Supreme Lord

Chapter 1203

Gu Qingfeng is good wine, but not tea.

When I was young, I didn’t like it. Even the best tea is not as refreshing as a bowl of old wine in his eyes.

No way, he is such a vulgar person.

“However, Fellow Daoist Gu, do you feel that the cup of tea just didn’t taste at all?”

Old Daoist Priest This sentence seems to have hidden meaning, Gu Qingfeng looked at the teacup, recalling the taste of a cup of tea just now. After the entrance, the bitterness is like a charcoal fire roasting the lips and teeth, and the bitterness is more intense, just like the waves of the sea.

The taste of this tea made Gu Qingfeng feel a familiar feeling. He suddenly thought, as if he realized something, his heart moved, and said: “This is Xuankucha.”

Old Daoist Priest twirled the white beard of his chin, said with a slight smile: “Yes.”

“The master is really here.”

Gu Qingfeng finally remembered, Dao Master likes to drink this kind of bitter tea most, and it is this kind of mysterious bitter tea.

“The view of longevity is not at all masters, only Xuanku has lived here for some time.”

Gu Qingfeng knows that Xuanku is a master, and a master is Xuan. Suffering, but, when I heard Old Daoist Priest talked about the word once, Gu Qingfeng quickly asked: “The Daoist Priest is already not in here?”

Old Daoist Priest nodded.

“When did you leave?”

“Not long ago.”

“It’s really unfortunate.”

Gu Qingfeng was a little depressed, and directly took out a pot of wine from his storage finger and drank it.

Before coming, he always wanted to know why the doctor was waiting for him here, and whether there was any major event. Most importantly, he himself had a lot of doubts and wanted to ask the doctor. But it never occurred to him that the doctor would leave like this.

“Xuan Ku has been waiting for Fellow Daoist Gu in Guanner for these years. About a year ago, he said that there are important things to leave for a while.”

“The doctor has Didn’t say anything?”

Old Daoist Priest shook his head, signaled that he didn’t know, and then said: “However, before Xuanku left, he told Poor Daoist that Fellow Daoist Gu would come here to look for him, specifically to explain Let Poor Daoist wait here again.”

The existence of the doctor is unpredictable, and the technique of the unorthodox way is matchless in the world. Gu Qingfeng is not surprised at all by pushing the performance to come to him. Asked: “Did the doctor leave any words?”

“Xuanku didn’t leave any words before leaving, but asked Poor Daoist to give this thing to Fellow Daoist Gu.” said With words, Old Daoist Priest turned over the palm, and a string of Buddhist beads appeared in the palm of the palm.

This is a string of buddhist beads that looks a little shabby. There are a total of 81 beads. All of them are red and black. Each black beads has complicated patterns. Gu Qingfeng took the beads and looked at them carefully. Look, but I can’t see any way.

To say that he has cultivated 500 years, he has won the Demon King seat of Wushuangxian, and he has also won the Nine Nether emperor seal. He has seen countless magic weapons, but he looked at this string of Buddhist beads. I really didn’t see anything special. When I asked Old Daoist Priest, Old Daoist Priest also shook his head and didn’t know, but said that it was handed to him for the doctor.

The sun is setting, and the sunset is almost dusk.

Gu Qingfeng not at all left, but stayed in the longevity meditation for one night. He didn’t do anything that night. He kept playing with the Buddha beads. However, after playing all night, he still couldn’t see it. What kind of mystery, I don’t know the meaning of such a string of Buddhist beads left by the master.

I really don’t understand.

Gu Qingfeng thought that there was no need to stay in the Changsheng Temple, and left the next morning.

If it’s an ordinary person, Gu Qingfeng might be able to take out Divine Consciousness and look around the world, but this person is a big master, a Ghost God is unpredictable, Gu Qingfeng asks himself that he has no ability to find him , And it is still unknown whether this World or not.

Since the master has left, Gu Qingfeng can only give up.

