Supreme Lord

Chapter 1198

Shangqing Sect’s Lei Ze and Furong, the two discussants, Elder, stood up, and representatives of the major sect and families stepped up to respond. They were filled with righteous indignation and angrily denounced the crimes that King Chixiao had committed in this world. To seek justice for those who died tragically in the ancient times.

For this.

Yun Wan not at all responded, and her expression remained unchanged.

She is not the only one, Elder also did not respond to other issues in Shangqing Sect. Some just shook his head secretly, as if he did not agree with it.

At this moment, an old voice came.

“When is the injustice reported, let the past events pass, why do you guys have to mention it again.”

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud scolding. Come: “A group of things, revenge if you want revenge, what they say to be fair to the people of the world, really a group of hypocritical villains!”

The two Elderly who walked into the great hall in response.

One of them, Elderly, has white beard and hair, kind eyebrows, divine poise and sagelike features, and a pair of eyes that look muddy, but they seem to see through the world.

Another Elderly wears a goatee, a brandy nose, and a gray robe, holding a hip flask, full of alcohol.

When these two Elderly walked into the great hall, everyone in the great hall dared not neglect, and immediately got up and saluted, including Yun Wan.

The Elderly of divine poise and sagelike features is called Zhenting.

He is a real fairy master from Shangqing Sect and even Divine State.

Shangqing Sect’s true character Elder are all highly respected cultivation Grandmasters in this world. There used to be eight true character Elder Grandmasters, and they are known as the eight elders of halal characters in Ancient Era.

The Eight Lao of the True Characters are immortal people who have attained the Dao over 10,000 years. Most of the disciplines taught over the past 10,000 years have been To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, and even the discipline of the discipline and the disciples of the discipline are all To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, therefore, Shangqing Sect’s True Character Eight Lao is also known as Shangqing Immortal.

It’s just that after the opening of the present and ancient times, the eight Shangqing immortal masters returned to seclusion, and those who entered the cabinet entered the cabinet. To this day, only Zhentian immortal masters still hold the position of deliberating Elder. In this way, he rarely intervenes in Shangqing Sect affairs during normal times.

And the drunk Elderly, named Zhenyang.

He is also a Shangqing Sect true character generation, and he is also senior and junior brothers with Zhenjue and Zhenting.

It’s just that he is neither Shangqing Sect Elder, nor has he lived in seclusion, and he has not joined the cabinet. He is not even a Shangqing Sect person now.

It is said that this Old Master long, long ago, because he could not stand the rules of Shangqing Sect, he expelled himself from Shangqing Sect, and then settled in Shixian Town and opened a winery.

Although Zhenyang is not a member of Shangqing Sect, he has repeatedly claimed that he has no relationship with Shangqing Sect. However, people who are not at all dare to underestimate him because of this, even these people here are all different Representatives of the Great Sect Patriarch did not dare.

They all know that Old Master not to be trifled with, no matter who gets him, it will be a headache.

Hot temper and weird personality. The most important thing is that this man loves wine as one’s life. He also likes to be drunk if he has nothing to do. What’s even more troublesome is that his strength is extremely high. Rumor has it. Among them, he had been in the Heaven Realm for a while, and then he broke through the barriers of the world and came back. For this reason, he violated the Heaven and Earth Law and was also tried.

Speaking of True Yang.

Jianghu people call the wine lunatic, but this is just a nickname, no one dared to call it that way, generally they will respectfully call the wine fairy Senior.

These two people suddenly appeared in the great hall, which surprised everyone.

Yun Wan helped Zhen Ting to sit in the first seat. When Zhen Yang was invited to sit, Zhen Yang refused.

Zhen Yang glared a pair of eyes and glanced fiercely on the faces of everyone, and said with contempt: “You guys are all the masters of this world, how can you do this to have no Shame’s activities, do you still want to take revenge? Is it right that the scars are forgotten to hurt?”

“What revenge do you have? Do you still have a face to revenge?”

” Back then, the ancient boy had been fighting with the immortal dynasty, but he didn’t provoke you. Instead of not, he was tolerant. People have been fighting with the immortal dynasty. It is because you have to lick your face to encircle and suppress the immortal dynasty. Finally, But it was destroyed by Guy Gu.”

“Don’t remember too much? Motherfucker wants revenge? Don’t you think you blush?”

“I didn’t do enough work in the past, but I still Want to keep doing it?”

As soon as Zhen Yang came in, he scolded his voice. The faces of the Sect Masters of the Great Sect who were trained were blue and white. They were either Great Sect Sect Masters or It is Patriarch of the fairy family, when has been reprimanded like this, never.

But in the face of such a troublesome master like Zhenyang, regardless of their seniority, status, background or even the cultivation base, they are extremely powerful, and they dare not do anything. Most importantly, even if they don’t want to , But they also had to admit that what Zhen Yang said was the truth, so they couldn’t refute it at all.

The Sect Master of the Great Ascension Sect stood up and responded: “Brewmaster Senior, I am not waiting for revenge, but for justice for the people of the world…”

Before he finished his words, Zhen Yang snorted fiercely.

“Do you still seek justice for the people of the world? What kind of justice? How did the ancient man kill the innocent people? Or something? As far as the old man knows, don’t you know that he did kill in this life A lot of people were killed, but the ones who killed the most were the immortals of the Xian Dynasty, who had a relationship with the people of the world? Which one of you heard someone say that the ancient kid killed the innocent? To put it in a bad way, those innocent people just stretch out Let Gu kid kill his neck, and his motherfucker doesn’t bother to kill him. Do you think Gu kid is so idle?”

“old man dare to say that, Gu kid has never killed an innocent person in his life. , Not only did it not, but the old guy has done a lot of good deeds for the people of the world in his life.”

“Why does that kid become an enemy of Xianchao?”

“It’s not because of motherfucker I grabbed the spiritual altar of the Xian Dynasty, broke the spirit stream, and opened the Spiritual Veins. In the end, the old man gave the piles of Spirit Stones he grabbed to the people of the world, right? If the old man remembers correctly, Back then, you all divided a lot of Great Sects, right? You got a lot of benefits, right?”

“Even so, later in order to curry favor with the immortal dynasty, motherfucker requite kindness with enmity, went to encircle and suppress the old boy. Now when I heard that the old guy is coming to Shangqing Sect, your motherfucker is still thinking about discussing to encircle people?”

“We can’t do this as a human? Can we make a face?”

Zhenyang Old Senior even satirizes the Sect Masters of the Great Sects with irritation, and doesn’t show any affection. The faces of the Great Sect Masters are red, and they are ashamed and angry, and they can’t hold back their face.

“There are also you two.”

Zhen Yang crossed the Great Sect Masters, and pointed at Elder, Lei Ze and Furong, who were discussing matters, and said, “They are seeking revenge from the ancient boy. Although to have no shame, it can be said in any way. You said that you two were yelling for something. They were almost wiped out the whole family by the old boy. How did the old boy not treat you Shangqing Sect back then? You Shangqing Sect To have no shame to encircle and suppress people again and again, the old guys are all looking at the face of my First Senior Brother. If you don’t talk to you Shangqing Sect lower oneself to somebody’s level, why do you two still want to die?”

Faced with Zhenyang, even the Great Sect Masters were unable to refute, let alone Furong and Lei Ze, the two Shangqing Sect’s discussions Elder.

“hehe! Old man I forgot.”

Suddenly, if Zhen Yang thought of something, said with a smile: “I said why you two jumped so happy, I dare to want to use public office to avenge private wrongs? What’s the matter? The bloody nose and swollen face that was beaten by the old boy back then, do you still remember?”

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