Supreme Lord

Chapter 1134

“I am nothing more than a drop of the blood of the original sin from the era of no way. What is not simple.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and Tang Heng was shocked and turned around in shock. Yelled: “What! You… You have the blood of original sin?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?”


Although Tang Hsiao’s silhouette illusory is faintly discernible, you can still vaguely see the look of consternation on that devastatingly beautiful face and the panic in his eyes.

“Do you know what the blood of original sin is?”

“The rumor is that it is a drop of blood on Wudaozun in the era of no way?”

“That It is not a rumor, but a fact.”

“What about the fact.”

“That is a drop of blood on Wudao Zun, and Wudao Zun is the original sinner. , Because of this, a drop of his blood will be called the blood of original sin. What’s more terrifying is that he is also the creator of the causal black hole. What do you think will be a drop of blood of original sin integrated into him?”

“And, do you know why you existed?”

“It seems that you existed because of the blood of original sin.”

Nine years ago in the Great Northwest Gu Qingfeng heard from Jun Xuanji, it seems that there is a woman in Canyang Valley called Canyang Wuyou who used the blood of original sin to conceive many people related to original sin, the purpose is to completely cut off the cause and effect of original sin in the era of no way, so, Most of the people related to the original sin were killed. For various reasons, only oneself and a woman in Rising Sun Valley survived.

“Since you know that your existence is due to the blood of original sin, why do you want to merge the blood of original sin? You exist because of the blood of original sin. You are already half a person of original sin. If you really merge with original sin The blood has become the true original sinner.”

Tang Heng’s voice was full of endless panic and endless worry.

“Do you think I am willing? At that time, it was also forced by the situation. There was no way. I had to merge the blood of original sin.”

“Hehe, it is destined, everything is destined. “Tang Hsiao said with a smile: “Everything is destined, it is destined…”

Is everything destined?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know.

I don’t want to worry about these messy things either.

There was one thing that made him want to know, and he asked: “It is destined or accidental, even if it is arranged by God, it can only be so. Anyway, it has been integrated, and other things It doesn’t make any sense, but, even if I became the person of original sin, what happened? And I always wanted to know what kind of existence the person of original sin is, and why you are all afraid of getting involved with me.”

Tang Hsiao did not respond in time. After turning over the silence, he said, “Do you know that Jun Xuanji has been lost?”


“You Do you know why she chose to lose herself?”

“Because of me?”

“Yes, it is because of you.”

“Just because I am The person of original sin?”



“Because the cause and effect of original sin is…” Tang Hengsi said, closing Eyes, he said two words in a deep voice: “Sea of ​​Bitterness.”

Gu Qingfeng also heard about Sea of ​​Bitterness. According to the rumors, it is the most terrifying place between Heaven and Earth. No one, even the gods talked about discoloration, saying that once you fall into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, forever will reincarnate in endless pain.

What is the concept of reincarnation in the endless pain?

Gu Qingfeng can’t think of it.

However, since even the gods have talked about discoloration, and when you think about it with your toes, you can know that the terrifying level there is definitely far more terrifying than imagined.

“You are also afraid of falling into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, so you don’t even dare to show the face of the deity?”

This question Tang Hengsuo did not answer, it was regarded as acquiescence.

“No one is afraid of falling into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, no one…”


Gu Qingfeng sighed then said, my heart There is also a kind of helplessness that cannot be said.

The helplessness is not because of Sea of ​​Bitterness.

To be honest, how scared he is not at all about falling into Sea of ​​Bitterness, maybe because he doesn’t know much about Sea of ​​Bitterness, or it may be related to his character. What he always pays attention to is to have fun in time, and live a day to be free and happy. As for the future, he doesn’t bother to worry about it, whether Sea of ​​Bitterness or Sea of ​​Bitterness, let alone there is no absolute in this world. Things, even if you really fall into the Sea of ​​Bitterness in the future, that will be the future.

People in this life are destined to die one day from the day they are born.

It’s hard to know that you are destined to die, and you won’t live in this life? Waiting for death?

This is obviously impossible.

It’s just such a simple truth, some people just can’t figure it out.

“Sister-in-law, what is the original sin, what is the Sea of ​​Bitterness, let’s not say, can I ask you a question too.”

“You ask.”

“You just said that you are awake. What does this awakening mean? Was it the previous life memory awakening after samsara reincarnation?”

“That’s right.”

” You came to Yanluo by samsara reincarnation? Why do you want samsara reincarnation? As far as I know, if a person samsara reincarnation, it is either a crime, or samsara reincarnation to avoid trial, or for cultivation, Samsara reincarnation is good for good, or it is to infer one’s own catastrophe, samsara reincarnation avoids the catastrophe.”

Gu Qingfeng continued to say: “Although I don’t know that your previous life was who, but I treat him to Tang Heng. I understand that you are not the kind of person who stabbed you in your previous life. If you say it is cultivation, you don’t seem to have much interest. This will rule out the first and second possibility. Your samsara reincarnation was in ancient times, and it was not because ancient calamity, then there is a third possibility left. You should have deduced your own calamity. Samsara reincarnation is a lot of calamity, right?”

“I did samsara reincarnation to avoid calamity. And in order to avoid this catastrophe, my reincarnation is very thorough, I have cut off all the causes and effects of the previous life, and also cut off all the love of the previous life, just to avoid the so-called Death Tribulation after the reincarnation, but…”

Tang Hengsuo shook her head slightly and lost said with a smile: “It’s just that didn’t expect that what should have come is here, what should happen is still happening, and this catastrophe is more terrifying than I thought. , Terrifying, I had to seal myself up, and I never thought that after samsara reincarnation, I would encounter you, a person of original sin related to the era of innocence.”

“blame me. “

Gu Qingfeng laughed at himself: “I blamed me for not coming to Yanluo, nor should I know you, let alone…”

“It has nothing to do with you, and you don’t need it. So self-blaming, maybe All this is already doomed. “

“Why don’t I like to hear the word destined so much.” “Gu Qingfeng didn’t like the two words destined very much. He was particularly disgusted with these two words since he was a child. It is a kind of inborn and unwarranted dislike, and said: “Moreover, how do you know that it must be destined? What? Don’t regard accident as cause and effect, let alone cause and effect as destiny. “

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