Supreme Lord

Chapter 1186

“At that time, I really felt that the old master brought the old boy back to Shangqing Sect, and the old stubborn gang in the clan had to imprison the old boy. The Old Master repeatedly persuaded that the old boy is not bad in nature and the perception is unparalleled. If you guide, it will definitely benefit the world in the future.”

“However, the stubborn gang of Shangqing Sect didn’t listen to Old Master’s persuasion at all. In the end, they only gave Old Master two choices, either to imprison the old boy or Let him fend for himself in Shangqing Sect.”

“The Old Master had no choice but to say no, but he had no choice but to agree. He gave the two choices to the guy, and let the guy choose by himself, and the guy chose Fend and die.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor couldn’t help sighing whenever he thought of it.

In his thoughts, if the stubborn gang of Shangqing Sect were as open-minded as the real old masters, Ancient Era would not have blood flowing into a river, nor would they walk the heavens-defying road. King Chixiao may be a Grandmaster of the world.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor sighed again and again. Next to Luo Xuan Mingyue, he felt like a person like King Chixiao. Speaking of Grandmaster in the world, even if it is the world Paragon, it is not surprising.

At this time.

A shout came, and Luo Xuan Old Ancestor looked up and saw that it was his own Luo Laoba.

“Lao Ba, you brat is not looking after you in the store. What are you doing here.”

“I heard that you are arguing with a few juniors.” Luo Lao Eight looked around, not at all, found other people, and asked: “Where are the people.”

“You bastard is so slow, waiting for you to save the old man, the old man will be his mother. People were killed.”

“Old Ancestor, I’m fast enough.”

Luo Xuanmingyue said: “Uncle, there is nothing wrong, you don’t have to worry.”

“It’s okay.” Luo Laoba persuaded: “Old Ancestor, I didn’t say you, you are all too old, why quarrel with a few juniors, really.”


“The old man is noisy, what’s the matter.”

What’s the matter?

Luo Ba dare not do anything.


A galloping horse came and stopped in front of them.

The dwarf who drove the car was a dwarf in a black robe tight suit. After the dwarf stopped, the dwarf opened the curtain for the first time, and a young man walked out of the dwarf.

This man is wearing a simple white clothed, with long hair scattered randomly behind him, on a fairly handsome face, with a faint smile on his mouth, especially when he sees Luo Xuan Old Ancestor At that time, the smile became stronger.

“Hey, Little Brother, you really followed me.”

Luo Laoba recognized Gu Qingfeng and immediately said to Luo Xuan Old Ancestor: “Old Ancestor, This Little Brother said he would visit you.”

“Visit the old man?”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor looked up and down Gu Qingfeng, and Luo Xuan Mingyue next to him did the same. When she discovered that Gu Qingfeng had neither a cultivation base nor any good fortune, she was quite puzzled.

One is because in modern times and ancient times, all people have a little cultivation base, and ordinary people who are poor and white are really rare.

The second and most important thing is that, among the rumors, the Chixiao King Gu Qingfeng confirmed by Fairy Fairy does not have a cultivation base and no good fortune.

This should be just a coincidence?

Luo Xuanmingyue not at all think more.

“Boy, what’s the matter with looking for an old man?”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “There is indeed something.”

“What’s the matter?” “

“Repay the debt.”

“What debt?”

“I drank a lot of Luo Xuan Lao Tang in Shixian Town back then, but never Give me money.”

“Is there anything else?”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor thought about not at all. I don’t remember this guy drinking at his home. Guo Lao Tang said: “Boy, did you admit the wrong person? Old man has no impression of you at all.”

“You always have no impression of me, but I still remember your impression. New.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Old Tangtou, really don’t remember me?”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor stared at Gu Qingfeng, confirming that he did not know the guy in front of him, and looked again Seeing Luo Laoba and Luo Xuan Mingyue, they don’t even know each other. Luo Xuan Old Ancestor asked: “Boy, what’s your last name.”

“My last name is ancient, my name is Heavenly Wolf.”


The ancient name Heavenly Wolf?

Gu Tianlang?

Gu Qingfeng’s voice was not loud, but the voice came. To Luo Xuan and Old Ancestor, it was like a bolt from the blue sky, and the three people’s mind was blank.

Luo Laoba never imagined that this ugly and ordinary youngster would claim to be the King of Chixiao Gu Tianlang.

Luo Xuan Mingyue didn’t even think about it, because she had been talking to Luo Xuan Old Ancestor all the way about the Emperor of Scarlet Clouds, and didn’t expect that someone suddenly appeared to claim to be King of Scarlet Clouds.

Only when she discovered that Gu Qingfeng had neither a cultivation base nor good fortune, she was still wondering if it would be the rumored King of Chixiao, but didn’t expect…didn’t expect this guy actually Really claim to be the King of Chixiao.

“What did you say?”

Maybe it happened too suddenly, or maybe it was too shocked. Luo Xuan Old Ancestor doubted the authenticity, but asked again uncertainly. Once again: “You just said that your surname is Gu, and your name is Heavenly Wolf?”


“Gu kid! You are Gu kid! You are really ancient kid!”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor suddenly became excited, his face flushed with excitement, and tears in his excited eyes, he stepped forward to hold Gu Qingfeng’s hands and said emotionally: “you brat Really come back! The old man knew that your smelly brat would definitely come back! Definitely!”

“hahaha! Old Master, I thought you forgot me.”


I don’t know if I was too excited to see Gu Qingfeng, the Old Master choked for a while, crying with tears.

“Old Master, a lot of years old, as for you, besides, there are so many people here, so many people have seen many people, and those who don’t know think I am bullying an old man.”

“Yes, yes! There are so many people here, let’s go home! Let’s go home and talk again.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor touched his face with his sleeve, pulled Gu Qingfeng and went home go.

Leave Luo Laoba and Luo Xuan Mingyue there, until Luo Xuan Old Ancestor pulled Gu Qingfeng away for a long time, Luo Laoba came back to his senses, but Some were unsteady, sitting on the ground, murmured: “God, that Little Brother, no…that person is really the King of Chixiao!”

Although Luo Xuanmingyue is still standing, She was just standing, her brain was a little confused, and her thinking was even more so, and she muttered: “The king, is he really a king? Is he really a king?”

I don’t know.

The only thing that is certain is that this person should be Gu Qingfeng who was personally confirmed by Fairy Hua.

As for whether this Gu Qingfeng is a real king, she is like most people in doubt.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Fairy Hua, but that Fairy Hua might mistakenly believe that Gu Qingfeng is the King of Chixiao.

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