Supreme Lord

Chapter 1168

Divine State is the land of the world, and it is also a place of outstanding people. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many heroes and heroes have made great reputations on this land, and how many overlords have made achievements in this land. .

From Ancient Era Early-Stage, known as the Xianhe pioneering era, the dragon is known as the lord of the world.

In the middle of Ancient Era, it was known as the top of the era, and was known as the complete battle of the heroes of the world.

There will be Gu Tianlang in the end of Ancient Era, known as the end of the era and known as the legendary overlord.

These three are all unparalleled wizards who are able to move unhindered in the whole world. Everyone has been on this Divine State land famous throughout the world, and everybody is also in this Divine State. The earth has made contributions, and everyone has also created heaven-shaking, earth-shattering miracles on this land.

Although the antiquity has long ended, their Legendary story is still widely circulated.

Now and ancient times, everything is revived, good fortune is rampant, and Heaven’s Chosen is full of flowers.

There are sons of the stars who have inherited the destiny.

There are also Xian Dynasty princes representing Xianquan.

There is also Heaven’s Chosen Child who is unparalleled in good fortune.

There is also Dao Child, which is appointed by Dao Dao.

There is also an unfathomable era Young Master.

Modern and ancient is a crazy era, and also a miraculous era. Who can become the new overlord of the world in this era, and who can become the new Paragon of this world? know.

apart from this.

Divine State is also the centralized center of this world.

The Immortal Dynasty that dominates the world is located here.

The rudder of the deficit head is also located on the ground.

World’s First Zong Shangqing Sect is also located here.

Almost all the great immortal families and Great Influence giants are located in this Divine State land.

It is precisely for this reason that since the opening of the present and ancient times, so far, no one has dared to make a difference in Divine State.

Except for the fairy dynasty and the Great Sect giants, it is only the children of the stars, Heaven’s Chosen Child, the son of the Dao, and the Young Master of the era that ordinary people dare not provoke, even more how, the Divine State has always been It is hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Some people say that if you encounter a sloppy beggar on the Divine State land, don’t look down on it, don’t provoke him, because he may be Ancient Era or even Ancient Era. Old Ancestor of years.

Some people also say that if you encounter a low-key youngster when you go out to practice, don’t provoke him, because he may be a powerful reincarnation of Heaven Realm.

Are you exaggerating?


No exaggeration at all.

80 years ago, there were a few arrogant youngsters. They humiliated an Old Drunkard in the forest, resulting in scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Afterwards, everyone knew that Old Drunkard was in the middle of Ancient Era. An expert who has followed the world hero Wanyan Zhan, known as the Sword Immortal.

Nine years ago when the fate came, a family act recklessly snatched the fate from a seemingly ordinary youngster. As a result, the whole family was slaughtered by the fingers. Everyone knew it afterwards. , The ordinary youngster is a samsara reincarnation power, and his previous life was a Mysterious Immortal from Heaven Realm.

There have been too many things like this. Sect located in the Divine State land, every time there is a discipline to go out to experience, Sect Elder will give a thousand warnings, go out, don’t cause trouble, be afraid It’s the old monster who got into the power of samsara reincarnation and revived the Old Monster who didn’t know how many years of cultivation.


For hundreds of years, the land of Divine State has been fairly peaceful.

It’s just that.

An event that happened at the Yanluo Temple Fair a month ago broke the centuries-long peace of Divine State.

Because of the rumors, the Emperor Chixiao, known as the Terminator of the Ancients, is still alive. Not only is he alive, but he has returned. After returning, he first killed the Lord Dozens in the northwest, and then again Killed more than a dozen immortals, a hundred immortal princes, more than a thousand immortal officials, and the clouded leopard who was a mighty immortal in the previous life. It is known as the son of nature’s streamer, known as Azure Dragon. All of Long Qianblade were killed.

After the incident spread, it immediately caused a strong sensation in the Divine State land. Even though the incident had passed a month, everyone was still talking about it.

Although there are countless people who pretend to be King Chixiao today, no one has ever dared to stand up to King Chixiao’s name, so unscrupulous, regardless of the law and of natural morality. The immortals and princes of the dynasty.


There has been no such thing, not even the few Chixiao Kings in the South China Sea who have been so far indistinguishable.

If someone claimed to be the King of Chixiao and killed the immortals and princes of the Xian Dynasty, it would not cause such a sensation.

It is Su Hua who is famous all over the world who can tell the identity of the Emperor Chixiao.

Who is Su Hua?

No one does not know.

Nine Heavens Profound Lady of the previous life.

Nine angels in this world.

The Great Sect giants in this world, whether it is the fairy family, or the ancient legendary forbidden land, whether it is the deficit head all over the world, or the immortal dynasty that dominates the world, you must respect Su Hua The fairy yelled out.

Come on.

Su Wei’s identity is too special and too noble.


Su Wei’s moral character is noble and well known.

Everyone admires her very much, and they all yelled Fairy Fairy willingly.


It is Su Huaxian who is in the public, saying that Gu Qingfeng is Ancient Era’s powerful King of Chixiao.

In the end it has several points of true, and has several points of false.

Most people think it is true. There is no other reason. The reason is simple. People believe that Su Huaxian, who is the King of Chixiao, believes in her eyesight and her character. She If it is said that Gu Qingfeng is the King of Chixiao, then it is absolutely pretty close.

Of course.

There is also a small group of people who are dubious.

It’s not that Su Wei’s character is suspected.

But they think that Su Wei may mistakenly think that Gu Qingfeng is the real King of Chixiao.

This is not impossible.

After all, the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that Emperor Chixiao was tried by immortal dao back then were seen by many people.

Even if samsara reincarnation is true, there should be reincarnation in that person, but Gu Qingfeng is not a samsara reincarnation person.

The most important thing is that King Chixiao was tried by immortal dao more than three hundred years ago, and Su Huaxian son samsara reincarnation has been in this world for less than a hundred years. In other words, she has never seen Chi King Xiao, how can he be sure that he is the real King Xiaoxiao based on his own suspicion?

Some people say that the Yanluo Temple Fair may be a drama led by the Yanluo Imperial Family, deliberately looking for someone to pretend to be the King of Chixiao in order to shock the immortal dynasty.

Some people say that Su Huaxian didn’t misunderstand King Chixiao, but deliberately lied.

The reason is also very simple. Nine years ago, Gu Qingfeng in Northwest China killed Xianchao Juezi, and Su Wei lied that he was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

But the truth is, Gu Qingfeng is not at all dead, and is still alive. There is only one possibility. Su Huaxian is using his reputation to cover Gu Qingfeng. As for why he is covering, say There are all kinds of things. Some people say that Gu Qingfeng incorporates a touch of the king’s cruel knowledge, while Su Huaxian thinks of the king, loves the house and the black, and can’t bear Gu Qingfeng to follow the king’s footsteps.

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