Supreme Lord

Chapter 1228

While the great leaders of Great Sect stepped back and evaded, they stared at the scene closely.

Everyone was surprised that when the dozens Heaven’s Chosen human dragon took out all the killer moves, Gu Qingfeng was still sitting lazily on the dilapidated Lord chair, not to mention He resisted, he didn’t even look at it, as if he didn’t know it at all, drinking wine in a leisurely manner.

Just when everyone was puzzled, an even more stunned scene happened.

When Liu Guangbing used the natural water imperial book to show that the wind and snow swept over Gu Qingfeng like a blade, and then…there was no more, the wind and snow in the sky was unfathomable mystery on Gu Qingfeng Disappeared, just like the wind and snow falling into the sea, disappear without a trace, there hasn’t been any waves, not even a trace.

Streamer ice is like this.

With the help of the Fire Element edict of nature, Long Qi used the Azure Dragon Domination to shroud Gu Qingfeng’s body, and also failed to shake it, even the robe of his clothes and a single hair.

The king of the incarnation White Tiger is like the Ancient Divine Beast, fierce and mighty. After it pounces on Gu Qingfeng, it is like a fierce tiger pounces on a rock, still unable to shake a bit.

All the Power of Fortune taken out by dozens Heaven’s Chosen Renlong, without exception, after touching Gu Qingfeng, they collapsed and disappeared like clay ox entering the sea.

How could this be?

Not only Liu Guangbing and others like Heaven’s Chosen were dumbfounded, but the big guys of Great Sect and Great Clans and everyone in the audience were dumbfounded.

You must know that Heaven’s Chosen human dragons like Liu Guangbing have the ability to kill immortals. At this moment, dozens of them have joined forces to encircle and suppress them. Loose Immortal shattered to pieces, how can the take out Power of Fortune fail to shake Gu Qingfeng a bit.

What’s more terrifying is that Gu Qingfeng sat like that from beginning to end, without any cultivation base nor any good fortune, in other words, he is totally relying on his fleshy body to bear it.

What kind of fleshy body is so powerful that it ignores the combined forces of dozens Heaven’s Chosen and human dragon to encircle and suppress?

Body of Immortal Demon?

Unparalleled treasure?

Respect the body? Tyrants? Polar body?


Not all.

Many people can see that this fleshy body of Gu Qingfeng is just a pure fleshy body that can no longer be pure, and it is not any good fortune at all.

But how could it be so powerful if it weren’t for good fortune?

I don’t know.

No one can imagine.

Liu Guangbing, Long Qi, Wang Ba and the others continue to take action without believing in evil, but unfortunately, they still cannot.

No matter how powerful or mysterious they took out Magical Powers, they would disappear at the fingertips of Gu Qingfeng’s body, without leaving a trace.

Looking at this scene.

At the foot of Shangqing Sect Mountain.

Zhenyang Wine Fairy stared his eyes, opened his mouth, and looked in shock. Perhaps this scene was so shocking that it made him feel uncomfortable when he spoke, and he stammered: ” This kid…this kid…Is it really difficult?”


The Immortal Master Zhen Ting also frowned and looked at, and a pair of muddy eyes also revealed deep shock, although he could also see that Gu Qingfeng’s existence might have been beyond his own understanding, but Just relying on the pure fleshy body to resist the combined forces of the dozens Heaven’s Chosen human dragon to encircle and suppress, this scene still makes the real fairy master feel incredible.

In the pavilion.

Wuya’s complexion changed, staring at Gu Qingfeng above the void, his eyes also filled with countless shocks, but also with countless shocks. However, More is unbelievable, and some are unacceptable.

“How could this be? What fleshy body did he accomplish? What kind of existence he is!”

Wuya’s voice trembled a bit. Old Ghost shook his head and replied: “I don’t know.”

His voice is also a little trembling. Unlike Wuya, Wuya’s tremor comes from inner shock and amazement, and Old Ghost’s tremor is more Many are fears from my heart.

They do.

Not far away, the jade dragon flying star in the Purple Gold Palace of the Immortal Dynasty, and the Wanhuayu in the Purple Firmament Pavilion at the deficit head, the shock in the two people’s hearts is more intense than Wuya, and even more incredible. , Even more unacceptable.

Standing under the big tree.

Is hailed as a goddess descending to the earth, with a Heavenly Dao edict, for Shangqing Sect’s small palm, Yunwan also looked at with shock and astonishment, and muttered: “How could this be? He…he What kind of existence is it?”

“Wan’er, believe me, you still don’t know the answer to this question.”

Su Wei knows the power of Gu Qingfeng, so, She was not at all shocked, nor did she feel any shock, because nine years ago, Gu Qingfeng gave her too much shock. It can even be said that she is still a little dazed and unacceptable. In comparison, at the moment dozens Heaven’s Chosen, the dragon encircles and suppresses Gu Qingfeng, is really nothing, it is basically impossible to mention on equal terms.


It’s like the wind whistling.

Like a fire burning.

Like Divine Beast roaring.

Like thunder and lightning.

It’s like a storm is sweeping!

The Great Void is trembling.

Nature is breaking apart.

All kinds of Magical Powers, all kinds of good fortune, all kinds of power keep swept away.

Then Gu Qingfeng leaned slightly, tilted his legs, and poured himself a glass of wine with the jug, and shook it gently with the Taixu cup. He didn’t seem to be affected in any way. As if it was not him who was besieged by the dozens Heaven’s Chosen at this time, but someone else, he sat in a chair, completely bored.

Raise your head and drank the wine in one cup, then pour yourself a glass, lifts the head, glanced at the people hiding in the distance, and casually said, “Don’t be stunned. Now, let’s come together.”

The big men of Great Sect and Great Clans, their faces are more ugly, their expressions are more shocked, their eyes are more shocked, especially looking at dozens Heaven’s Chosen Renlong did all his best to shake Gu Qingfeng, but the immortal spirit gradually ran out, making them even more panicked.

“Do it! Let’s do it together! I don’t believe his fleshy body is an Indestructible Diamond!”

I don’t know who shouted, or who made the first Magical Powers, I only know, when the shout fell, when the first Magical Powers in the crowd hit the past, the 2nd, tenth, thousandth, Wandao Magical Powers madly attacked Gu Qingfeng from all directions like a rainstorm pear blossom.

Divine Ability is all over the sky for a while, the fairy art is all over the sky, and the good fortune of heaven is all over the sky.

The sky is full of wind and snow, the sky is full of gold thunder, the sky is full of Flying Sword, the sky is full of mysterious, the sky is full of immortal means, densely packed, countless.

Like an explosion in nature, the void began to burst and burst into crevices.

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