge at all!” Su Wei wanted to cry without tears, and said: “Zhenyang Old Senior, you also know Gu Qingfeng, do you think I can persuade him? “

Zhenyang Jiuxian’s heart is startled. Indeed, he knows Gu Qingfeng, knowing that once this guy makes up his mind, no one can persuade him. After Gu Qingfeng overthrew the immortal dynasty, he killed nine immortals. In the dark, many old friends came to persuade Gu Qingfeng to be soft. At that time, Zhenyang Jiu Xian also went. As a result, instead of persuading him, he even almost lost his life for it. Even now, there are still shadows.

“That kid can’t persuade him, the more he persuaded him, the more he became angry, not recognizing one’s family, but…but what should I do now? You can’t let Gu kid kill the three of them, right? Don’t you…”

Zhenyang Jiu Xian turned around like ants on a hot pot. Soon, he thought of a way and said, “Let’s do it, Fairy Fairy, you take care of Gu Xiao Can it be taken away forcibly.”

“If he doesn’t want to leave, I have nothing to do with him.”


Zhenyang Brewmaster was shocked and didn’t know what to say.

How strong Su Huaxian’s strength is, Jiu Xian Zhenyang may not know, and he has never seen Fairy Huaxian make a move.

But he heard that Senior Brother said that Su Huaxian is a person who deserves to be robbed in the present and ancient times. The Three Thousand Great Daos has to be given a bit of face and strength. Between Heaven and Earth, no one can have her.

For Zhenjue Senior Brother’s words, Zhenyang Jiu Xian always believes in it.

Zhenjue Senior Brother said that in this world no one can help Su Huaxian in this world, so no one really can get her.

As for how powerful Su Huaxian is, no one in Heaven and Earth can do anything about it. It is another concept that Zhenyang Jiu Xian can’t imagine.

I only know that the existence of Su Huaxian is far beyond my own understanding, and it is not surprising that he can be called Heaven and Earth unparalleled.

But now he is a person that no one can do between Heaven and Earth. Su Huaxian, who is known as the unparalleled Heaven and Earth, said that Nagu kid can’t help it?

It is difficult to say…Is the ancient kid really a god?

Or do you mean that what he just said was not boasting, but true?

Xianchao, cloud? Nine days immortal dao, even God can’t help him?

This is too terrifying motherfucker, right?

Zhenyang Jiu Xian not at all asked this question. Now it’s not the time to ask this question. He quickly said: “Fairy Fairy, since you can’t get rid of the old boy, let’s take those three bastards first. It’s okay to take them away forcibly, so at least, it won’t let Guy Gu kill them.”

“It’s late.”

“What’s late?”

“When the three of them stood up, everything was doomed.”

“You…how do you know?”

How did Su Wei know?

When the three of Yulong Feixing stood up, she just persuaded a few words, and then she did not persuade anymore, because after persuading, she glanced at Gu Qingfeng, when she found that Gu Qingfeng was on his body This feeling of casual laziness disappeared, and in exchange for a kind of arrogance and coldness, they knew that the Jade Dragon Feixing three people will undoubtedly die today, not only they will die, but whoever is the first of their three people today will also have to die!

Su Wei is not the Holy Mother, and she does not care about the life and death of Yulong Feixing three people. Persuasion is just purely not to deepen the conflict between Gu Qingfeng and Three Thousand Great Daos. Once she feels Gu Qingfeng’s murderous intention, In any case, she never spoke a word to persuade, let alone intervene in this matter.

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