Supreme Lord

Chapter 1142

Su Wei didn’t know why he felt very uncomfortable when he heard Gu Qingfeng was leaving.

Maybe you want to know more about this hero who understands yourself in mind, or maybe you want to know more about the cause and effect of yourself.

Perhaps more, Su Wei really doesn’t know.

But Gu Qingfeng always looks impatient, which makes her feel sad and angry.

What makes her even more angry is that she originally only wanted to play tricks, let Gu Qingfeng know that she was angry, and knew what she meant to stay, but she didn’t expect it to be when she turned around When he came, Gu Qingfeng had already disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

“Damn it! It’s so hateful, how can it be so hateful!”

Su Wei felt very hurt. Not only did his self-esteem suffer a serious blow, but his soul was also traumatized like never before. Looking at the direction in which Gu Qingfeng disappeared, Su Weiqi’s gnashing teeth: “Gu Qingfeng, you are like a complete bastard!”


At noon this day, the sun is scorching .

It has been a whole day since the Yanluo Temple Fair, but Yanluo Country is extremely peaceful.

Neither has there been chaos caused by the slaughter of the people of Xian Dynasty.

There was no turmoil because of the slaughter of the Old Ancestor cabinet of Four Great Families Seven Great Sects.

Some are just deeply shocked by the return of King Chixiao, and that kind of unspeakable disbelief.

In those days, many people witnessed the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of the legendary overlord Gu Tianlang being tried by immortal dao.

With the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of Emperor Chixiao, it also means the end of ancient times and the official opening of modern times.

There has always been a debate about whether King Chixiao is really dead.

Some people say that the king has gone through nine lives and nine deaths in his entire life. To him, life and death are just as commonplace. Others who are tried by immortal dao scattered ashes and dispersed smoke may really die, but it does not mean the king Will be.

Some people also say that even after the King’s ability Heavenspan, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, he cannot die and resurrect.

With the reincarnation storm that occurred in the ancient calamity, and with the recovery of everything in the modern and ancient eras, many immortals and demons have reincarnated, and even some ancient existences have begun to recover. Without the influential figure of Ancient Era, he returned.

Some people say that if the king hadn’t died back then, he would surely follow the reincarnation storm and the reincarnation of all things, or resurrect after death, returning in a swirl of dust.

Only year after year, the real Chixiao King did not appear, but fake Chixiao Kings everywhere.

It is for this reason that everyone is aware of the fact that King Chixiao is really dead and completely dead. If not, it is impossible that there has been no samsara reincarnation for so long in this century. .

When Gu Qingfeng appeared in Yanluo and regarded himself as King Chixiao, no one believed it.

Even if Gu Qingfeng could awe the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant, he still didn’t believe it.

Just with Yan Luo Imperial Family Tang Old Master’s greeting.

Follow the two samsara reincarnation powers, Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, bow down.

Also with the old Ancestor Xuanze, who is too Top Sect bows down.

More and more people began to doubt from disbelief at first.

Until Su Huaxian’s son personally said that Gu Qingfeng was King Chixiao, no one doubted it anymore.

Su Huaxian’s previous life is the Nine Heavens Profound Lady, and in this life he is also the Nine Angels. In addition, she has been searching for the whereabouts of King Chixiao for a hundred years. If she says Gu Qingfeng is King Chixiao , It must be.

No one knows why the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that Emperor Chixiao was tried by immortal dao was still alive. Not only was he still alive, but there was neither reincarnation nor reincarnation.


No one knows.

No one cares.

Not important.

The important thing is that the legendary overlord of the ancient times, King Chixiao, has returned after 300 years.

How can people not be shocked, how can they dare to believe it.

Other people are still like this, let alone black liquid, black Buddha, and the more than 300 Chixiao people from the Yanluo Kingdom. Although it has been a day since the Yanluo Temple Fair, for them these Chixiao people Said, as if it had just happened, the excitement, excitement and surging in the heart did not weaken, but became stronger.

All this is like a dream, some are not real, and it makes them a little dazed, and a little uneasy.

The excitement is because their long-awaited king finally returns.

The trance is because they are afraid that all this is a dream, even if they know it is not a dream, they are still afraid.

Since Gu Qingfeng mysteriously disappeared at the foot of Panlong Mountain and asked them to go back and wait, more than three hundred Chixiao people such as black liquid and black Buddha have been waiting in Meishan Fenruo anxiously. Well, one is more excited than the other. It’s just that as time passed by, they couldn’t wait for the king. After waiting for a full day, they also became more and more worried.

Especially they have been taking out Divine Consciousness to explore the entire Yanluo Kingdom, but they just went around, checked and searched. They searched every corner of Yanluo and found no trace of the king. , Which makes them a little bit unable to sit still.

“Mr Mei, we can’t do anything to wait any longer. Why don’t we go out and look for it?”

Hei Buddha’s face is a bit pale and his spirit is extremely weak, because he has been took out Divine Consciousness probe, probed till now, not only has Divine Consciousness overdrawn, even the consciousness has begun to blur.

“Where to find?”

Mei Lao’s complexion is also not very good, because he keeps using Divine Consciousness to probe. Like Black Buddha, Divine Consciousness has already been overdrawn. , The mental condition is particularly weak, and he calmly said: “We can’t detect it with Divine Consciousness, what else can you do?”

“What should I do?”

“Hey… …”

Lao Mei sighed then said, he didn’t know what to do.

“Mei Lao, Black Buddha…” He was talking about black liquid. At this moment, he was already sitting on the ground exhausted, and his voice was extremely weak when he spoke, Essence, Qi, and The Spirit was even more exhausted, sitting paralyzed on the ground, like a person about to starve to death, and said feebly: “We…under Panlong Mountain… did not recognize the king, the king will not be…being us Are you angry?”

“It shouldn’t be?” Black Buddha said: “The king is not a stingy person.”

“Black Buddha, this is not a stingy person. A petty question, but a question of disappointment and not disappointment, I think…I think the king must be too disappointed with us, you think…think about it, the king is…when we were in the northwest, we brothers Chixiao I didn’t recognize him, saying that he was…a liar, that’s all, I heard…I heard that there were also Chixiao people, so they also beat him Senior…”

Due to exhaustion, The black liquid Lord was almost in a state of confusion of consciousness, but even so, he still braced himself to stand up and said: “He Senior came to Yanluo… we don’t believe… plus… this Over the years, the few of us have not mixed up, all split up and in pieces. Not to mention, Zhou Tai and those turtle grandsons are treachery, he Senior…must…must be very disappointed with us, anyway… If… if I were the king, I would be disappointed in myself.”

Listening to the black liquid, the black Buddha thought about it carefully and found it reasonable.

“Ai, we… really have no eyes, especially I… have been with the king for that many years, now that the king is standing in front of me, I unexpectedly… I don’t think I have a face… I don’t have a face to see the king.”

Black liquid said in a daze, with his eyes half-open and half-closed, as if he didn’t even have the strength to open his eyes. He was in a daze. Seeing a white silhouette appear out of thin air, it looks like Gu Qingfeng.

“Oh, motherfucker…Black Buddha, come and slap me. I’m going to die, I can’t hold it anymore. Motherfucker has hallucinations…”

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