Although I have regrets, there is no alternative.

Looking at Shangqing Sect not far away, Gu Qingfeng thought he should go to Shangqing Sect to visit his teacher.

My teacher really feels that he is someone he has always wanted to meet, but dare not face.


Don’t dare.

Back then, he was not afraid of the world’s majors.

Back then, he was not afraid of the trial of the immortal court.

Back then, facing the nine-day immortal dao, he was not afraid.

In those days, facing the encirclement and suppression of Three Thousand Great Daos, he was still not afraid.

But now facing his teacher Zhenjue, he is timid.

He didn’t even have the courage to stand in front of his teacher.

If this were not the case, he had been in Weiyang for so many years, he would not have been to Shangqing Sect for a long time.

Because he is too guilty, too self-blaming, and feels too sorry for his teacher.

Even so.

He is still going to Shangqing Sect.

Always face what should be faced.

He never escaped before.

Will not escape now.

I will never escape.


Shangqing Sect is known as the World’s First Sect. It occupies 81 mountains and 365 peaks. It is said that there are nearly 10,000 spiritual altars, spiritual streams, and spiritual Veins. , Occupying nearly half of the Weiyang domain, this is only the Sect Headquarters of Shangqing Sect. There are countless Great Sects under it, covering the entire Divine State land.

Some people say that in Divine State, if a stone falls from the sky and hits ten Earth Immortal, eight of them are the disciplines of Shangqing Sect.

This may sound exaggerated, but it is true.

Shangqing Sect continued, the entire Divine State land, and even this world would be shaking three times.

There are still a few days before the sunset. In other words, the Empress of the female clan will leave the customs in a few days.

This is a major event for Shangqing Sect, and it is also the biggest event of Shangqing Sect since ancient times.

Sect Elder, the palm of Sect that belongs to Shangqing Sect, all came to prepare to participate in the celebration of Empress.

The discipline of Shangqing Sect Inner Sect outer sect, those who go out to experience all begin to return, and those who retreat also begin to leave. For a while, Weiyang is very lively.

Fei Kui drove the two-headed liger to Shangqing Sect all the way, but unfortunately, he couldn’t walk before he reached the foot of Shangqing Sect.

Because there are too many people.

Looking at the past, all kinds of fairy birds Spirit Beast are flying all over the sky, all kinds of luxurious lions are everywhere, Earth Immortal many as dogs, True Immortal everywhere, it is really dazzling, these scenes, like nine days Fei Kui was dumbfounded and amazed at the grand gathering of immortals. He lived such a big life and had never seen so many immortals.

“Young Master Ye, there are too many people.”

Gu Qingfeng opened the curtain and looked at the grand scene at the foot of Shangqing Sect. He was really taken aback and exclaimed. : “The present and the ancient are only a hundred years old. If another hundred years pass, even a dog in the world of motherfucker will become a fairy dog.”

Jumping off the big lion, Gu Qingfeng stretched out. Waist, looked up at Shangqing Sect, wondering if he wanted a way to get in quietly.

Shangqing Sect hidden dragons and crouching tigers, to be honest, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know how many experts are hidden in Shangqing Sect. After all, the ancient times are not ancient times. Who the fuck knows how many samsara reincarnations? How many great powers dormant in Shangqing Sect, with the help of such a piece of Feng Shui Treasure Land, devoted themselves to cultivation.

It doesn’t matter.

What really worries Gu Qingfeng is the lady Ye Tianlan.

If he can, he really doesn’t want to see that girl again, even though he asks himself that he can get in quietly, but he is not afraid of ten thousand things, just in case, in case he is caught by Ye Tianlan The girl noticed that when the time comes, there might be some moths coming out.

Just when he was in distress, a person suddenly appeared.

A white clothed dress, three thousand long hair, capable of causing the downfall of a nation.

A stunning woman who is like smoke and mist, and dreamlike.

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