Supreme Lord

Chapter 1139

“It’s fine…”

After nine years of sleep, Gu Qingfeng still missed Little Jin’er a little bit, and asked: “Nine years have passed, Little Jin’er Shouldn’t it be grown up? That girl has a good foundation, and she will definitely be a stunning beauty when she grows up, she must be matched with you evenly.”

“Of course.”

Gu Qingfeng glanced at her, said with a smile: “You are not modest.”

Maybe I heard that Gu Qingfeng’s sentence is not modest and somewhat ironic, Su Wei is white He glanced.

“How is the cultivation base for little girl now?”

“not quite clear.”

“not quite clear? Hasn’t she been with you all the time? “

“Jin’er had already worshipped Shangqing Sect cultivation three years ago.”

“Shangqing Sect?”

I heard about the name Shangqing Sect, Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and asked: “But this world number one Sect that Shangqing Sect?”

“That’s right.”

“Why are you so good? Shangqing Sect, just teach her not to do it.”

“How can I teach Jin’er.”

“Oh, say you are not humble, you are really not humble, If even a Nine Heavens Profound Lady like you says that you are not qualified to teach Jin’er, then who is qualified in the world.”

“Teaching is teaching, and cultivation is cultivation. This is completely different. One No matter how high a person’s cultivation base is, it’s just his own. It doesn’t mean that he has the ability to teach the discipline.”

Su Wei said: “even more how Jiner is talented and has a very high perception. I can’t teach her anything. Jin’er lacks everything. The only thing missing is the system’s knowledge of cultivation. Shangqing Sect is known as the First Sect. Jin’er’s cultivation is no longer suitable.”

Gu Qingfeng clicked that nodded, and he agreed with Su Wei’s words.

He is such a typical one himself. Don’t see him successively aspiring the throne of Immortal Demon Warriors, and in Heaven Realm, he also aspired to the Nether Emperor Seal, but when it comes to teaching the discipline, he also asked himself not to be qualified.

After all, he’s only cultivation for 500 years, and he has been fighting and killing for most of the past 500 years. He wants to teach people to fight and kill. He is good at it. He has to teach others to cultivation. This ability is because he himself hadn’t studied cultivation in the system, and until now, he is still not clear about some basic common sense of cultivation.

Under this situation, how can you teach others?

“You seem to be dissatisfied with Jiner’s admission to Shangqing Sect?”

“What is dissatisfaction with me. After all, it is number one Sect. As you said, Jiner lacks cultivation knowledge, and learning about cultivation knowledge from the system will be good for her in the future.”

Gu Qingfeng deeply touches this point. When he was still young, he did not learn cultivation knowledge from the system. , Lack of basic common sense of cultivation, so I took a lot of detours on the road of cultivation, and almost cultivation deviation several times.

Cultivation knowledge is the foundation. If you don’t even lay the foundation, the road behind is even more difficult.

“Shangqing Sect is not only the number one Sect of the world for you, right.”

“What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything, I only know that Shangqing Sect had a great female clan back then, and I heard that there was a period of startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping with someone.”

Su Wei smiled and said, and there was some sarcasm in his words, as if he was revenge for Gu Qingfeng’s ridicule.

“What do you know, little girl!”

“I am a little girl? You only have cultivation for 500 years. My cultivation in my previous life is more than five times longer than yours. Dare to pretend to be Senior in front of me.”

“It’s just a past life. If the past life is counted, we can decide who will live long.”


Su Wei rolled his eyes with contempt.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng looking at the painting seriously, Su Wei asked: “If I guess right, the mountain on this painting is Wudao Mountain.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“It really is.”

Su Wei became excited and continued to ask: “Where did you get this painting? Coming?”

“A woman gave it to you.”

“Sent it? Or a woman? Who is it? Why did she give you this picture, and why does this picture? Called Ji Mie Ecstasy…”

Su Wei asked all the doubts in her heart in one breath, but when she saw Gu Qingfeng’s unkind eyes swept over, she realized that she was asking too much. , And a little too much.

Especially when he was stared at by Gu Qingfeng’s dark eyes, Su Wei felt very embarrassed, and a beautiful face could not help expressing apology: “Sorry, I didn’t want to inquire about you Privacy, I just… just want to know the whereabouts of Wudao Mountain.”

“Who gave this painting, I don’t want to say why this painting is called Jiximei Ecstasy, neither do I I know, as for the whereabouts of Wudao Mountain, I am even more unclear. It is no use asking me.”

“Do you really know nothing about the whereabouts of Wudao Mountain?”

“Nonsense, if I knew it, I would have searched for it.”

“You are really looking for Wudaoshan, can I ask, why did you look for Wudaoshan? Of course, if If you don’t want to say anything, just treat it as if I didn’t say hello.”

“Of course I have my reasons for looking for Wudaoshan.”

What then?

There is no more.

Gu Qingfeng said so much.

In this regard, Su Wei was anxious, angry and helpless, facing Gu Qingfeng, it was difficult to attack.

“Well, sister, you go to Wudaoshan first, you can tell me once you find it.”

“What about you.”

“I’ll leave if I have something else.”


Gu Qingfeng turned around and asked: “What?”

“I Can you ask what you plan to do in the future?”

“No plan.”

“What does it mean to have no plan? You killed that many Xian Chaojue when you were in the Northwest. Son, that many people from the Immortal Dynasty were killed in the Yanluo Kingdom. News will soon spread to the Immortal Dynasty. I believe that the return of your Chixiao King Gu Tianlang will spread throughout the world in a short time.”

“What happened then?”

“If Xianchao knew that you were still alive…”

“If you know, you will know it, and I am afraid that they will not succeed. “

“You misunderstood what I meant, I know you are not afraid of the immortal dynasty, but your grievances with the immortal dynasty, do you want to continue from the ancient to the present?”

” Sister, I don’t mean this. You have to figure out one thing. If I fight with the Xian Dynasty again in the ancient times, it must be because the Xian Dynasty cannot accommodate me, not that I cannot accommodate the Xian Dynasty.” /p>

“Then I can understand that if the Xian Dynasty can accommodate you, you will forget the blame and will not go against Xian Chao again.”

“You think that the Lord is idle pain in the balls? Is it okay to mess around?”

“If you believe me, please give me some time. I will try my best to convince Xianchao and let them stop disturbing you.”

“Sister, do you think this is possible?”

“What is impossible? Although there are still some people in the immortal dynasty who are worried about ancient things, they are also It’s just a small part. Most immortals are still very enlightened and noble. Not all immortals are as bad as you think.”

“My sister, when I was in Northwest China nine years ago, You are there, don’t you understand that the key to the current problem is not whether the immortal dao, Heavenly Dao, Buddhism, and even the Three Thousand Great Daos, and even Heaven and Earth can accommodate me. Me.”

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