Supreme Lord

Chapter 1127

Whether it is Xianchao or Four Great Families Seven Great Sects, any person who does it without staying will be obliterated by Gu Qingfeng.

What is puzzling is that I don’t know why Gu Qingfeng only didn’t work on Top Sect.

The old Ancestors of the Top Sect cabinet who had worked before are all battered and exhausted paralyzed on the ground. Although they were not restrained, they were bleeding from the seven orifices of Gu Qingfeng’s scream, and their minds collapsed, immortal spirit It is also chaotic. In this case, if the immortal spirit is forced to operate, it will be cultivation deviation, but it will be self-destruction on the spot.

This is not important.

The important thing is that even if their minds are not broken, and immortal spirits are not chaotic, they dare not move at this moment in the face of Gu Qingfeng who is mysterious and powerful and killing people like scything flax.

Especially too Top Sect Vice Sect Master Cangyun.

He was paralyzed in a pool of blood, and he couldn’t stop shaking.

He thought that if there is an immortal dynasty here today, he can use the respect of the immortal dynasty to avenge Xuehen, even if Gu Qingfeng is a fake King of Chixiao, even if he can’t avenge Xuehen, he can wash away the shame of the year. .

Until this moment, he realized that all of this was just what he thought.

Not only did it not take revenge, nor did it wash away the shame of the year, but the immortal spirit was also shattered. From now on, it will become a waste and become a greater shame.

Too Top Sect’s current Sect Master Cangkong, Elder Xu Mu, and the others did not do anything. They have always opposed the Old Ancestor’s doing it, and they are constantly persuading them, but this is the end, let’s talk about other things. It is useless, and they know very well that if too Top Sect old Sect Master and these cabinet Old Ancestor die here today, then too Top Sect will need at least a thousand years to recover.

The two are pleading, but they dare not speak.

As a result, they didn’t know each other at all in Gu Qingfeng.

Secondly, I was really scared.

After thinking about it, I saw Old Monster Tang, Cang Kong and Xu Mu put their hearts together, brace oneself, knelt on the ground, and pleaded; “Tang Old Senior, Old Sect Master, they were confused for a while. You are thinking about our relationship between Top Sect and Yanluo Imperial Family for many years, don’t worry about them, Junior is here to give you a kowtow.”

Too Top Sect old Sect Master who was desperate and fearful. As if seeing a glimmer of survival, the Old Ancestors knelt on the ground desperately, hoping that Old Ancestor would come forward to help them intercede.

“Junior knows it was wrong, and don’t want Old Senior to be magnanimous.”

No one is afraid of death.

This is true for both the old Sect Master and those cabinets Old Ancestor. Cang Yun is more afraid of death. Regardless of his whole body pain, he got up and bowed his head.

“Take refuge in Xian Dynasty and deal with us together. Are you too Top Sect and still have the face to talk about friendship with our Yanluo Imperial Family?”

Old Monster Tang said with extreme contempt,” The old man also warned you before. You just didn’t listen. If you act recklessly, who can you blame?”

Old man knows that there is too Top Sect, although the old Sect Master and the old Ancestor cabinets are all There is the meaning of taking refuge in the immortal dynasty, but most people such as Cangkong and Xu Mu still support the Yanluo Imperial Family, and Yanluo Imperial Family and Top Sect have indeed had friendships for many years. In addition, he and Xuanze are even more connected. Old friend for many years, if he can, he really wants to help Top Sect too.

It’s just that he knows in his heart that if Gu Qingfeng insists on killing people like Top Sect, even if he intercedes, it will not help.

He was also quite puzzled, why Gu Qingfeng killed all the people who worked on the Four Great Families Six Great Sects of Xianchao, but left too Top Sect.

Is it difficult because of the friendship back then?

This should not be.

Old Monster Tang knows what kind of friendship Gu Qingfeng has with Top Sect not at all. If there is, it is also friendship with Xuanze.

Back then, Xuan Ze pointed Gu Qingfeng, would this kid look at Xuan Ze’s face, so he didn’t do anything?

Gu Qingfeng has always been value emotion, value friendship, and those who are kind to him are always in his heart.

I think this kid didn’t do anything with Top Sect, and it should be because of Xuan Ze.

Think of Xuan Ze.

Old Monster Tang couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. Since the last time Xuanze left the Bizhu Forest, he has never seen him again. Is this old fellow embarrassed that something went out?

This is also not right.

Old Monster Tang still clearly remembered that Xuanze’s exit this time was precisely because of the catastrophe of Too Top Sect. Now that he knew that too Top Sect had such a calamity, Xuanze was impossible to go out.

Too Top Sect’s catastrophe?


Old Monster Tang looked at Gu Qingfeng here, and looked at the Old Ancestor cabinets who were kneeling on the ground. Only then did he realize that the calamity of the original Top Sect turned out to be Gu Qingfeng.

This is simply. . .

On another thought, Old Monster Tang immediately speculated that Xuanze should know that the catastrophe of Too Top Sect was related to Gu Qingfeng and knew that it could not be stopped, so he did not come forward.

Thinking about this, Old Monster Tang immediately took out Divine Consciousness. When he wanted to come, even if Xuanze knew that he could not prevent the catastrophe of too Top Sect, he would definitely be in the vicinity today, just where he was investigating At that time, a person suddenly appeared in the field.

An Elderly with white beard and hair.

Elderly has a serious face, frowns, and looks extremely complicated.

It is Xuanze.

Xuan Ze is the highest achievement in the Sect Master of the Top Sect calendar, second only to the Ancestral Master of the Top Sect in terms of prestige and influence, and the expert of the Megatron world in Ancient Era , And have been To achieve the Dao and become Immortal as early as 5000 years. After becoming immortal, he abdicated to the virtuous, and has been in the Top Sect hidden culture. Whenever the Top Sect is in trouble, he will show up to help the Dao and become Immortal. Difficulty.

The old Sect Master who is too Top Sect and the cabinet Old Ancestor have always known about the existence of Xuanze, and they have all seen them. Not only have they seen, some Old Ancestors have also received Xuanze’s guidance.

At this moment, I saw Xuanze suddenly appear.

Too Top Sect’s old Sect Master and cabinet Old Ancestor were first surprised, and then happy, excited and excited.

“We are too Top Sect’s Xuanze Old Ancestor here.”

“Everyone bow down to Old Ancestor.”

Too Top Sect and some young disciplines, Even the current Sect Master Cangkong and Xu Mu have never seen Xuanze, and don’t even know that this Old Ancestor is still alive. However, for Xuanze’s Old Ancestor’s name, they definitely like thunder piercing the ear because it’s too Top Sect Many mysterious fairy art Magical Powers were created by Xuan Ze, and I know that this Old Ancestor has been a fairy for 5000 years.

I heard that this white haired old man is Xuanze Old Ancestor, Cang Kong, Xu Mu and other top Sect Elders did not dare to neglect, so they bowed down immediately.

“Xuanze Old Ancestor, please be fair for me. This ancient Demon is about to slaughter us too Top Sect.”

“Xuanze Old Ancestor, Please take action to kill this ancient Demon.”

The old Sect Master who was too Top Sect waited for the Old Ancestor in the cabinet to kneel down, and at the same time they were crying and asking Old Ancestor to kill Gu Qingfeng. Especially Vice Sect Master Cang Yun, hissing his lungs and crying, “Xuanze Old Ancestor, I am your great disciple and grandson Cangyun. This ancient Demon used despicable means to torture me and others, and even wanted to kill my wife. Top Sect, ask Xuanze Old Ancestor to kill this Demon and take revenge for me.”

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