Supreme Lord

Chapter 1222

“Wine, I don’t plan to invite you to drink anymore. Even if you want to drink, I don’t have that many wine.”

Gu Qingfeng changed his position and put down the wine glass. Kui immediately filled the glass with the flask.

“If this is the case, let’s talk about it, and talk about those things back then. It’s also a retelling of the old.”

I heard that Gu Qingfeng just wants to retell the old, not at all, I intend to do it in one go. After these people, the Zhenyang Jiu Xian and Su Wei who knew him secretly sighed in relief.

“Actually, speaking of which, we don’t seem to have anything old to talk about, huh?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, laughed helplessly, then sighed then said, and Said: “Everyone’s purpose here today is for those things back then?”

The big men of Great Sect and Great Clans looked at each other, although they were all for this. It came, but no one took the initiative to speak out at this moment.

“If you don’t speak, it’s your default.”

Gu Qingfeng’s tone is very light, and he can’t hear any emotions, anger, sorrow or sorrow. Just like chatting with friends, he said: “As for those What should I say, in a word, it’s all my fault.”

No one would have thought that Ancient Era, the ruthless, aloof, arrogant, and arrogant King Scarlet Cloud would actually be in front of the world. Take the initiative to admit mistakes.

The title of King Chixiao is synonymous with brutal bloodthirsty in many people’s impressions, and it is also the incarnation of Demon God. At this moment, witnessing Demon God proactively confessing his mistakes made everyone feel unbelievable. .

“Back then, I was young and vigorous, aggressive, and seeking revenge for the slightest grievance. I never considered the consequences of doing things. For this reason, I hurt many people, many families, and many innocent people died. In my hand, here, I am sorry to you all to the people of the world.”

Speaking, an even more jaw-dropping scene appeared, and I saw Gu Qingfeng stand up for the people of the world. Bowed.

This bow does not matter, everyone in the audience is shocked, there is each one, all are shocked.

The True Yang Wine Fairy who knew Gu Qingfeng even widened his eyes and grinned, as if he had seen Gods Vestige in this world, to be exact, even more shocked than seeing Gods Vestige.

He is so.

The shock in Su Wei’s heart is even more unspeakable. When Gu Qingfeng said yesterday that she would apologize, she didn’t take it seriously at all. She knew Gu Qingfeng and started investigating even though I have never had any contact with Gu Qingfeng, but I know Gu Qingfeng far more than Zhenyang Jiuxian.

She knows very well that Gu Qingfeng has been alone since childhood, and along the way, he has gone through endless ups and downs and wandered about life and death for several times. Therefore, being lonely and cold is an arrogant body, and he has never bowed his head to anyone. Even in the face of the heavy trial of immortal dao, he never bowed his head to admit his mistake. Even his most respected teacher, Master Zhenjue, bowed down to the people of the world for him, and later apologized for him and committed suicide. Master Jue Xian admitted his mistake, not even a single word.

The thing that reminds Su Wei the most is that Gu Qingfeng once said one sentence more than once. He knew and corrected his mistakes in his life, but he would never admit his mistakes.

And today.

He actually confessed his mistake. Not only did he confess his mistake, he also bowed to apologize.

Other people may not know, only Su Wei knows best. With Gu Qingfeng’s strength, he has no need to bow to these people to apologize. It’s no exaggeration to say that even if Gu Qingfeng kills everything here today No one can help him. Immortal Dynasty can’t, Shangqing Sect can’t, cloud can’t, immortal dao, and even Three Thousand Great Daos can’t stop it.

Even so.

He still took the initiative to bow and apologize.

This can’t help but make Su Wei suspicious, but it is hard to say that Gu Qingfeng has really changed?


Su Wei remembered the words Gu Qingfeng had been talking about these days. He said that he was tired and didn’t want to toss any more. He also said that after more experience, people will change and their thoughts He will gradually mature and realize that he committed too many sins back then. If he can, he wants to atone for all the wrongs back then.

When I heard this sentence, Su Wei felt very ridiculous.

It is as ridiculous as hearing a Hell Demon King who kills without blinking an eye say he is an honest person.

Now, she finally realized that it is not Gu Qingfeng that is ridiculous, but herself.

This guy may really have changed…

“Of course, whether I apologize or bow down, I can’t make up for the mistakes I made in the past. So, today I don’t expect to get your forgiveness. I just realized that I did a lot of wrong things in the past, and I wanted to make amends with the big guys. That’s all. What do you think? It’s your business. I don’t know. I don’t want to know.”

Gu Qingfeng turned around, raised his head and drank the wine in his glass.

Not far away, Zhenyang Jiu Xian drank wine and sighed: “The old boy is still an old boy back then. Although he has a lot of enlightenment, his thoughts are mature, and his temper seems to be flattened. , But the arrogance that was born in the bones has not diminished, old man. I have lived for so many years. I have seen people apologize so many apologies. It’s the first time to apologize like this kid. See you later, the apology is only to realize your own fault, nothing more? Does the other party forgive or not, don’t care at all? Can apologize, the apology is so overbearing, and only this brat is not acceptable.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the sun hanging in the sky, fiercely stretched his waist, and returned to the Lord chair, raised Erlang’s legs, looked at everyone, and continued: “That’s all for apology So far, I don’t want to say any more. It seems hypocritical to say too much. Let’s put an end to the grievances of the past.”

When I heard that Gu Qingfeng would end the grievances of the year, each Great Sect The great clans of Great Clans immediately became cautious and nervous. They all wanted to know how Gu Qingfeng planned to settle the grievances that year.

“As for how to settle the grievances of the year, according to the old rules, a debtor must pay his debt, a debtor must pay his debt, this is an ancient truth, but…” Gu Qingfeng turned the conversation and said: “But , I will not pay for my life. The reason is very simple. I still have something to do and I don’t want to die for the time being.”

“I killed you all, and all grievances will end all one’s troubles, but I don’t want to do it anymore. Killed, there are too many people killed in this life, numb, and disgusting to kill, too lazy to kill again…”

Everyone knows that Ancient Era’s King Scarlet Cloud is always arrogant. Regardless of the law and of natural morality.

But didn’t expect that the Chixiao King of the ancient times is more arrogant and arrogant than the ancient times.


This is no longer arrogant.

It’s a contempt.

A naked contempt.

The tone is not half arrogant, nor arrogant, but like a god, there is a feeling of despising all living beings.

Suddenly, it was not the big brothers of Great Sect who were there, but a group of ants, not worth mentioning in his eyes.

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