Supreme Lord

Chapter 1163

Looking at Su Wei’s surprised expression, Gu Qingfeng asked: “Why, have you heard of it?”

“Do you remember that I told you, I have been doing the same since I was a child Dream? There is often a voice in the dream chanting this sentence, telling me not to forget or believe…”

Gu Qingfeng exclaimed: “This is really evil.”

“Where did you know this sentence?”

“The crazy old man in the era of no way had said it, and…the evil thing is, listen to him say this sentence After speaking, I had an unfathomable mystery dream. The dream was almost the same as yours. There was also a voice in it chanting this sentence, also telling me not to believe it, don’t forget, and say something in Xuwangshan wait for me. “

“This…how is this possible.”

Su Wei looked very shocked, and asked: “Xuwang Mountain is Wudao Mountain, and in the dreamland I have, the sound inside makes me No matter what, I have to return to Xuwang Mountain.”

“putting it that way, there is some connection between our dreams.”

“Maybe this is the cause and effect between us. .” Su Wei seemed very excited, and said: “As long as we find Wudao Mountain, all doubts will be solved.”

“Can you find it?”

“I have confidence I will find it.”

“Then you can find it yourself.”

Gu Qingfeng got out of bed and stretched fiercely, and left the room. Outside was a jade green grass.

The grass has all kinds of beautiful flowers, there are also all kinds of Spirit Fruit jade trees, there are attics and pavilions.

In the distance is a quiet lake. In the lake, there are multi-colored fishes and white elephants playing in the water.

A mountain peak runs through Heaven and Earth, and a waterfall flows down straight, like a nine-day Milky Way falling down. In the ten thousand li cloudless blue sky, there are Immortal Crane soaring and colorful fairy deer. Cloud.

I have to say, this place is really magnificent, just like Human World Immortal Realm.

“You will enjoy it, and you have opened up such an exquisite Cave Mansion.”

Gu Qingfeng has seen a lot of Cave Mansion over the years, this one developed by Su Wei Cave Mansion may not be the most luxurious and majestic one he has ever seen, nor is it the most splendorous and majestic, but it is definitely the most comfortable Cave Mansion. Staying in such a Cave Mansion will make people feel particularly comfortable.

“Of course, I spent a lot of effort to open up this Cave Mansion.”

Su Wei picked some Spirit Fruit and walked into the pavilion and invited Gu Qingfeng to sit Next, he took out a beautiful white bottle and poured a glass for Gu Qingfeng.

“What is this?” Gu Qingfeng picked up the cup, smelled it, and the intoxicating aroma of wine came to his nose instantly.

“Wine, don’t you like to drink, this is something I specially prepared for you, and I brewed it by myself.”

“Nothing to show your courtesy or treacherous Pirate, there is no drug in this wine, right?”

Su Wei gave her a white look and said: “Yes, I was drugged by the power of wine, do you dare to drink it?”

Gu Qingfeng laughed, drank the wine in one cup, let alone, the taste of this wine is really good, after drinking it, there is a very peculiar feeling, not only refreshed, but also like enlightenment. All felt extremely comfortable, the meridian of the acupoints bloomed like a moisturized point, and the blood flowed in the meridian like a warm stream, which was a kind of endless feeling.

“What wine is this?”

“Interesting wine.”

“Interesting wine?”

“Yes, Breath-promoting wine.”

“The name is quite appropriate, and it is really a habit of drinking. Gu Qingfeng drank three cups and asked: “Are there more bottles? Just take this opportunity to make more supplements.”

“You thought it was water, but there are a few more bottles. I have brewed three bottles over the years, and now you have drunk a whole bottle. , You still want it.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, she drank the breath-producing wine in the white bottle in a few sips. Su Wei felt very distressed. As she said, for so many years Three bottles were brewed, because the resources for brewing this kind of wine were too rare and precious, and she was not willing to drink it at ordinary times. Even so, she took out another bottle.

“You save a little drink, this bottle will be gone after drinking…The remaining bottle, I can still use it myself.”

Gu Qingfeng not at all drink , But directly put away a bottle of breath-producing wine. Seeing this, Su Wei asked doubtfully: “Why are you putting it away?”

“Such a good thing, let me drink it is just reckless waste of natural resources.”

Gu Qingfeng is not stupid, he naturally knows the magical effect of this wine, and knows how precious this thing is. It is no exaggeration to say that this bottle of wine , Even just a drop is enough to bring people back to life, even the immortals with five decays.

“Do you still know reckless waste of natural resources? But, why do you keep it for use?”

Why do you use it?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know why he keeps it, but he believes such a good thing will be needed in the future.

“You usually live here alone?”

“Almost like this.”

“It’s a pity to live alone in such a good place. “Gu Qingfeng took out his own fine wine, had a drink, and admired the scenery inside the Cave Mansion, and said: “This place is suitable for a pair of mandarin ducks Dao Companion living in seclusion, why, are you still alone? No one is good?” /p>

Gu Qingfeng this remark asked Su Wei very speechless, curl one’s lip, seemed too lazy to answer such a boring question.

“Would you like to consider me? How about?”

“I said Gu Qingfeng, the ancient king, have you committed your old problems again? I am not one of those confused The and ignorant girl is not a lonely and lonely girl, nor a girl who likes ambiguous. Please don’t tease me, okay?”

“Sister Su, you can’t talk nonsense, I can There is no such thing as molesting the girl.”


Su Wei gave Gu Qingfeng a very contemptuous glance and said: “Don’t forget, I came to this world in reincarnation. , I didn’t do anything, I’ve been investigating you all the time, and I know everything about you. I know what’s wrong with you. I know everything. I always like to molest other girls. After molesting, they are serious. If you do, you will run away. People say that you are a ruthless, selfish, and irresponsible, unscrupulous person. It’s not an exaggeration at all.”

Every time someone mentions the three words: Gu Qingfeng was very upset and said, “Big girl, it’s fine if people say that I am a negative person. You, the Nine Heavens Profound Lady of samsara reincarnation for causality, think so too, don’t you say you know me well? Yun Nishang, Feng Zhuyue, Tang Hsiao, and Ye Tianlan, plus a Jun Xuanji, they are all powerful masters, all of them are samsara reincarnation for the sake of cause and effect. You said I molested them, and I said that all They gave me the kit.”

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