Supreme Lord

Chapter 1130

The last name is ancient?

Name Heavenly Wolf?

Road number Chixiao?

Gu Tianlang, King of Chixiao?


Although Su Wei’s voice is not loud, it is as loud as nine days of thunder when it is transmitted to everyone’s ears at this moment. The brains of everyone in the shocking field are blank, and their conscious thinking is frozen and shocked. They felt that the world was spinning, and they were a little unstable.

Don’t talk about them.

Even the black Buddha, the black liquid Lord, and the more than three hundred Chixiao people are also a little dizzy at this moment.

Since Gu Qingfeng appeared, they suspected it might be King Chixiao.


Really doubt.

Because when facing Gu Qingfeng, the throbbing of the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant within the body is too clear and familiar. They know better than anyone, that there is only King Chixiao in the whole world. Only then can the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant throb.

It’s just doubt to doubt.

No one can believe it.

They have been deceived by those swindlers who pretend to be King Chixiao over the years, especially the few kings in the South China Sea whose true and false are unknown. They are now suspicious, and they don’t know what is true or false. How to identify it.

But following Old Monster Tang’s kneeling.

Two samsara reincarnation powerful Wanhuaiyu and Qin Hao bow down.

Black liquid, Black Buddha and other Chixiao people almost think that Gu Qingfeng is the King of Chixiao.

It’s just that they are deep in one’s heart and there is a line of defense, a line of defense that they can’t explain clearly, it is this line of defense that keeps them cautious.

Too Top Sect Xuanze Old Ancestor’s kneeling bow made their inner defense line loose.

Until Su Wei appeared, he personally told them that Gu Qingfeng was the Emperor of Ancient Era’s Chixiao, when the black liquid and the black Buddha were more than 300 years old, Chixiaoren deep in one’s heart, and the last line of defense was completely broken. I finally dared to believe that Gu Qingfeng was the red king Gu Tianlang they had been waiting for.

“The king, you really are the king!”

It is neither the black Buddha nor the black evil who speaks, but Mei Lao.


Mei Lao’s face, which was originally cautious and serious, was full of excitement. He was so excited that he couldn’t himself. He thumped, knelt on the ground, and cried out; “The king, you are really the king, you are really He’s not dead, he’s really back!!” Ms. Mei knelt on his knees, black liquid and black buddha Lord, his eyes turned red, and the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart could no longer be restrained. He couldn’t help but burst out completely, rushed over, bowed to the ground, howling and crying, more than three hundred Chixiao people also bowed to the ground, blushing and tears.

They were all the Chixiao people of the Chixiao Sect back then, and they all followed the Chixiao King to fight in the south and north.

Especially Black Liquid and Black Buddha, they all followed the Emperor Chixiao to fight the world a long time ago. In the early days, Gu Qingfeng had not established the Chixiao Sect, and the friendship with Gu Qingfeng was once. Wade out of the sea of ​​blood again.

Since more than three hundred years ago, Gu Qingfeng alone took all the guilt and was willing to be tried by immortal dao, all Chixiao people could not accept such cruel facts, and they did not believe that the king would die immortal. Under Dao’s trial, they have been waiting.

I just waited year after year, and I haven’t waited for the news of the king’s return.

On the contrary, there are more and more fake kings. Every time they hear about a king, they will put aside everything in their hands, and ran there for the first time, always rushing with expectations and returning in exchange They were all disappointed.

This is the case once.

Two times, three times. . . Ten times a hundred times.

They can’t remember how many fake kings they have seen, or how many times they have been lost.

Even so.

They have always believed that the king will not die and will come back sooner or later.

And this day finally arrived.

The king has finally returned.

The emotions that have been suppressed for 300 years, this moment broke out like a mountain river bursting a bank, one by one, the good men with iron clank, and the fierce and evil people in the red sky, at this moment, they are crying like children. Crying, crying heartbreaking.

Too Top Sect over there.

When Su Huaxian’s son personally said that Gu Qingfeng was the King of Chixiao, Vice Sect Master Cang Yun died on the spot.



I was scared to death.

Too Top Sect’s old Sect Master is also dead.

Although it was not alive and frightened, it was also due to excessive fright, which led to mental cultivation deviation and died suddenly.

More than a dozen old Ancestor cabinets who worked on Gu Qingfeng before were also obliterated by Xuanze.

Previously told of Gu Qingfeng’s crimes, I hope that Su Huaxian will be fair to them, and the Four Great Families Seven Great Sects Elder disciples, I heard that the name of the king of Chixiao Gu Tianlang came from Su Hua’s mouth Thousands of people were scared and paralyzed the moment they said it. They were scared, horrified, and trembling.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Who is King Chixiao, no one in this world doesn’t know.

They dare to say the crimes of Chi Young Master Yan Gu Qingfeng, but they dare not say the crimes of Chi Xiao King Gu Tianlang.

They dare to ask for the justice of Chi Young Master Yan Gu Qingfeng, but they dare not ask for the justice of Chi Xiao King Gu Tianlang.

Even if Gu Qingfeng’s identity is mysterious and powerful, they dare to speak crimes and seek justice.

But if it were to be the King of Chixiao Gu Tianlang, even if they were just an ordinary person without the power to bind a chicken, they would not dare to tell the crime, let alone seek justice.

What is prestige.

This is the fame.

Gu Tianlang, the King of Chixiao, these seven words are made up of countless blood and bones, countless crazy killings, countless unimaginable miracles, countless immortal legends piled up again and again, it can be said that the words are more than the sea Deep, the words are thicker than the ground, and the words are higher than the sky.

Under this situation, who dares to tell the king’s crimes, and who dares to seek justice from the king?

No one dares.

Because of the consequences, they can’t afford it, and no one can afford it. Fear can scare them to death.

Tang Manqing and Liuyue also collapsed on the ground.

I witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s terrifying and powerful strength before, and scared them to stand unsteady, but they just couldn’t stand still. They collapsed on the ground and could stand up.

But now.

When Su Huaxian’s son personally said that Gu Qingfeng is the King of Chixiao Gu Tianlang, they collapsed on the ground and couldn’t stand up anymore.

I have a mental breakdown.

It’s as if the soul is out of the body.

The fleshy body is even more unconscious.

Su Wei’s voice constantly echoed in their minds; his surname in Ancient Era was ancient, his name was Heavenly Wolf, and his Tao was Chixiao. . . .

So reverberating, like a magic sound, can’t drive away, can’t disperse.

Especially Tang Manqing, remembering everything in the past year.

From the beginning of Gu Qingfeng’s unfathomable mystery’s dropping from the sky, she thought it was another cultivation that because of the destiny of heaven, nature blossomed, and excessive pursuit of the cultivation base, which ultimately led to the loss of the cultivation base. man of.

Later, Gu Qingfeng said that he was Chi Young Master Yan from the Great Northwest nine years ago, and she thought it was a liar.

Later, Gu Qingfeng claimed to be the King of Chixiao, and she was even more sure that this was a liar.

Using the letter to verify with Su Huaxian, she learned that Gu Qingfeng and even Chi Young Master Yan are pretenders, and she even thinks this is a liar among liars.

In order to reveal the identity of the liar, she even stole the old aunt’s celestial cord, and planned to unite Liuyue to bind the liar and hang it for three days.

Thinking of this, I didn’t continue thinking about it, because Empress Tang Manqing fainted out of fear. . .

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