Supreme Lord

Chapter 1179

Gu Qingfeng was drinking Luo Xuan Lao Tang while listening to the conversation between the shopkeeper and the Elders of Shangqing Sect.

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng has never deliberately concealed his identity, and he does not care whether his identity is exposed or not.

For him, it makes no difference whether his identity is exposed or not.

No exposure, less trouble, more convenience.

In the case of exposure, it is nothing more than more trouble, less convenience, nothing more.

He is in trouble now, so naturally he doesn’t care about the trouble caused by the exposure of his identity.

Moreover, compared with the original sin of cause and effect, Three Thousand Great Daos, this little trouble is really irrelevant.

Bai Xuan Elder and the others of Shangqing Sect drank Luo Xuan Lao Tang, they did not stay long because there were still many things to do in the clan.

After Luo Xuan shopkeeper sent away Bai Xuan Elder, Gu Qingfeng asked: “shopkeeper, can I ask, is Luo Xuan Old Master still there?”

Luo Xuan Old The Master was not thin to himself, but now that he is here, Gu Qingfeng wonders how he has to visit Old Master.

“Luo Xuan Old Master?” shopkeeper said with a smile: “Little Brother is not a local at first sight, right? We Luo Xuan Lao Tang, but all the older elders are Luo Xuan Old Master, no Do you know which Old Master you are looking for?”

“That’s true.”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, but he couldn’t remember the one who took care of himself back then. Luo Xuan’s Old Master’s name, he said, “What is the name of Old Master? I don’t know. He is not your shopkeeper, but he used to be with you when things were all right.”

“Before? How long ago?”

The shopkeeper of Luo Xuan Lao Tang looked up and down Gu Qingfeng, seeing that Gu Qingfeng did not have any cultivation base, and there was no good fortune. It was very strange. After all, in the modern and ancient times when everything is resurrected and good fortune is flying in the sky, it is not rare to say that there is no good fortune, but if there is not even a cultivation base, it is very rare.

“Almost four hundred years ago, right? Old Master has a nickname, known as Lao Tang Tou, and everyone in Shixian Town knows him.”

, The shopkeeper immediately knew that Gu Qingfeng was looking for who, and said: “That’s our Luo Xuan Old Ancestor, what are you doing with his Senior?”

“What? This…”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin. For a while, he really didn’t know how to answer this question. He explained: “There is no major event, I just want to meet the Old Master.”

“That’s it. “

The shopkeeper looked at the sky and said: “At this time, our Old Ancestor usually listens to music in the theater by the edge of Longtan. If you want to wait, just wait here. As soon as the sun sets, his Senior will come back. If you don’t want to wait, go to the theater near Longtan to find him.”

“This Old Master really hasn’t changed at all.”


Listening to what the shopkeeper said, Gu Qingfeng just remembered that the Old Master would go to the garden by Longtan every afternoon to listen to music, and it was so thunderous. This was the case before. After so many years of daring to love him, he still Nothing has changed at all.

“Little Brother, look at your young age. He sounds like you have known our Old Ancestor for a long time.”

The shopkeeper knows his Old Ancestor very well. , Three Sects Jiuliu’s friends have everything, so when I heard that Gu Qingfeng was looking for Old Ancestor, he was not at all surprised, but Gu Qingfeng’s tone made him feel a little strange. How he thinks Gu Qingfeng is one Ordinary person with no cultivation base and no good fortune, who is at least twenty years old, how to say it, seems to have known Old Ancestor for a long time, and mentioned more than four hundred years ago?

For the shopkeeper’s doubts, Gu Qingfeng just laughed and told Fei Kui to settle the bill, and then he was going to the Longtan Garden.

That garden, he knows, is very famous in Weiyang, but he hasn’t been there at all during the nine years of Shangqing Sect cultivation, not even once. First, there is no time, second I didn’t feel in the mood to come, and I didn’t have that spare money for three years. During the nine years of Shangqing Sect cultivation, I was either cultivation or being insulted by the bastards of Shangqing Sect. How could Gu Qingfeng feel in the mood to go to some theater.

At this time, someone outside shouted: “Luo Laoba, your Old Ancestor is arguing with people in Longtan. Go and see.”

That The shopkeeper named Luo Laoba was confused and asked: “Our Old Ancestor? I quarrel with others? Who is it with?”

“I heard that it is a few juniors of the streamer family.”


“The Streaming Family?” Luo Laoba was even more dazed, and continued to ask: “Old Ancestor is so old, why is he arguing with a bunch of juniors? And he is still a junior of the Streaming Family? Why on earth? Huh?”

Luo Laoba is not worried about the safety of the Old Master, he is still slowly tidying up the old soup on the table.

Just kidding.

Old Ancestor sold Luo Xuan soup for almost over 10,000 years in Shixian Town. Most of the people in Weiyang Dayu grew up drinking Luo Xuan soup. He went down with his senior voice, Weiyang Dayu Everyone had to tremble. Under such circumstances, who would dare to move Luo Xuan Lao Tang’s ancestor in Weiyang? Unless it is impatient to live.

“I heard that it was the juniors of the streamer family who humiliated the king. Old Ancestor in your family may not be able to see it. After teaching a few words, it turned out to be noisy.”

“I As soon as I heard it, I guessed it was definitely because of the king.”

Luo Laoba looked helpless, took off the apron tied around his waist, and sighed: “There are only kings in this world. It’s something, our Old Ancestor will quarrel with others, let’s go, let’s see, this Old Master is really not worrying, this is how many years have passed, it’s almost 500 years, right? Old Master still looks like this, it’s a headache!”

Luo Laoba did have a headache.

Because this is not the first time Old Master quarrels with people about the king.

As for how many times Luo Laoba can’t remember, in his impression, in these years, as long as someone said that the king was not the king, Old Master would go over and quarrel with others, a few times The quarrel was overwhelming, and I almost started beating others without holding the fire.

For this.

In addition to a headache, Luo Laoba still has a headache.

Although he has a thousand years of cultivation and he is also a descendant of Luo Xuan Family, he has not at all seen King Chixiao himself. When the King was in Shangqing Sect cultivation, he was in retreat. The Primordial Spirit has been transformed, and it has been closed for several decades.


Speaking of King Chixiao’s experience during the nine years of Shangqing Sect cultivation, he knows exactly what happened.

It’s not just him, the descendants of the entire Luo Xuan Family almost know it all.

Because Old Ancestor always teaches them about the king when they have something to do, they say that they don’t know the blessing in the blessing, and also said how difficult the king was in Shangqing Sect, and he was oppressed for nine years. The large and small injuries have never been broken. Even so, the king still endured the humiliation and went retrograde. Nine years later, World Society flew into the sky and beat all the people who insulted him back then to the inner outer sect. Direct Disciple, up to many Elders, never let go.

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