Supreme Lord

Chapter 1224

At the foot of Shangqing Sect mountain.

No one knows how many people gathered. Everyone was frightened by Gu Qingfeng’s rumors about startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, and gathered together to discuss spiritedly, I feel that Gu Qingfeng is too arrogant, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth arrogantly, even arrogantly has lost himself, but a normal person, I am afraid that he will not say such outrageous words.

The big brothers of the Great Sect and the Great Clans were full of hatred for Gu Qingfeng. At this moment, hearing that Gu Qingfeng said such rants made them fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Because Gu Qingfeng’s words are so mad, he doesn’t put them in his eyes at all. This is no longer as simple as contempt, but a total humiliation.


It is humiliation.

Each of them is a cultivation success expert of thousands of thousands, either the immortal of more than ten or twenty Luotian Immortal Realm, or the Loose Immortal who has experienced more than ten or twenty tribulations. Cultivation is not easy. Although the ancient times are an era of good fortune and destiny, they have their own foothold in this world with their rich experience, solid cultivation base, and profound strength. No matter where they go, they are Respected senior expert.

Now in front of Gu Qingfeng, he has become an ant.


The ants.

Gu Qingfeng’s crazy speech is an insult to their cultivation base for over 10,000 years of penance!

Even Old Seniors like them think so, not to mention those proud and arrogant Heaven’s Chosen Child, who has been burned by the anger of Gu Qingfeng’s words, and even has always been serene endless , Yulong Feixing, and Wan Huayu, the three sons of the stars with great destiny could not sit still, stood up one by one, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and there was a kind of anger in their eyes. This is self-esteem, arrogant anger.

Under the big tree.

Gu Qingfeng is still lying on his back lazily on the Lord chair and drinking a little wine leisurely.

“Guy boy…”

Zhenyang Jiu Xian walked over, resisting the astonishment in his heart, and said in amazement: “Are you kidding or… or playing for real?”

To speak of which he is also the master of cultivated thousands over 10,000 years. He has experienced large and small scenes. He has not seen all kinds of rare Heaven’s Chosen Child. Look at the number in the field. There are endless people, whether it is the big bosses of Great Sect or the geniuses of good fortune in this and ancient era. If you are alone, no one is afraid of the real wine fairy.

If you have to say to withstand the encirclement and suppression of the people, but also not fight back, the True Sun Brewmaster knows very well that with his own ability, neither to bear nor to resist, I am afraid that he will not even be able to escape. Will scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

He can’t imagine what kind of people dare to do this, and what kind of people have this ability.

This is completely beyond his understanding and completely beyond his cognition.

“Of course it’s for real.” Gu Qingfeng said indifferently with a smile: “You think I’m so idle, it’s okay to be nonsense here.”

“I Say… I said you brat is really refined?”

“More than becoming refined, I am almost becoming a god.” After all, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help laughing heartily.

Zhenyang Jiu Xian opened his mouth and looked at Gu Qingfeng who was laughing heartily. He really didn’t know what to say.

He can’t see through Gu Qingfeng.

I don’t know that Gu Qingfeng’s strength is geometric today.

After 300 years, perhaps the existence of this kid has exceeded my imagination.

No matter how much you can imagine, you won’t be able to resist everyone’s encirclement and suppression with the fleshy body alone?

Is this kid really a god?

Zhenyang Jiuxian’s mind is a little confused.

At this time, Su Hua also came over, persuaded: “Are you really going to do this?”

Su Hua is not worried about Gu Qingfeng’s safety, she may be the only person on the court One person who knows that Gu Qingfeng has the ability and the qualifications, the only thing that worries her is that these people beat Gu Qingfeng under the guise of the threat, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: “Otherwise.”

“Can you really do not fight back?”

“What’s so difficult about this? ?”

“From what I know about you, you have never been a person who is beaten and never fights back.”

“That was before. I said that everyone would It’s changed.”

Su Wei looked at Gu Qingfeng, she didn’t believe in Gu Qingfeng, she wanted to come, if Gu Qingfeng said he didn’t fight back, she would definitely not fight back, she just felt that this It’s too crazy. In case when the time comes, what happens is that you can’t control it and you can’t manage it. The most important thing is that she is worried that this matter may cause more trouble.

“Is there no other methods when I am stumped?”

“Sister Su, do you think I like to be beaten? Isn’t it impossible, of course, if you have the ability to solve it? Today’s matter, that would be better.”

To solve today’s matter?

Su Wei shook her head. If she had a way to solve today’s matter, she would have come forward to solve it long ago, and she would not wait until now.

She has the ability to persuade the bigwigs of Heaven Realm Three Thousand Great Daos, but she has no ability to persuade these ignorant people in this world.

The reason is very simple. The big guys of Three Thousand Great Daos know that the sky is how high and the earth is how deep, and they know how great the existence of Gu Qingfeng is.

And these people in this world are like a frog in well, they don’t know the sky is how high the earth is how deep, let alone the existence of Gu Qingfeng that they cannot afford to offend.

It’s not that she didn’t persuade, on the contrary, yesterday she used incarnation to go to the Great Sect to persuade them, and warned them very seriously that they could not afford to offend because of the existence of Gu Qingfeng, but in the end, no People believe, everyone is dubious.

And Su Wei also realized that if they were not allowed to witness Gu Qingfeng’s terrifying, these people would not believe it.

“Okay, no need to worry about me. I can’t avoid this matter anyway. Even if I can avoid the grievances of the past, I can’t avoid some curiosity. Today, if you don’t let them try, these bastard will not give up.”

Gu Qingfeng lazily said: “If this is the case, let them open their eyes, and it will save you that there will be nothing wrong in the future. Wander around in front of me.”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, Su Wei thought about it carefully, it seems that it is true. Gu Qingfeng’s existence is of great significance to this world, and his identity is exposed. From a moment, it is destined to cause a sensation in the world, and it will also cause countless troubles. Some of this trouble may be the grievances of the year, but most of them are those who dormant in every corner of the world begin to stir. There is also the big man of Heaven Realm Three Thousand Great Daos.

Think of this.

Su Wei suddenly felt guilty, looked at Gu Qingfeng, and said sincerely: “I’m sorry.”

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was taken aback, and asked in doubt: “Good job. Why are you sorry?”

“If I hadn’t accidentally disclosed your identity when I was in Yanluo…it wouldn’t… cause so much trouble.”

” Yo.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Do you still know that this is all the trouble you caused? I thought you didn’t know.”

“I… I… didn’t even think about it. After…you can still live, so when I saw you in Yanluo Kingdom, I accidentally said it…I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t just talk about it.” Gu Qingfeng smiled and said: “You have to use actual actions to express your sincerity.”

“What actual actions?”

“Come on.” Gu Qingfeng patted Legs, motioned for Su Wei to sit over, said with a smile: “Come with your father for a drink and have a good time.”

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