Supreme Lord

Chapter 1201

Su Hua is just Su Hua, not Holy Mother.

She can travel around the world to help the world, and she can also travel the world to preach and give advice to others, but she will never do justice to others, let alone seek any justice for others.

She is the Nine Heavens Profound Lady in her previous life. She knows better than anyone that there has never been justice in this world, and there has never been justice in this world. Some are just you fighting for me. Reaching the goal by fair means or foul, Three Thousand Great Daos is the same, and even more how is it all beings.

This is also the fundamental reason why she refused to participate in any disputes after this world samsara reincarnation.

“Waner, I heard that Empress will leave the customs soon, right?”

Yunwan nodded, replied: “My Master, after nine days, sunset I will leave the customs on that day.”

“Your Master, why did she choose to leave at this time, but for the king?”

“This…” Yun Wan Slightly shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

Su Wei couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. The female sect Ye Tianlan did not leave the pass early and did not leave the pass late, but chose to leave the pass after the return of King Chixiao. This was obviously aimed at King Chixiao.

If this is the case, what is her purpose?

Is it to find Gu Qingfeng to recover the love debt that year?


It’s definitely not that simple.

Others may not know the identity and background of the female sect Ye Tianlan, but Su Wei knows a little bit. She knows that Ye Tianlan is not only the Sect Master of Shangqing Sect, but also not only the master of Xianchaokun Palace, but also In Ancient Era, she has another identity, Princess Zhang of the Xian Dynasty, but this is not important. What is important is that Su Wei knows that Ye Tianlan’s true identity is related to a certain power in the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm.

As for which power is it?

Su Wei is not clear for the time being, but she knows it must be.

Furthermore, she can also guess that Ye Tianlan appeared in this world, probably because of cause and effect. This cause and effect must also be related to Gu Qingfeng.

The only thing she doesn’t understand is that she doesn’t know what is the cause and effect between Ye Tianlan and Gu Qingfeng, and what is Ye Tianlan’s purpose.

Of course.

This matter has nothing to do with Su Wei, she doesn’t have to investigate and understand, but the matter involves Gu Qingfeng, and Gu Qingfeng is her cause and effect, so she is more curious, nothing more .

Thinking about it, I still think it’s better to find Gu Qingfeng as soon as possible.


Where will that guy be.

Su Wei knew that Gu Qingfeng came to Shangqing Sect to visit Master Zhenjue, and asked: “Waner, Master Zhenjue is still on the mountainside now?”

Su Hua asked about Master Zhenjue, Yun Wan’s expression changed slightly, as if he was a little confused and worried.

“What’s the matter?”

At this moment, Immortal Master Zhenting next to him said, “Fairy Fairy, my Senior Brother entered the Shangqing Tower.”

“Shangqing Tower?”

When I heard about the Shangqing Tower, Su Wei couldn’t help but startled, and the secretly thought was bad.

Shangqing Pagoda is the cultivation Holy Land of Shangqing Sect and the inheritance tower of Shangqing Sect. Therefore, it has always been in charge of Sect Master, and only Sect Master is qualified to open it. More importantly, Ye Tianlan I’ve been retreating in the Shangqing Pagoda, and now Master Zhenjue has also entered. What is going on? Su Wei clearly remembered that when he came to visit Jin’er a few years ago, Master Zhenjue was still resting on the mountainside. How could he suddenly enter the Shangqing Tower?


Master Zhenjue has already given up cultivation, and he will not cultivation again.

It’s even more impossible to enter the Qing Tower.

The difficulty is… Master Zhenjue doesn’t want to see Gu Qingfeng, so he hid in Shangqing Sect?

Su Wei knows that Immortal Master Zhenjue has been blaming himself for Gu Qingfeng’s things back then, and has been chanting on the mountainside for years. If you say that you don’t want to see Gu Qingfeng in hiding, this is not impossible.

But if it is not for this reason.


Su Wei thought of someone.

The female sect Ye Tianlan.

If Master Zhenjue did not voluntarily hid in the Shangqing Pagoda, but was related to the female sect Ye Tianlan, then things would be too bad.

Imagine that Gu Qingfeng came to Shangqing Sect to visit his teacher Zhenjue, and the female sect Ye Tianlan not only chose to leave the customs at this time, but before leaving the customs, she also shut the teacher Zhenjue in Shangqing Tower. .

What does she mean?

Don’t you want to threaten Gu Qingfeng with real sense?


Without much thought, Su Wei felt that he must find Gu Qingfeng as soon as possible.


There is a mountain near Shangqing Sect, named Changsheng Mountain.

There is a Taoist temple on Changsheng Mountain called Changshengguan.

The word Taoism is very unfamiliar to people of modern and ancient times, because this world is full of Great Sect sects. As for Taoism, not at all, there are very few.

Don’t say that in ancient times, even in Ancient Era, there are not many Taoist temples.

Speaking of Taoism, it always reminds people of a distant era.

It is Ancient Era.

It is said that in Ancient Era, not at all, there is no Sect, and some are just Taoist temples. At that time, people of cultivation were not cultivation people, but Taoist priests.

The view of longevity is an ancient vestige.

As for when this ancient vestige came into existence, no one can say clearly.

In short, very old and very old.

The sense of existence of the longevity view is very low, and many people in the low Weiyang area sometimes cannot remember that there is a Taoist temple.

People only know that there is an Old Daoist Priest living in the view of longevity. The Old Daoist Priest is called the longevity. No one knows how long the Old Daoist Priest has passed, and no one knows who the Old Daoist Priest is. , Even many people have never seen the Old Daoist Priest.

This day.

The sun is setting.

Gu Qingfeng and Fei Kui came to the foot of Changsheng Mountain.

Glanced at the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, Gu Qingfeng went up the mountain.

Although he spent nine years in Shangqing Sect cultivation, he really has no impression of this longevity view near Shangqing Sect. In my memory, he seemed to have visited it once. The disciples of Shangqing Sect besieged, Gu Qingfeng accidentally ran to the Changsheng Temple to hide.

As for the later…

There is no later.

Gu Qingfeng only remembers that he broke into the view of longevity, and when he woke up again, he had been taken back to Shangqing Sect by his teacher Zhenkue.

He has no impression of what happened in the view of longevity. He also asked his teacher Zhenjue. Zhenjue told him that he was in a coma at the view of longevity. It was sent by the Old Daoist Priest of the view of longevity. He came back.

Since the view of longevity came back, he has felt that his body has undergone an unfathomable mystery change. As for what the change is, he can’t say it clearly. Anyway, the feeling is different from before. There is no change. There is no harm in bringing him any benefits. Therefore, Gu Qingfeng didn’t take it as a thing back then. Now that he thinks about it carefully, he realizes that something is a little weird.


This is not the reason why he came to the view of longevity this time.

He came to the view of longevity, and he didn’t want to ask the Old Daoist Priest about the things that year.

Instead, he came to the doctor.

When he was in Yanluo Country, Mr. Mei said that he had met the master here, and the master had been living in seclusion in the view of longevity. Mrs. Mei also said that the master had been waiting for him here.


Gu Qingfeng is here.

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