Supreme Lord

Chapter 1152

Chu Jiaohong knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was deeply and unmeasurable, so it was so cautiously, but she never thought that her External Body Incarnation would be seen thoroughly by Gu Qingfeng, even ineffective. The space fragments of the times are conceived and become all-know.

This made her cautious, but also unbelievable, and asked: “How do you know that my External Body Incarnation is related to the Age of Innocence? And also know that it is the crystal of the fragments of the Age of Innocence? “

“You don’t care how I know, just say yes or not.”

“Promise what?”

“I will help you Cut open seal, as a condition, you have to give me a fragmented crystal from the era of innocence.”

“I only have one, and it is also used to conceive this External Body Incarnation. .”

“Sister, is it interesting? Although I don’t know where you got the innocent fragments, one thing is certain. There is definitely more than one of this thing in your hand. If there is only one If it is, you will not use it to conceive the External Body Incarnation.”

“My deity is sealed, and I can only use such a crystal of innocent fragments to conceive the External Body Incarnation, originally I thought that Avatar cut open seal could be used, but the conceived Avatar is not at all stronger than I imagined, and the seal is more mysterious than I imagined.”

“In this case, there is nothing to talk about Now.”

Gu Qingfeng stood up, patted his ass, said with a smile: “You can ask another brilliant.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng as he was about to leave, Chu Jiaohong was anxious, and shouted: “Wait.”


Chu Jiaohong stared at Gu Qingfeng, biting her teeth, as if she was getting down. After a long time, he said: “Well, I promise you, as long as you help me cut open and seal, I will give you a crystal of fragments from the era of innocence.”

“It’s like something.”

“The two fragmented crystals of the era of no way were picked up by me from the mountain that appeared out of thin air in a mortal danger. Think of a conceived External Body Incarnation, and another self-refining. Since you have guessed it, it will be given to you.”

“Okay, then in this manner, your deity Where to seal it.”

“Come with me.”

Chu Jiaohong jumped up and flew in the wind and sand, and Gu Qingfeng followed lazily behind, although only Wandering among the desert ruins, it was like shrinking the ground into a foot. No matter how fast Chu Jiaohong galloped, Gu Qingfeng walked slowly and closely followed.

“This person’s existence is truly unimaginable!”

Chu Jiaohong was amazed in her heart, secretly thought: “In the rumor, he is a Good Fortune That Goes in Ancient Era. Against Heaven’s Will, aspiring to the throne of Immortal Demon Warriors, his strength is incredible. 300 years later, his good fortune is gone, and the throne of Immortal Demon Warriors is gone, but the fleshy body is a messy mess, as if possessing infinite power. A sound of power can not only crush the immortal, but also burst the space. It is too terrifying.”

Chu Jiaohong has always wondered what kind of existence Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is.

Treasure body?

Body of Immortal Demon?

Polar body?

Respect the body?

Saint Physique?


Not all!

It’s just a very pure body, and it can’t be pure anymore.

But why is the pure fleshy body so powerful?

Chu Jiaohong thought about this question for a long time, but couldn’t think of a reason.

After a while, the two came to the desert ruins. Chu Jiaohong pointed to the bottom and said: “My deity is sealed here.”

Gu Qingfeng stood on the head, squinted his eyes and took a look. There is indeed a seal underneath, and it is really an extremely mysterious and abstruse, a wonderful and wonderful seal, which at first glance is from an expert.

“The seal is mysterious, but I have already penetrated into the eight-nine of ten, and I have been preparing for many years, and have arranged many Formations.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he also sees When the seal comes out, there are countless arrays arranged inside and outside the seal, densely packed, there are more than ten thousand, and each formation is related to each other, and they are all drawn out with the seal, as long as the formation is turned on, once it runs, Cut open seal is not difficult.

“Since you have penetrated the seal and arranged so many Formations, you can just break it yourself. What do you want me to do?”

“I need a support Formation eye, I only need a central formation eye for the formations I set up. However, my External Body Incarnation not at all meets my expectations and cannot withstand so many formations. Your fleshy body is so powerful, I want to come. There should be no problem.”

“I understand, you use your own External Body Incarnation as the central center to bear the operation of Formation. I use my fleshy body as an auxiliary formation eye to help you bear it. This is what the power of cut open seal prevents the formation from collapsing, right?”

“Yes! You just do the auxiliary formation eye and won’t consume anything from you.”

“It does not consume anything from the lord, but you let the auxiliary formation eye, the lord, bear the power of the seal. This seal is not simple at first sight. The goddamn knows how powerful the power is.”

“Don’t worry, I have personally tested it with my own External Body Incarnation before. It is completely bearable. If your fleshy body is so powerful, it must be fine.”

“Since you can bear it , Why not come by yourself.”

“Do you really do not understand or pretend not to understand, although my External Body Incarnation can bear the power of the seal alone, it is only alone and can no longer maintain Formation In other words, my External Body Incarnation either bears the power of the seal alone, or maintains the operation of the Formation alone. If it is carried out at the same time, my Avatar will not only be drained by the Formation, but also be crushed by the power of the seal. It’s broken.”

“Is it.”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, said with a smile: “Sister, this shouldn’t be the set you gave me, right? Put aside the power of the seal that I can’t bear. Even if I can bear it, I’m afraid I’ll be tired and half dead. When the time comes your deity comes out, what should I do to the Lord?”

” To save the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain Chu Jiaohong is not a person to forget favors and violate justice, let alone requite kindness with enmity, even more how my deity suffered a serious injury back then and has not recovered until now. Even if I want to do something to you, there is nothing I can do . “

After all, Chu Jiaohong looked at Gu Qingfeng very cautiously, and said: “Besides, I’m afraid that after the cut open seal, you will do something to my deity. “

“Okay, I will believe you once, and be a good person once, but let’s say yes first, after it’s done, don’t forget a fragmented crystal from the era of innocence. “

“Don’t worry, I am not a person who does not believe in words. “

“Then don’t froze, let’s get started, everyone is very busy. “

“Okay, I will go in first, and you will follow. “

When Chu Jiaohong jumped down, a weird smile crossed her mouth.

She didn’t know that when she jumped down, Gu Qingfeng’s mouth also crossed the corners of her mouth. There was a smirk.

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