Supreme Lord

Chapter 1150

Gu Qingfeng has also heard about the dark history of Ancient Era.

It is said that in the early days of Ancient Era, although it was not as good as it is now, everything has revived and spread throughout the Earth Spiritual Vein, but nature is also full of vitality, spiritual Qi is full, and cultivation sect is even more prosperous and prosperous.

Suddenly one day, the yin and yang are reversed, the sun and the moon are falling, the laws of nature are chaotic, and a natural disaster storm is triggered. Many cultivation experts are killed here, and many sects are also destroyed, making the world fall into darkness Up to a hundred years.

The sun and the moon regained that time. It is a hundred years later, but nature has disappeared. From that time on, Ancient Era was also lacking in Spiritual Qi and poor in resources… It was the same until the end of ancient times.

No one knows what happened that year.

No one knows why nature suddenly collapsed, and it never appeared again.

The history of that dark period is completely blank.

At this moment, listening to Chu Jiaohong suddenly mentioning the era of innocence, Gu Qingfeng wondered, could it be said that when the sun and the moon fell, the collapse of nature was related to the era of innocence? Just when he was puzzled, Chu Jiaohong waved his hand, the brilliance bloomed, and a Transmission Array suddenly appeared in the sky.

“If you want to know, follow me.”

After that, Chu Jiaohong stood directly in the Transmission Array and disappeared.

Since it is about the era of no morality, Gu Qingfeng did not hesitate, let Fei Kui wait in place, he also jumped directly into the Transmission Array disappeared.

When Gu Qingfeng appeared again, he was standing in a desert ruin.

In the sky, there is neither the sun nor the moon. Looking at the past, it is full of darkness, and the natural environment is particularly bad. Not to mention Spiritual Qi, there is no air, no yin and yang, and no Five Elements. The flying sand in the sky is full of lifelessness.

This should be the Yanyue ruins.

It’s just that it is very different from the Yanyue ruins where he accidentally hit and broke into it. Although it was in ruins back then, there are still many ruins, but now only a desert ruin remains.

In the past, the cultivation base was weak, the knowledge was shallow, and the dangers were too high. I didn’t have time to investigate carefully. I only heard that the Yanyue ruins were the sect that suffered annihilation during the dark period of Ancient Era, and they were also famous back then.偃Moon Sect.

It seems that this is not the case at all. This place is definitely not just as simple as the Yanyue Ruins, but a space Secret Realm, and also a broken space Secret Realm.

“What happened that year?”

Endless darkness.

Endless silence.

Endless wind and sand.

Chu Jiaohong was standing in the sky. I don’t know when, her hair that was still coiled up high was dangled at will, dancing in the wind and sand, dressed in a bright red costume. In the endless darkness, it looks very strange, especially the beautiful and alluring face, which is like a rose blooming in the wind and sand.

“Didn’t you just say that you were not interested in what happened back then?”

“It was just now, and there was no interest just now, it does not mean that you are not interested now.”

Gu Qingfeng’s long hair is also dancing in the wind and sand. Unlike Chu Jiaohong, wearing a white clothed dress, he looks extraordinarily lonely in the dark, just like a tree growing tenaciously in the desert ruins. The same as the ancient tree.

“Tell me why you are so interested in the era of no way.”

Chu Jiaohong’s voice came, as if beyond doubt.

“The era of no way is known as the most mysterious era between Heaven and Earth, but everyone will be interested in it, and I am also a human being, and nature is no exception.”

“I think Listen to the truth.”

“This is the truth.”

Chu Jiaohong stared at Gu Qingfeng, and Gu Qingfeng also looked at her, neither of them spoke again, and both fell silent. among.

“You are not from the innocent age.”


Chu Jiaohong’s unfathomable mystery said such a thing and passed it into Gu Qingfeng’s ears, which really made him puzzled.

He tried to ask: “Stupefied you are?”

“I am not, but I have seen people in the era of innocence.”

Good Guys!

This is an explosive news.

“When did you see it? When that dark history began?”

Chu Jiaohong nodded.

Gu Qingfeng asked again: “Why do you say that I am not from the innocent era? It’s hard to say that I look like a person in the innocent era?”

” I feel very similar. Although I don’t know why, I know you are not from the Innocent Age.”

“How do people in the Innocent Age feel?”

“Illusory, true and false, in between Heaven and Earth, but not in Heaven and Earth, can be seen, not detected, like a ghost.”

For some reason, after listening to Chu Jiaohong After talking about this remark, a person suddenly popped out of Gu Qingfeng’s mind, Jun Xuanji.

Until now, Jun Xuanji gave her the feeling of illusory, true or false, visible, but not detectable, obviously between Heaven and Earth, but if not between Heaven and Earth, It feels weird, just like looking at a mountain is not a mountain, but looking at a mountain is still a mountain.

Thinking of Jun Xuanji, Gu Qingfeng asked again: “Who is the man in the era of innocence you saw back then?”

“A crazy old man, three spirits Aberrant women, six mysterious and strange experts.”

Gu Qingfeng moved in his heart and continued to ask: “Do you know what their names are?”

“Not sure.”

Chu Jiaohong shook her head, as if remembering something, and said: “In the early days of Ancient Era, about 100,000 years ago, in this world, Yin and Yang suddenly reversed, the sun and the moon fell inexplicably, and Five Elements collapsed. The laws of nature are gradually breaking down. Above the sky is the rolling road and flowing slurry, and below the earth is the ten thousand zhang abyss, and the world within the realm is a chaotic black hole in space.”

“So serious?”

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know what happened in the dark history of Ancient Era, but it can be vaguely guessed that something terrifying must have happened, perhaps more than imagined To be terrifying, after listening to Chu Jiaohong’s words at this moment, I realized that what happened back then was so terrifying. Not only did the laws of nature collapse, but there were still great roads flowing.

Once the boulevard flowed, it means the avenue collapsed. If the avenue really collapsed back then, what happened?

“At that time, the immortal dynasty disappeared in an instant. All the great cultivation countries and majors, and all Great Sects were destroyed in less than 5 minutes of time. I clearly remember that an extremely mysterious and abstruse. The wonderful mountain appears out of thin air, just like the appearance of unfathomable mystery in the sky, flowing in the avenue, and evolving and evolving in the black hole of space.”

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng’s expression startled , Asked: “But Wudao Mountain?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know.” Chu Jiaohong muttered to herself and continued: “I only know that it is an illusory mountain, and it is A mountain of fiction and reality, true and false, is a mountain that seems to be in this world and not in this world.”

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